STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread


Hit chest on a Monday...

I have shamed myself lol
any recommendations on good multivitamins? what are you guys using these days? im just finishing up a bottle of garden of life vitamin code - which was pretty good and not too expensive. i want to re-up with something new though
p28 peanut butter is ok. pets Pretty salty near the bottom of the jar though.

i wonder what the bread tastes like.
you dont need the jk

its pathetic right now, but hey that distinguishes the men an the boys in the gym

huh? #random

I've experienced the same thing with my lifting. Been doing it so long it has become a chore. I was definitely not built for the bodybuilding lifestyle.

So I decided last summer to go back to my old HS football workouts\diet. I was in the best shape of my life back than, and I actually enjoyed working out. Instead of hitting the treadmill, I run stadiums and do various speed\agility drills. Instead of spending hours in the gym doing isolation movements, I've gone back to the bare bones football lifts. My chest workouts are bench and incline bench....that's it. An hour is all the time I need in the gym 4x a week, the rest of my time is spent either doing drills or playing soccer or basketball.

The switch added some needed variety and spice to my workouts. Maybe its just the nostalgia speaking, but I doubt I'll go back to the lifting for aesthetics lifestyle. I prefer the lifting for athleticism style

man this sounds dope... like I said earlier man I really enjoyed playing soccer; need to check up on an indoor league.

I agree about not really doing it for aesthetics, other than my abs---I work out to make sure I'm good health.
I ordered p28 bread over the weekend. I should get it this week. If anyone is interested I can put up a review after a finish the 1st loaf.

ya bro let me know.

p28 peanut butter is ok. pets Pretty salty near the bottom of the jar though.

i wonder what the bread tastes like.

i've been eating it for about a few weeks now...the slices in the loaf are def bigger compared to your local dempsters sliced bread as an example...each slice is approx 14g of protein

the bread def has a taste to it...i would say its a bit sweet...def alters the taste of sandwiches...i use it to make grilled chicken garden vegetable and unless i toast the bread just right, that sweetness is still there...the size of the slices i prefer over reg slice bread since making peanut butter and banana sandwiches i finally have the perfect portion size to use as a snack

obviously this is just my personal displeasure, but i might have made it out to be worse that it really is

not sure what other aspects y'all what feedback on, but ask away
Just noticed that my Jesus is off my cross now...

Had to happen on bench yesterday..


Someone has a nice little gold piece.

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Nothing better than feeling that cold steel in your hands to start your morning! Let's get it team fit!!!
today is back and shoulders today.
i siwtch up my muscle groups weekly except monday and saturdays are chest days. how bout yall?
i've been eating it for about a few weeks now...the slices in the loaf are def bigger compared to your local dempsters sliced bread as an example...each slice is approx 14g of protein

the bread def has a taste to it...i would say its a bit sweet...def alters the taste of sandwiches...i use it to make grilled chicken garden vegetable and unless i toast the bread just right, that sweetness is still there...the size of the slices i prefer over reg slice bread since making peanut butter and banana sandwiches i finally have the perfect portion size to use as a snack

obviously this is just my personal displeasure, but i might have made it out to be worse that it really is

not sure what other aspects y'all what feedback on, but ask away

would you buy it again? And just to be clear---you are saying you'd only recommend to eat it toasted, correct?
What's a good relatively healthy pizza recipe? Have a huge craving, but don't want to cheat at the same time.
What's a good relatively healthy pizza recipe? Have a huge craving, but don't want to cheat at the same time.

IMO "healthy pizzas" aren't too bad in comparison to some of the other healthy alternative recipes out there.

I used whole wheat pizza dough, marinara, fat free cheese, I grill up some chicken breast covered in italian seasoning, throw some red onions and bell peppers chopped real thin and its :pimp:
Use a Portabella mushroom cap.

Gut it - put some tomatoe sauce in it.

And whatever else ingredients.

I just use Italian seasoning and a little bit of cheese to top it.

Bake and wallllaaaa.
What's a good relatively healthy pizza recipe? Have a huge craving, but don't want to cheat at the same time.
get a tortilla + throw some pizza sauce on it + throw some shredded cheese on it + bake in the oven = money and no where near the damage of real pizza 

i haven't made it in a while, but i use to throw chicken on there too. It's actually pretty good.
Use a Portabella mushroom cap.

Gut it - put some tomatoe sauce in it.

And whatever else ingredients.

I just use Italian seasoning and a little bit of cheese to top it.

Bake and wallllaaaa.

If i liked mushrooms i'd be all over this!!! It sounds really good.
Idk if I'm burned out or I really just don't like it anymore..but...I think I might be over lifting. Like, ever since I got back into hooping I've been realizing how much I actually dislike lifting weights and how I actually don't even find a point in being big. Being in shape is one thing, being swole just for the sack of being swole is another. I def think I need a break. Because as of now..I hate it lol. It'd be harder to stop going just because it's pure habit and become a part of my life but lately I've been taking more and more days off and I actually don't get that itch when I'm not there anymore. I really think I might be over it. Idk.
lifting weights and hoopin at the same time is good/bad depending on your playstyle and position imo.

for example if you are a player that depends more on spin moves,agility,speed and technique lifting weights gonna affect badly your perfomance since you ll become slower and less agile.Lifting weights affects your shooting as well , for me at least the next day after i lift i need to shoot at least 40-50 times in order to have a good FG% , ball either needs slightly more power to get the bucket or slightly less power lol.

on the other hand lifting weights makes you very powerfull and helps a lot if u play as an SF/PF that doesnt rely on technique and likes to post up/grab rebounds/screen and shot 3points , as an example of myself i have seen a lot of difference i am 1.86 100kg with around 8% bodyfat and i can easily post up people heavier and taller than me , guard em when they post me up and forcing them to pass the ball away.

if you are bored of lifting its nice to do exercises to imrpve your vertical at the gym ( thats what i should do at least lol ) , exercises for it arent boring and it makes such a difference in basketball 
I know I'm a page late to the conversation, and most hate the CF talk, but switching to it took the mundane and boredom out of lifting weights.

It became competitive with people I lift with everyday, pushed the bar higher in terms of the goals I had set. Started programming my own WOD's and also teaching movements, workouts and nutrition to people that were new.

I still do some bodybuilding type workouts and accessory work on the side, but I've found my post sports niche in CF.

Not going back to a regular ol' gym ever again.
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