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Went to the gym on Thanksgiving to do some cardio

This was 1 of the 2 meals that I ate. I didn't eat the traditional Thanksgiving meal. To be honest I didn't have a taste for turkey, mac n cheese, stuffing, etc.


You must be confused, bulk is merely eating over maintenance. Going on a clean bulk is what will limit the fat increase, unlike eating pizza, sweets, fast food and other **** like that, which is what I think your confused about.
This man knows. Black Friday deals are terrible. :smh:

I was hoping to come up on some whey. Black Friday deals are terrible. :smh:
I was hoping to come up on some whey.

lulz non existant.

i hear here are sites with etter deals, only reason I rock with BB is because they ship from Tally Fl andI`m in Atlanta so if I order before 5pm I always get my stuff next day.
BB sucks when it comes to deals and pricing

i told yall about vitacost plus with my link you save $10. $5 off the item and shipping which is $5
Thats not a bulk.

You must be confused, bulk is merely eating over maintenance. Going on a clean bulk is what will limit the fat increase, unlike eating pizza, sweets, fast food and other **** like that, which is what I think your confused about.

No no, im not confused.

If youre only eating 300 calories above maintenance then youre not bulking. Thats not enough to be considered bulking.

What formula are you using to determine your maintence number? Are you measuring and cooking everything yourself? Do you know how many calories you expend lifting weights? Without knowing all of this info, 300 calories wont "bulk" you up.

Bulking/cuttting is just a niche term used by bodybuilders that somehow found its way into the lexicon of the exercise community. Youre simply exercising.
300 calories over maintenance is definitely enough for a bulk and is the ideal amount IMO BUT it all varies on each individual's body. Some people(ectomorphs and some mesomorphs) will need to eat all day to reach their surplus.
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No no, im not confused.
If youre only eating 300 calories above maintenance then youre not bulking. Thats not enough to be considered bulking.
What formula are you using to determine your maintence number? Are you measuring and cooking everything yourself? Do you know how many calories you expend lifting weights? Without knowing all of this info, 300 calories wont "bulk" you up.
Bulking/cuttting is just a niche term used by bodybuilders that somehow found its way into the lexicon of the exercise community. Youre simply exercising.
lol just shut up.

300 is plenty to bulk with my body type I can gain easily with that little of an increase. 

I am measuring and weighing everything I eat, it's called a digital food scale. I know how many calories I burn in a day with my exercise level. Why would I just pick 300 out of the air without knowing this info? Its a niche term? Those 2 words are used by everyone in the "exercising" community. Why you trying so hard to sound like you know more and i'm doing something wrong? You seem upset about something and I don't know what it is but maybe you should go "exercise" and relieve some stress bro bro. 
How do you guys approach bulking/cutting? Bulk in the cooler months and cut during the warmer months?

I'm bulking right now and I planned on starting to cut around springtime. But I've recently started to become a little uncomfortable with my weight. Gut is starting to show :lol: Should I just start cutting now? And then repeat?

Help is appreciated. 8)
about to go to the gym and get some cardio in fasted
I got a long way to go but progress is there
first pic is July 31 2nd pic 11/22 today's like I am the reverse of this, i was like the pic on the right now I'm back at the pic on the left :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh:
AI nutrition has everything 50% off with code BLKFRI

I bought 2 of their pumpkin pie protein for 15 a pop, Im made it didnt say how big the containers were but at 160 cal and 30g of protein per serving, thought it would be good to have, lol I got about 6 tubs of diff proteins now.'s like I am the reverse of this, i was like the pic on the right now I'm back at the pic on the left :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh:

lol I think I`m turning into a bodybuilding nut, like all I think about is the gym and trying diff products and stuff, and then looking at fitness sits and you tubes lol, just keep fighting bro, I swear when I get to the size I want to be I`m never wearing a tshirt. lol I`m tryna get to where I can fit high end euro brands
How do you guys approach bulking/cutting? Bulk in the cooler months and cut during the warmer months?
I'm bulking right now and I planned on starting to cut around springtime. But I've recently started to become a little uncomfortable with my weight. Gut is starting to show
Should I just start cutting now? And then repeat?
Help is appreciated.
Yes start cutting 

It doesn't have to be a drastic cut, but I wouldn't want to go over 15% bodyfat while bulking. Or just throw some cardio in, that will help a lot with gaining fat.
lol I think I`m turning into a bodybuilding nut, like all I think about is the gym and trying diff products and stuff, and then looking at fitness sits and you tubes lol, just keep fighting bro, I swear when I get to the size I want to be I`m never wearing a tshirt. lol I`m tryna get to where I can fit high end euro brands

yea i'm tryna get to that stage cause it's like once you a certain weight all the good clothing is for small people

but that gave me some motivation to get back on it

random question but you don't happen to remember a site that was posted in here that helped you pick out different healthy food items do you? :nerd:
Woke up hardly being able to walk because my groin. Major set back. What sha'll I do fellas?
Is it swelled up?

All you can do is rest and ice every 4hrs.

Bandage it up to keep it from swelling.

Take some advil for the pain.
yea i'm tryna get to that stage cause it's like once you a certain weight all the good clothing is for small people
but that gave me some motivation to get back on it
random question but you don't happen to remember a site that was posted in here that helped you pick out different healthy food items do you? :nerd:

yea bro, lol I mean the health benefits are fine, but I`m doing this because I didnt like how my body looked, and I`m tryna ,look like like a damn RL Model, and once you get to the ideal size you can literally eat any damn thing because your workouts off set everything. Even then though I think 1 bad meal a day if good for everyone because you dont want to be eating fried crap every day, I say limit the crappy food if any to if you're going out /holidays / cheat meal, and even then I usually advise fast for the entire day until its time for that meal.

As for meals I jut stick to steak, turkey, chicken, and veggies.
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