STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

lookin good :pimp:
Finally got under 230 after ******g around for 2 months :smh: ..this guy cinco over here losing 100+ lbs and ive barely lost 35 :smh:

120 to be exact :smile:

Here's me at 267 January 19th... i'm pissed I can't find pics I took day one at 288 :smh: :smh:

Here's me today

If I tighten up, I can see dat ab line :wow: :wow:

Turning it up yet another level upon seeing that :lol: :smokin

Excellent job bruh!
Great stuff guys. Love this thread

Did legs yesterday. Squatted 295 which is good for me. Can't walk today though lol.

My tip of the day. Roll your back out on a foam roller before squatting. I am sure people do this but it works wonders. Just 5-10 mins on the foam roller and on those last couple reps when my form starts to get shaky I don't hurt my back. I don't squat with a belt either or wraps or knee wraps.

I thank god i have good genetics. And ive played soccer my whole life so my calves are naturally bigger pics
Hey guys, been lurking this thread for a while for tips and success stories. Felt that this is a good time to show some of my results.
You guys keep me motivated.

Started at 240 lbs on the left and currently at 187 lbs on the right.
Started the year off doing p90x2 then literally went to the gym every single day.
An hour of cardio and an hour of heavy lifting.
Cut out on the fast food, sodas, high sugar and fatty foods and just been more selective on what i eat.
Hope everyone is fighting through the cold. It's tough going to the gym when it's cold out.
Great job bro. 

These last few pounds are all I have left and I cant wait to get them off.
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Hey guys, been lurking this thread for a while for tips and success stories. Felt that this is a good time to show some of my results.
You guys keep me motivated.

Started at 240 lbs on the left and currently at 187 lbs on the right.
Started the year off doing p90x2 then literally went to the gym every single day.
An hour of cardio and an hour of heavy lifting.
Cut out on the fast food, sodas, high sugar and fatty foods and just been more selective on what i eat.
Hope everyone is fighting through the cold. It's tough going to the gym when it's cold out.

Good job, homie :pimp:


Went to the gym today and went super ham.

My lats are killed, I can't turn my torso without feeling the soreness. Had to take a 2-3 minute break in my routine since my biceps were sore to the point I wanted to just end it early but I stuck it out.

Also, for deadlifts, I'm probably going to use Over-Under grip but I notice it seems to make lifting easier than an Over-Over grip. Maybe because the bar doesn't feel like it's slipping from your hands.

I'm going to make pushups, pullups, and dips a staple every workout session from now on too, I think.

Keep up the good work, fambs :pimp:
It's finally getting cold in Pittsburgh, had the first snow of the season last night/this morning and it's got me excited...I always do my best gym work when it's cold and bitter outside. I really don't know why though..

Anyway, I found a alternate gym that I'm looking to sign up at. I'm still going to go to LA Fitness for my regular lifting but this gym is more of a gym aimed toward functional strength. Kettlebell workouts, sled pushing, Heavy rope training, ect. It's more of a cardio workout environment so I'm going to try that out for the winter months since I won't be playing ball as much.

Push on gentlemen.
Anyone do the All Pro's Routine from the bodybuilding forums?

I've done this for 8 weeks and although my endurance has gone up alot, I haven't seen physical results (or maybe I just can't tell, I've gained 8 pounds but look exactly the same :lol:). Is it because I'm using lower weights than what I'm used to, and that I will start seeing results when I go past my previous weights?

For example, before I started the program, I was curling 40 pounds, 6 reps x 3 sets. When I started the program, I had to drop down to 30 pounds cause I would get tired from the workload. So should I start seeing results once I go past 40 and start doing 45?
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Anyone do the All Pro's Routine from the bodybuilding forums?
I've done this for 8 weeks and although my endurance has gone up alot, I haven't seen physical results (or maybe I just can't tell, I've gained 8 pounds but look exactly the same :lol:). Is it because I'm using lower weights than what I'm used to, and that I will start seeing results when I go past my previous weights?
For example, before I started the program, I was curling 40 pounds, 6 reps x 3 sets. When I started the program, I had to drop down to 30 pounds cause I would get tired from the workload. So should I start seeing results once I go past 40 and start doing 45?

I've tried one of All-Pro's workouts for about 6 weeks. I got stronger, body didn't change much. It taxed my CNS like crazy tho. I was more fatigued than anything so I stopped it and then went over to Max OT training.
Yes, it is a niche term and it may be used by everyone in the "bro community" which you seem to be a part of but its not a widely used term in the fitness industry outside of bodybuilders. Did I ever say you were doing something wrong? All ive ever said is that it didnt make sense for you to want to decrease caloric intake only to subsequently increase it. I'm not upset about anything, I just dont get the rationale. Why not just lift heavy weights now and use the extra mass to your advantage?

Just out of curiosity, how many calories do you expend lifting weights?
Well i'm actually not one of those bro meatheads you see at every gym but that's beside that point.

I use all my "mass" to my advantage, I just want to get all the excess fat off of me then replace it with muscle, simple as that.

I don't know how many calories I burn just lifting weights alone, but what I burn in a day is around 3k including cardio and everything else, I dont sit on my *** much during the day.

But instead of losing weight (which will decrease strength) and then trying to replace it with muscle, why not use the added body mass to your advantage? The more mass you have the more force you can produce and thus move heavier weights providing a larger overload stimulus to the muscle.
But instead of losing weight (which will decrease strength) and then trying to replace it with muscle, why not use the added body mass to your advantage? The more mass you have the more force you can produce and thus move heavier weights providing a larger overload stimulus to the muscle.
I haven't lost any strength, my lifts are going up. I'm more concerned with how I look in the mirror vs how much weight i'm lifting. 
Just mixed a sample of Vanilla whey with a cup of unsweetened Silk Almond Milk....taste is GREAT wow if does something for cyber monday I might buy some for the heck of it. lol prob not though got a lot of protein already but theirs is dirt cheap
I was feeling good from the gym earlier but now...I feel like I may have pulled something in my lower back.

I'm guessing it happened during deadlifts...I usually look forward to keep my back straight but when I was lowering the weight, I remember that I looked down...

I only feel it when I lean forward far enough, and it's only a dull pain. I can function with it but I'd rather no pain at all.

I'm going to sleep soon and I'll see how it feels in the morning. If I wake up and it feels the same, any tips for recovery?
I was feeling good from the gym earlier but now...I feel like I may have pulled something in my lower back.
I'm guessing it happened during deadlifts...I usually look forward to keep my back straight but when I was lowering the weight, I remember that I looked down...
I only feel it when I lean forward far enough, and it's only a dull pain. I can function with it but I'd rather no pain at all.
I'm going to sleep soon and I'll see how it feels in the morning. If I wake up and it feels the same, any tips for recovery?
For recovery? Get it looked at by a doctor. Back problems are no joke, that's one thing that you don't want to apply stress to when it is not fully healed. 

You're going to have to strengthen you're entire core. Try russian twists, roman chairs, and landmines. Hope it feels better fam!
I was feeling good from the gym earlier but now...I feel like I may have pulled something in my lower back.

I'm guessing it happened during deadlifts...I usually look forward to keep my back straight but when I was lowering the weight, I remember that I looked down...

I only feel it when I lean forward far enough, and it's only a dull pain. I can function with it but I'd rather no pain at all.

I'm going to sleep soon and I'll see how it feels in the morning. If I wake up and it feels the same, any tips for recovery?
For recovery? Get it looked at by a doctor. Back problems are no joke, that's one thing that you don't want to apply stress to when it is not fully healed. 

You're going to have to strengthen you're entire core. Try russian twists, roman chairs, and landmines. Hope it feels better fam!

Damn...I was hoping to avoid the doctor. I'm going to get some rest and see how it feels in the morning. If it still hurts, I'll schedule an appointment with a sports doctor.

I already do multiple sets of Romain Chairs twice a week.


Woke up...lower back no longer hurt but it was tight. What type of doctor should I be looking for with this specific issue?
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Damn...I was hoping to avoid the doctor. I'm going to get some rest and see how it feels in the morning. If it still hurts, I'll schedule an appointment with a sports doctor.
I already do multiple sets of Romain Chairs twice a week.
Woke up...lower back no longer hurt but it was tight. What type of doctor should I be looking for with this specific issue?
A sports medicine doctor would be ideal. Maybe even a rehab clinic. 

I would go to the chiropractor first. Tell em what happened and maybe they can loosen it up a bit. 
Damn...I was hoping to avoid the doctor. I'm going to get some rest and see how it feels in the morning. If it still hurts, I'll schedule an appointment with a sports doctor.

I already do multiple sets of Romain Chairs twice a week.


Woke up...lower back no longer hurt but it was tight. What type of doctor should I be looking for with this specific issue?
A sports medicine doctor would be ideal. Maybe even a rehab clinic. 

I would go to the chiropractor first. Tell em what happened and maybe they can loosen it up a bit. 

I'd try the chiro first and avoid a medical doctor if possible, the chiro will probably adjust it to make sure the problem isn't in your hips and then do some therapy on it. A doctor will prescribe some ibuprofen and tell you to take a couple weeks off.

I recommend spending a lot of time with a heating pad, ice pack and stretching man, it sounds like a strain but nothing major
Ah okay. Before the answers were posted, I was looking up Physical Therapy places. I'm going to look some Chiros now. As for a heating pad, where could I get one? I was just going to get a few Icy-Hot pads.

Thanks for the answers.
Well I only worked out a total of 4 times in the last two weeks. Was feeling burnt out the week before thanksgiving and then I got a little side tracked with the holiday. Gonna go for a run tonight and back at it tomorrow at the gym! After seeing cinco in his before and after I'm even more motivated than before. Losing 62 pounds so far has been great but I've still got more to go! Gotta finish the year strong!! Any tips on getting off of this plateau? Haven't really lost an weight but I'm not gaining any either. I am def starting to gain muscle though which is great! I finally have a decent sized bicep!
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I had the worst feeling shoulder workout yesterday.

didnt get hurt or anything i just felt disappointed w my sets and reps.

guess one of the bodybuilder cats saw it in me and asked what was up.

i told him that i didint feel this diappointed in a workout in a very long time.

old man told me, "liten man we run into bad workouts sometimes. Jus remember you got the next workout. god bless u"

I have my circuit/conditioning session that i run on sundays. gonna try to maximize the workout.

my friends i train are gonna either love it or puke

train hard bretheren!
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