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Is it swelled up?
All you can do is rest and ice every 4hrs.
Bandage it up to keep it from swelling.
Take some advil for the pain.
Super swelled up. Thanks.

are you really going to sign of on every post with 'iLLest'?
No no, im not confused.

If youre only eating 300 calories above maintenance then youre not bulking. Thats not enough to be considered bulking.

What formula are you using to determine your maintence number? Are you measuring and cooking everything yourself? Do you know how many calories you expend lifting weights? Without knowing all of this info, 300 calories wont "bulk" you up.

Bulking/cuttting is just a niche term used by bodybuilders that somehow found its way into the lexicon of the exercise community. Youre simply exercising.
lol just shut up.

300 is plenty to bulk with my body type I can gain easily with that little of an increase. 

I am measuring and weighing everything I eat, it's called a digital food scale. I know how many calories I burn in a day with my exercise level. Why would I just pick 300 out of the air without knowing this info? Its a niche term? Those 2 words are used by everyone in the "exercising" community. Why you trying so hard to sound like you know more and i'm doing something wrong? You seem upset about something and I don't know what it is but maybe you should go "exercise" and relieve some stress bro bro. 

Yes, it is a niche term and it may be used by everyone in the "bro community" which you seem to be a part of but its not a widely used term in the fitness industry outside of bodybuilders. Did I ever say you were doing something wrong? All ive ever said is that it didnt make sense for you to want to decrease caloric intake only to subsequently increase it. I'm not upset about anything, I just dont get the rationale. Why not just lift heavy weights now and use the extra mass to your advantage?

Just out of curiosity, how many calories do you expend lifting weights?
Trying to get my Body Fat under 15 by April. I'm at 19 right now and when I started was over 32%.
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Pic from where I'm at. Taken day before got hurt yesterday. Pic doesn't do too much justice. But feeling real healthy.

Please don't be one of those dudes to comment on my legs. I DO workout my legs, but my CALVES I have always had a problem with. :rolleyes

Height and weight?
Banged my leg on a bed post yesterday, and its pretty sensitive. I can move it but I gotta be very careful. It got better over the night but still kinda bruised.

What should I do? Keep icing twice a day or what?
lookin good :pimp:
Finally got under 230 after ******g around for 2 months :smh: ..this guy cinco over here losing 100+ lbs and ive barely lost 35 :smh:

120 to be exact :smile:

Here's me at 267 January 19th... i'm pissed I can't find pics I took day one at 288 :smh: :smh:

Here's me today

If I tighten up, I can see dat ab line :wow: :wow:

Turning it up yet another level upon seeing that :lol: :smokin
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yea bro, lol I mean the health benefits are fine, but I`m doing this because I didnt like how my body looked, and I`m tryna ,look like like a damn RL Model, and once you get to the ideal size you can literally eat any damn thing because your workouts off set everything. Even then though I think 1 bad meal a day if good for everyone because you dont want to be eating fried crap every day, I say limit the crappy food if any to if you're going out /holidays / cheat meal, and even then I usually advise fast for the entire day until its time for that meal.
As for meals I jut stick to steak, turkey, chicken, and veggies.

Ight, good looking.
Please don't be one of those dudes to comment on my legs. I DO workout my legs, but my CALVES I have always had a problem with. :rolleyes

Man it's the same with me. People always think I have chicken legs when I'm wearing shorts, even though I have huge quads for my size/weight. I did cross country+track and field in HS and have been blasting my calves with sprints/calf raises for the past few years, and they're still pretty much the same size :smh:
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I think most people with big calves have genetics on their side. My parents passed down really good body building genetics down to me and my lil bro. Thick ,muscular legs, broad shoulders, wide back, etc. We put on muscle really fast. Only problem is being short(5'7). :frown: I haaaaaate leg day tho. :x

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Ever since I quit boxing, I put on 10 lbs :lol:. I was running again for a month, but then I got runner's knee and had to wait 2 months for it to heal fully.
Yes, it is a niche term and it may be used by everyone in the "bro community" which you seem to be a part of but its not a widely used term in the fitness industry outside of bodybuilders. Did I ever say you were doing something wrong? All ive ever said is that it didnt make sense for you to want to decrease caloric intake only to subsequently increase it. I'm not upset about anything, I just dont get the rationale. Why not just lift heavy weights now and use the extra mass to your advantage?
Just out of curiosity, how many calories do you expend lifting weights?
Well i'm actually not one of those bro meatheads you see at every gym but that's beside that point.

I use all my "mass" to my advantage, I just want to get all the excess fat off of me then replace it with muscle, simple as that.

I don't know how many calories I burn just lifting weights alone, but what I burn in a day is around 3k including cardio and everything else, I dont sit on my *** much during the day.
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I went ham on Thanksgiving, I ate anywhere from 3500-4000 calories and I'm not even mad :lol:. Had some apple pie and all that.

Time to get back on the diet though. Going extra hard in the gym today to burn some of the excess calories I took in.

As for calves, do you guys do calf presses/raises? My calves aren't fully tight but they've definitely gotten bigger from when I first started lifting. Strong calves also help prevent shin splints for the runners/cardio enthusiasts.
Hey guys, been lurking this thread for a while for tips and success stories. Felt that this is a good time to show some of my results.
You guys keep me motivated.

Started at 240 lbs on the left and currently at 187 lbs on the right.
Started the year off doing p90x2 then literally went to the gym every single day.
An hour of cardio and an hour of heavy lifting.
Cut out on the fast food, sodas, high sugar and fatty foods and just been more selective on what i eat.
Hope everyone is fighting through the cold. It's tough going to the gym when it's cold out.
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