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you can always get on the juice and hit 315 in a matter of weeks .... :lol:
but for real going from 225 to 315 is really hard. but with hard work and dedication in time you will get there.
LOL yea I'm good on the juicing. But all truly setting goals for me keeps me in the gym. I used to go jus go jus to go then when I was bored i would stop then go a few months later. It was a cycle that I hated
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Crossfitter Kevin Ogar severed his spine during the OC throw down while performing a snatch.....terrible news made worst by the fact that hes uninsured

Man what?

Severed spine?

I mean there's injuries but then there's that :smh:

Feelings on crossfit aside, that's just horrible for that to happen to anybody
so i set some personal goals for myself to hit by April. im currently maxing out on flat bench at 225x3. im setting my goal for 315.
also on squats, im maxing at 275x4. im setting my goal at 365...

hopefully hit those 2 goals by end of april then i want to cut in May. i currently weigh in at 228, im 5'8".
i eat pretty clean for the most part with a cheat meal on sunday. i dont take any supplements right now. looking into start taking some form of protien tho

i have been lookin at the muscle pharm products. any one take or have taken muscle pharm prodcuts?
On the bench, I'd say 275-285 is a much more reasonable goal. Squat I'd say more in the 335 range.

From what i heard, it was a 3RM touch and go snatch. Stupid. (i'm a crossfitter).

Ya touch and go snatch does not sounds like a good combination.

That said - I can see the appeal of Crossfit even with the injury risk. I mean I do plenty of things with an increased injury risk because I dig the adrenaline boost/competitive aspect. It's the same thing for crossfitters.
so i started eating tuna regularly now and ive notice that my pee smell just like tuna, is that normal
or am i doing it wrong lol
Those look like those lighter plastic weights but still.
Injuries can happen anytime....perhaps football is one of the dumbest things ever too because of how prone to all sorts of injury players are prone to regardless how much protection they wear :rolleyes

Bottom line it was just idiotic programming, 3 touch and go snatches at 285lbs I believe is just ridiculous, specially after running a couple of miles which is the way the WOD was set up....smh.

Dude was solid, the routine was just stupid.

Hope he can salvage some of his life, poor man.
Look at homies left kneecap, looks like its doing the harlem shake….

I don't care what its called, anything like that is stupid. 

Because that's an actual Crossfit excersise?...obviously dudes either have no clue what they are doing or just trolling...
Look at homies left kneecap, looks like its doing the harlem shake….

I don't care what its called, anything like that is stupid. 
Correct. Your so prone to injury doing that non sense. Its not a test of endurance... its self harm and thats not cool. Way safer ways to get in shape. Your pretty much trolling your body
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Im not sure how this video shows any kind of a scientific approach but I'll make sure I check out some more of his videos.

The way I was taught is protein metabolism works on about a 3 hour schedule after that any protein not used for building is stored as fat. Using that it makes sense to eat every 3-4 hours in order to better burn the calories and not end up with fat being stored unnecessarily.
Maybe @Durden7
 can chime in on this. I was under the impression fat only gets stored if you eat in too much of a surplus.

Protein itself cant be stored by the body. There is no storage form of protein. However, the nitrogen can be extracted the the rest of the amino acid can be converted/stored or used as energy. Its a crazy complex process.

Too many of any nutrient eventually winds up as fat.

Because that's an actual Crossfit excersise?...obviously dudes either have no clue what they are doing or just trolling...
Have you seen the way you guys think pull ups look like?

Im not going to argue with you about it though, prayers sent for him and his family.

Im not a big fan of crossfit personally, but I will admit that kipping pull ups arent as easy as they seem. They may be more "efficient" but they're not easy. Its certainly a skill.

Look at homies left kneecap, looks like its doing the harlem shake….

I don't care what its called, anything like that is stupid. 
Correct. Your so prone to injury doing that non sense. Its not a test of endurance... its self harm and thats not cool. Way safer ways to get in shape. Only ignats do it

There are just as many "ignants" in your recreational gym as youll find in a Crossfit box. Actually, there are probably more. Way safer ways to get in shape like people who try and bench press too much weight with terrible shoulder and back mechanics, or the safer way of getting in shape by trying to squat or deadlift with no instruction.

Injury prone people will be injury prone no matter what they do. Stupid people will be stupid no matter what form of exercise they do.
Protein itself cant be stored by the body. There is no storage form of protein. However, the nitrogen can be extracted the the rest of the amino acid can be converted/stored or used as energy. Its a crazy complex process.

Too many of any nutrient eventually winds up as fat.
Im not a big fan of crossfit personally, but I will admit that kipping pull ups arent as easy as they seem. They may be more "efficient" but they're not easy. Its certainly a skill.
There are just as many "ignants" in your recreational gym as youll find in a Crossfit box. Actually, there are probably more. Way safer ways to get in shape like people who try and bench press too much weight with terrible shoulder and back mechanics, or the safer way of getting in shape by trying to squat or deadlift with no instruction.

Injury prone people will be injury prone no matter what they do. Stupid people will be stupid no matter what form of exercise they do.


land a box with good coaches and there will be little to no injury, instead you'll pick up knowledge and proper form from PROS or educated opposed to followin bro science and glorified youtubers and attempting to do things on your own at a gym with absolute HORRIBLE form....I've been to a gym and I've seen the foolishness that goes on in there...dudes misusing machines, terrible mechanics, lifting way more than they should, etc...for every trolling stupid gif you post about Crossfit I can post 5 gifs/vids of dudes at a gym doin even more dumb ****.

Nobody involved in any physical activity is immune to an injury.

As far as kipping pull-ups is concern, they are just a different excersice, no one is trying to pass them off as strict pull-ups, there is times we do strict and then there is times we kip, depending on the workout.
defend it as much as you want. The risks aint worth the reward.

Because you said so?... :rofl:

I've been doing it steady for over a year now, never witnessed an injury other than ripped what risks?....

I've seen dudes put themselves more at risk at the gym doing deadlifts with a complete arched back and no one telling them is wrong :rofl:
Yeah going past parallel is plenty good. Just because you can do it doesn't mean you should lol I was taught your knees shouldn't be over your toes….. but everyone is different.

Not many of your average gym bros can ATG really heavy weight anyways.
Dude, what? I'm curious as to why you think an athlete capable of ATG squats shouldn't be doing them.

Yea true, then again, most average gym goes don't practice a proper full ROM squat either.

That 3 plate squat with 1/4 rom ftl :x

The thing with crossfit is that you can get certified as a coach or whatever relatively easy. You can blame people all you want, but he's the thing with crossfit. Crossfit functions on non progressive workouts, or just exercises, and a community mentality. So what happens when you're exhausted and both your coach and everyone around you is encouraging you to keep going even if you can't? You get injured. I read that some people have this sense of pride when they get injured. That's foreign and stupid to me. We can't also forget that people will put their trust onto someone that they deem knowledgeable of anything, or being good looking, so then you have these people trusting coaches that aren't fit to do said job. I'm not saying all crossfit gyms are like this because that's false, but it seems that the bad gyms outnumber the few good ones out there.

This doesn't have anything to do with what happened to that athlete though, Olympic lifters get injured too, just like that one dude that dropped his snatch on his head at the Olympics. It was a freak accident and he should have known better. 3 touch snatches Jesus :smh:
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