STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

anyone ever try a spin cycle class? I walked in with the swag thinking it was going to be a piece of cake, but yo that **** is no joke and had my heart rate going through the roof 
It's now been 4 weeks of serious weight training, and I'm starting to see little changes.

p90x and insanity help to lay the ground work, but I'm in love with weight training now!
Another case of carbophobe. If you don't eat over maintenance level it wont get stored as fat. Listen to your body. Heres a great article on carbohydrates.
"When carbohydrates are restricted completely, the body still has a small requirement for glucose, and the body has to find something to make glucose out of. That something is lactate and pyruvate (produced from glucose metabolism), glycerol (from fat metabolism) and some amino acids. It’s the amino acid use thats the problem since they have to come from somewhere".
I personally match my protein and carb intake gram for gram, which is about 180 a day. Again, listen to YOUR body!!!

You're right about all that but matching your protein and carb intake? 180 grams? How many cals are you taking in per day? Are you bulking? That's A LOT of carbs
Did it once and nearly tapped out after the 1st five minutes.

I was the same way and only went to spin class because of my girlfriend. I only finished to prove to her I could do it. If the music is good in the class it makes some of the pain go away.
^ smh :smh: bread is my weakness. If only...

Chest day today. Goal is to get a few more reps out of 225 on the flat bench.

I love wheat bread too.

Hmmmmm maybe I'll give up bread for this cutting cycle

(SMH i was making my healthy dijon chicken salad for sangwichses too)
Do y'all still go to the gym on Friday, knowing you might/you will drink later on at night?

Some people told me it's pointless. I understand my protein synthesis isn't maximized due to the alcohol but I like to do it anyway cuz 1) it's my schedule. I just cannot get myself to not go 2) I like to build on my strength anyway

What's your take on this?

^ Tomorrow is my birthday and I plan on drinking after the gym. Just make sure you get plenty of nutrients in your system and give yourself plenty of recover time before you go out and drink.

Good looks man.

Any other tips? Also, I know I'll be eating terrible today. I suppose it's ok since I've been eating clean for the last month. Maybe the cheat meal will boost my metabolism.
^what's up with your metabolism? how often are you eating and what are the portion sizes?

I eat every two hours and only really eat a big, complete, MEAL before and after work.


Making good progress. Now I'm gonna pump up the cardio and get really cut.
SMH started yesterday been craving sugar like crazy since i quit coffee, finally ate some candy and cookies for the first time in months. SMH x1000
You guys cutting, do you do cardio right after lifting? I've been lifting, then hop on the treadmill and do 25-30 minutes of Sprint/jog 30 secs each.
^ that's good to stay in shape but if you are also trying to gain mass that might be a little counter productive.
You're right about all that but matching your protein and carb intake? 180 grams? How many cals are you taking in per day? Are you bulking? That's A LOT of carbs

Not bulking. I run anywhere between 4-8 miles in the morning, and do about 1-2 hours of weight training in between work and school in the afternoon. I usually climb all day saturday as well. I've gone through dozens of different diets to match my workouts and the one im on now works the best for me.
The day after the drinking is the worse for me because when I drink, I drink. The next day is pretty bad. 1% chance I am making it to the gym and I usually end up eating junk.
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The day after the drinking is the worse for me because when I drink, I drink. The next day is pretty bad. 1% chance I am making it to the gym and I usually end up eating junk.

X 10000

any info on shoulder injuries? good warm ups, stretches, how to avoid them ect.

hurt mine about 3 weeks ago. tried to work through the pain or go lighter for the first 2 weeks but realized i was probly making it worse. took this whole week off and its killing me. eating/feeling/looking like ****. help?
Diets been garbage lately...feel like I say that every time I post in this thread :lol:

Starting a juice cleanse today. Last summer i did 6 weeks, this time my goal is to make it 2...will still be taking protein powder post w/o and chicken breasts every so often.
i think juice cleanses are a joke. you're just drinking sugar water for your meals.

for those who still want bread, look into  for some low carb bread. i eat the almond meal bread sometimes and its not bad.
i think juice cleanses are a joke. you're just drinking sugar water for your meals.

for those who still want bread, look into for some low carb bread. i eat the almond meal bread sometimes and its not bad.

Not store bought juice. I've got a juicer and get kale, celery, carrots, apples, etc. Mostly fruits in the morning, then veggies the rest of the day.
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