STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

A lot of closed minded and ignorant viewpoints in here lately.

Instead of immediately dismissing someones thoughts or goals because they arent exactly the same as your own you may benefit from being open to differing ideas and showing some sort of understanding of anothers goals.

Its easy to be critical and knock something but how does that help anyone long term?

Air squats are a lot tougher than some of you may think.
Aren't air squats normally performed in 99% of cardio vascular / plyometric training?

I'm not understanding why they're being bashed so hard...

Is it cuz every loves to rustle the steez? :lol:
Everyone in this thread does air squats I would guess atleast I do.

Only to warm up for barbell squats though not on their own
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I had the same surgery some years back, be careful bro, don't rush back into anything....I underestimated how traumatic the surgery would be, I thought id be in and out and ready to work in 3 days max, I couldn't even push my computer around the hospital.
Yeah I felt like I was about to throw up by the end of the workout. About how long did it take before the swelling went down on ur chest? I'm kinda scared that my surgery mightve been a failure
i want tree trunks though

Go heavy, bro, if you have the balls to do it, work your legs twice a week.

Any tips on working legs without gaining a ton of size? I'm not really into the big quads and thighs look, but I wouldn't mind gaining some strength for quickness and a higher vert for basketball. Should I just go for more weight and lower reps on squats and lunges?

Low weight, high rep, high intensity. Your legs will grow though, it's inevitable. Embrace it, first time I've heard a dude not want something to grow. It's usually female clientele that have this concern, no joke/shots.

Yea I'm good on those air squats, I'll take the bar please

It isn't even about CF, air squats are fundamental, so many benefits. Pass? Really, :lol:

Air squats my dude?


After those all those air squats, I'd certainly have to change my maxi-pad.

Bro, you're the one asking for solutions on your "squat issue", making excuses as to why you can't squat.

There are tons, but if you want to be lazy and not work your legs, go ahead. More than likely you have poor shoulder mobility or are not rehabbing thouroughly. Try to work on that first, so you don't aggrevate or re-injure yourself.

If back squats hurt your shoulder, avoid them until you get your shoulder on point. However, there are solutions to your squat problem.

One of them being front squats, but more than likely, you'll avoid those too citing "wrist flexibility" as the reason.

i think the suggestion of air squats are for the ones who struggle with mobility and to reach full range of motion.

Bingo, sadly, most people at a commercial gym don't know how to squat. Frankly, I can accurately assume that most in this thread either don't know how to squat properly or don't get FROM (Full Range of Motion) on their squats.

aren't air squats a pregnancy exercise?

Based on the other thread you started, aren't you trying to figure out how males can get pregnant. Get ahead of it champ.

How come you in here taking secret shots at us and soon as one of 'us' fellas take a step into the xfit thread, y'all up in arms...

Nobody gets up in arms and that thread is actually informative and is free of clutter.

Durden hit the nail on the head, but it's what this thread is.

Bunch of dudes that don't know what they are doing giving "advice", :lol:
I do air squats sometime when I got a big one Im trying to squeeze out over the toilet 
Any tips for stretching? 

I'm 27 and probably the most inflexible person on NT... I can't even touch my own toes. 

Is it too late for me to get flexible? My quads and hammys are always super tight and I feel like this puts a lot of stress on my knees when I play ball... I also think my posture can be a reason why I'm not that flexible (does that make sense?)

Anyways any tips on stretching? 
No it's not too late, and stretching is extremely beneficial.

Try these if you can...

Also, I recommend getting Becoming a Supple Leopard by Kelly Starret, it's going to be one of the best $30 investments you can make. You can get the money by cancelling your Flex, Muscle & Fitness, Muscle Mag subs. Garbage workouts and a bunch of ads, :lol:
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Go heavy, bro, if you have the balls to do it, work your legs twice a week.
Low weight, high rep, high intensity. Your legs will grow though, it's inevitable. Embrace it, first time I've heard a dude not want something to grow. It's usually female clientele that have this concern, no joke/shots.
It isn't even about CF, air squats are fundamental, so many benefits. Pass? Really, :lol:
Bro, you're the one asking for solutions on your "squat issue", making excuses as to why you can't squat.

There are tons, but if you want to be lazy and not work your legs, go ahead. More than likely you have poor shoulder mobility or are not rehabbing thouroughly. Try to work on that first, so you don't aggrevate or re-injure yourself.

If back squats hurt your shoulder, avoid them until you get your shoulder on point. However, there are solutions to your squat problem.

One of them being front squats, but more than likely, you'll avoid those too citing "wrist flexibility" as the reason.
Bingo, sadly, most people at a commercial gym don't know how to squat. Frankly, I can accurately assume that most in this thread either don't know how to squat properly or don't get FROM (Full Range of Motion) on their squats.
Based on the other thread you started, aren't you trying to figure out how males can get pregnant. Get ahead of it champ.
Nobody gets up in arms and that thread is actually informative and is free of clutter.

Durden hit the nail on the head, but it's what this thread is.

Bunch of dudes that don't know what they are doing giving "advice", :lol:

Reading is fundamental.

I said I've been front squatting since I can't currently back squat.

You're in here throwing fire and I just made a joke. Sorry your jimmies were rustled.

I had a pretty bad dislocation to my shoulder. I don't think it's very uncommon to not be able to back squat because of the issues related with a dislocated shoulder. Obviously I'm rehabbing to get it back to being 100 though.

Seriously though, how about you actually read posts first before you come in here talking ****?
Can't find it on the xfit thread but can someone PM me that post of met cons?

Gonna start programming them into my routines
Reading is fundamental.

I said I've been front squatting since I can't currently back squat.

You're in here throwing fire and I just made a joke. Sorry your jimmies were rustled.

I had a pretty bad dislocation to my shoulder. I don't think it's very uncommon to not be able to back squat because of the issues related with a dislocated shoulder. Obviously I'm rehabbing to get it back to being 100 though.

Seriously though, how about you actually read posts first before you come in here talking ****?

You stated your issue and someone genuinely tried to help you get around that issue with a modification/suggestion.

Rustled jimmies? nah man, a **** you then is more like it. Nothing like trying to assist someone and getting dismissed.

I don't follow you and all your post, so I didn't know if you were front squatting. I know it's an unnecessary exercise to most in this thread, :lol:

Oh, I didn't get the memo on who can and can't talk ****... :lol:

The Bro Sorority is strong in here.

Can't find it on the xfit thread but can someone PM me that post of met cons?

Gonna start programming them into my routines

PM you in a bit, along with an expanded list from another source.

A little bit of advice, if you want to see strength gains, finish your workouts with a MetCon. Don't do it before, you'll be too gassed and you will scale your weight accordingly.
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Best preworkout to take and any recommendations on what to take during a workout?

Coffee for a pre

Water while working out.

If u want supplements I used to take C4 as a pre and still water while working out.

Lots of BCAA stuff out there if u got the money to burn though.
I had an AC seperation (2 ligaments torn), and still back squatted within a few weeks after the injury. There are ways around it, you just have to try them out and see what works.
I know it's an unnecessary exercise to most in this thread, :lol:

The Bro Sorority is strong in here.

Something about you xfitters just come off as condescending like you know everything...

Generalizations on generalizations...and y'all get mad at the STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 for making generalizations about xfitters...

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