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What the healthiest amount of calories to cut while lifting?

My maintainance is around 3000-3200 calories a day, I started cutting and only ate like 1800 a day and felt like crap.

Ate some Oreos last night which brought me up to 2400 calories for the day and today I woke up feeling like money despite a hard workout after work.

Should I just go 2200-2500 calories a day?



i don't do any snatches, cleans or jerks. i'd prefer to have someone coach me through the movements properly.

if done properly, deadlifts and bench press should be explosive.
Hey now!

I powerclean and deadlift.

I also do a lot of unconventional stuff that is core related.

On another note, I hit 345lb on close grip bench today!

The rep was paused too.

Keep grinding my brews
Hey now!

I powerclean and deadlift.

I also do a lot of unconventional stuff that is core related.

On another note, I hit 345lb on close grip bench today!

The rep was paused too.

Keep grinding my brews
now THAT is impressive. close grip is one of my favorite movements. love it for tricep and chest workouts. its wild how quick you can go up in weight on it. and the pumps and effectiveness is crazy.

on a side note, my elbow tendonitis appears to be gone. we back to the big boy weight soon. i had already been nursing it pretty legitimately, but this week has been extremely busy for me with pistons games every other night and dates, last gym day was sunday and won't be back in there for chest until maybe saturday, so my elbow should be 100% by then, as well as everything else. i definitely have that itch already, i feel great, but no time and i wanna save these good feels for the gym instead of working out at home
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Thanks freeze.

I just introduced the movement back into my routine about 2 months ago.

Got stuck @ the same weight half way upon lockout couple weeks ago.

Today it went up smoothly.

Made the rest of my workout about that life lol

Any elbow pain is a bastard.

Neck as well.

Glad to hear is healing up.
Loved doing cleans when I played football back in HS

Not sure if it's even allowed at my golds gym tho
Kevin Nee is your friend?

And that's from June.
Yeah, grew up together. Blazed me up for the first time when we were 15 
  Hooped, got in fights, the whole 9.
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IronMan, you recently went from 260 to 215?

I'm at a strong yet too high of bf 255 and want to cut to about a lean 230.

Can you give me some diet/workout tips?
You guys do the whole insulin spike post work out? If so what you eating/drinking. I read an article saying that its better to drink your carbs post work out like gatorade or even using syrup to sweeten up your drink. My room mate swears by sunny D and sour patch kids post work out. I tried to tell him that there is better things out there but he wasn't hearing it.

I normally don't do the sugar's after workout...maybe i eat a banana or something. But anyone do it and see results? If so what was your sugar source

here's an except from an article written by Jim Stoppani that i came across in January. Oddly enough i had heard from a employee at a sports nutrition store about this exact topic about a year ago. I told him at the time that at my gym i would sometimes come across packages of sour patch kids/gummy bears/gummy worms and used to wonder who or why in the world people at the gym are eating candies lol. When i saw the article by Stoppani i lol'd all over again. from time to time after a workout i pop a handful of gummy bears or sour peaches and down it with my creatine drink/protein shake until i get a solid meal in.

Recover With Sweets

There is a war on sugar at the moment. And there should be! People consume way too much of it in the form of soft drinks, processed foods, and coffee drinks. High-glycemic sugars like sucrose, corn syrup, and high-fructose corn syrup, and dextrose spike insulin levels and cause you to store more body fat and burn less fat, especially when you sit around on your glutes all day like most of us do.

But there is one time when consuming sugar is actually good for you and will not lead to fat gain. That time is immediately after exercise.

During exercise, you burn up glycogen, which is your body's storage form of carbs. And the main places you store glycogen are in the muscles and in the liver. These stores become depleted during exercise, and research shows that the best way to replenish them is by eating high-glycemic sugars. Think fat-free candies like gummy bears, Pixy Stix, or even jelly beans.

As an added bonus, allowing this treat after workouts can help you better stick to your diet the rest of the time, when you shouldn't have sweets. Aim for about 20-30 grams of fast-acting carbs from fat-free or low-fat sweets immediately after exercise, and take them along with your protein shake
i thought i read something that said that was full of crap. i'll stick to eating after i workout or drinking some milk or protein if more convenient.
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