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So when I try to squat I feel like my ankles are what keep me from going deep. Anyone have any tips to improve ankle flexibility? Is that even a thing? I had lots of ankle injuries from my ball playing days so I guess that's the cause of the stiffness?
$40 5lb ON tub HURRY

Ebay: 251452234033

Damn I bought a 2lb for 32 last week :x

Do sales like this happen often? Should I buy more than one? Where should I look for protein, eBay?

Also, I've been lifting for about a month now, gained maybe 115 on squat, 40 pounds bench, 25 military press and other stuff. I've been sleeping 8 hours, eating protein shakes, and eating lean meats. Sometimes I will eat vegetables. I try not to eat too many carbs, because I have high Triglycerides(451, should be 150), and I drink fat free milk(Protein is the same as whole). However I've heard that you need fat and carbs with your protein. Should I incorporate fats, and carbs? I thought eating fat free and lean protein is considered clean bulking.
Lifting for a month and gained 115 on squats and 40 on bench? Yea ok...
For real, unless you lifted before and muscle memory just kicked in. But if its you first time in the gym then nah, dont see those kind of gains....naturally.

I think you just underestimated your strength levels to begin with and didnt really push yourself

But either way, congrats on the progress.
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Those don't sound crazy at all, especially if you're starting at a low weight. A beginner most likely wont know how much they can actually lift anyways.
ayo, quick critique of my current routine. I'm doing a modified version of SL and SS lol

Squat 3x5
Front squat 3x8
Floor press (no bench press at the moment) 5x8
incline press 3x8-12
dumbbell chest flies 3x8-12
Deadlifts 1x5
Dips 3xfail with weight
pull ups/chin ups 3x8

Squat 3x5
OHP 5x8
Rows 5x5
Pull ups/chin ups 3xfail
shrugs 3xfail
curls 3xfail

too much volume? I'm getting good results as of now.
For real, unless you lifted before and muscle memory just kicked in. But if its you first time in the gym then nah, dont see those kind of gains....naturally.

I never said it was my first time lifting. I am following Rippetoe's Starting Strength, which says you should add anywhere from 5-15 to squat per workout, and you do squats three times a week, so according to the plan its possible to add anywhere from 60-180 pounds in a month. Either way, I did it in 2009-2010, stopped, started in 2012-early 2013 and started lifting again since 1/13/14, so I guess muscle memory kicked in. I was working 145x5x3 last month and did 260x5x3 yesterday(I could only get to 235 before in 2012).

Can you guys comment on carbs on fat to a diet or point me to a source? I am worried about carbs, because of my high triglycerides and I thought eating lean meats meant low fat which would be considered clean bulking.
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i felt like i threw out my back during snowboarding. Back is super stiff and can barely bend front or back. any body got some serects to a speedy recovery for my strain?
For real, unless you lifted before and muscle memory just kicked in. But if its you first time in the gym then nah, dont see those kind of gains....naturally.

I never said it was my first time lifting. I am following Rippetoe's Starting Strength, which says you should add anywhere from 5-15 to squat per workout, and you do squats three times a week, so according to the plan its possible to add anywhere from 60-180 pounds in a month. Either way, I did it in 2009-2010, stopped, started in 2012-early 2013 and started lifting again since 1/13/14, so I guess muscle memory kicked in. I was working 145x5x3 last month and did 260x5x3 yesterday(I could only get to 235 before in 2012).

Can you guys comment on carbs on fat to a diet or point me to a source? I am worried about carbs, because of my high triglycerides and I thought eating lean meats meant low fat which would be considered clean bulking.

how much carb and fat are you currently taking in?
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how much carb and protein are you currently taking in?

On days I workout, maybe 65-80g carbs and protein at least 165g, sometimes more. On days I don't workout somewhere around 100-130 g of carbs, and maybe 50g of protein? Fat is really low, maybe below 20. I mostly eat eggs, turkey bacon, sometimes chickfila sandwiches, protein shakes+milk, and either chicken breast or lean pork. I'm guessing I should my carbs and fat? The reason why I try not to eat carbs is because of my high triglyceride.
how much carb and protein are you currently taking in?

On days I workout, maybe 65-80g carbs and protein at least 165g, sometimes more. On days I don't workout somewhere around 100-130 g of carbs, and maybe 50g of protein? Fat is really low, maybe below 20. I mostly eat eggs, turkey bacon, sometimes chickfila sandwiches, protein shakes+milk, and either chicken breast or lean pork. I'm guessing I should my carbs and fat? The reason why I try not to eat carbs is because of my high triglyceride.

I'd shoot for the same amount of protein on rest days... 50g seems really low. How many calories are you taking in?
Brahs....I need that Karl Malone workout plan ASAP
Been goin frequently and got a routine down w/ one day of rest a week. Still trying to strengthen my knee hoping the pain will go away and my delts. Been suffering from right shoulder pain since I can remember. Really affects my workouts when it hurts to lift weights above my head :smh:
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