STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Can't mess with milk due to lactose issues, so I've been drinking this post workout with a little juice/soy milk combo, banana and PB.
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So, yesterday I did something I've hardly ever do while working out. I engaged in conversation with another person :lol: He had an inzer belt and I wanted to try it on and he let me. The belt felt great (13mm lever belt). Afterwards we discussed mobility rountines and foam roller...etc. Cool guy.
I havent been to the gym all week cuz of this winter storm in atlanta and the roads being iced over...... been having to do push ups seated dips and sit ups all week in my room :smh:
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Gonna switch up the routine in a week. Want to put the kettlebells in my gym to use.

Any good workouts that y'all recommend to go along with my workout to get the HR up?
Thank you for posting the stoppani article. One of the few people id go as far to say as i "trust" with info.

I heard chocolate milk is excellent for post work out drink. But i cant do milk either, lactose issues. So i was wondering what else i can do to try this out. I might just do chocolate almond milk mixed with my protein/creatine shake post work out or maybe some honey or some other sugar.
back in the gym tonight!!! first time since sunday...body feels rested, scrong..joints feel good..its...going...down...
To all the single people out there on Vday....goto the gym tonight. If there's a girl there, chances are she's single and fit :smokin
Thank you for posting the stoppani article. One of the few people id go as far to say as i "trust" with info.

I heard chocolate milk is excellent for post work out drink. But i cant do milk either, lactose issues. So i was wondering what else i can do to try this out. I might just do chocolate almond milk mixed with my protein/creatine shake post work out or maybe some honey or some other sugar.

Been eating heavy carbs after workouts last two weeks. Pancakes, cereal, etc. def see me gaining weight and muscles looking fuller.

Dont know why i stayed away from carbs after workouts for so long smh

:smokin :smokin :smokin
To all the single people out there on Vday....goto the gym tonight. If there's a girl there, chances are she's single and fit :smokin

i dont even remember the last time ive seen a cute girl in my gym working out past 9pm :smh:

its def been over a year SMH


#teamsingle will head to the gym around 6 tonight...hoping its dead. Arms day for me. My back is sore from shoveling so gonna hit shoulders, bis/tris. Hoping for a nice long work out
IronMan, you recently went from 260 to 215?

I'm at a strong yet too high of bf 255 and want to cut to about a lean 230.

Can you give me some diet/workout tips?

Honestly, I don't feel like I did anything special in terms of diet. I tried Paleo at one point, but I just mainly stick to IIFYM and try to stay under 2500 calories. I am more watchful of what I eat, and don't eat junk food the way I used to. I tend to lean towards healthy meals. I meal prep more often but have not perfected it. When I'm on my own I tend to eat clean however, socially, I still cave in from time to time. Even then, I try to stay below 2500 calories, 2000 on a "rest day".

I'm not one to give diet tips, :lol:. Although I do plan to clean things up to drop my bf% for the summer. Although I'm sure he eats clean, I'll never forget an interview I read about Rich Froning's diet and all he said was something along the line of "I eat what's available, I don't like bread so that helps" :lol: *insert weebay gif*.

I am more active, and I try to do some type of activity on my "rest days", so you can say I have "active rest days". Hiking, run on the beach or run/jog a couple of miles.

As far as workouts are concerned, that's where the major change happened and it really has to do with consistency. I work out five to six days a week, a lot of total body, a lot of core. Legs get hit 80% of the time, and it's rare when legs are not involved in a workout in some type of way/shape/form. I don't know what that leg day, jelly leg feel like is anymore. However, the soreness comes in the form of feeling as if you got hit by a Mack truck. Kind of goes away by mid morning, :lol:.

I do a lot of Metabolic conditioning, speed drills, HIIT type drills, heavy MetCons, Crossfit Football, the Outlaw Way and competition WOD's. I try to use PPL, but a lot of times I go off "feel". Olympic lifting has also become a solid portion of my programming, now that I dropped the lb's I'm incorporating gymnastic movements (ring dips, hand stand push ups, L sits, muscle ups, etc). I try to keep my BPM's high. 5x5's, 5x3x1, 5x3's and 5x2's for strength. I don't waste time and every workout is less than 60 minutes, that includes warm up and cool down.

Example of this weeks Programming:

Monday- Sumo High Pull (WOD), Sumo Deadlift (Strength)
Tuesday- Thrusters (WOD/Strength)
Wednesday- Hang Cleans (WOD/Strength)
Thursday- Squat (WOD/Strength), Front Squat (Strength)
Friday- Rest (1-2 mile jog/run)
Saturday- Push Press (WOD), Bench/Strict Press (Strength)
Sunday- Rest (Hike)
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Just banged out some front squats using this method for the first time

Felt like I was able to stay relatively more vertical than the cross arm method. Definitely got a nice stretch in my wrist too.

if its tastes good then its w/e brah

tough to find a good tasting protein these days with companies switching things up every so often
Just banged out some front squats using this method for the first time

Felt like I was able to stay relatively more vertical than the cross arm method. Definitely got a nice stretch in my wrist too.

I wish I could front squat like that but I messed up my wrist in college doing hang and power cleans. I'm currently doing 225x8 (PR).
Hopefully recover from this cold fully by tomorrow morning. Haven't been to the gym since Tuesday. Partially because of the snow, and because I don't want to take longer to recover.
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