STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Played basketball all throughout middle school and high school.

Still play pickup and IM's

Recently started playing soccer, I like it a lot. I play that pickup and IM too.

I can't go running man, I lose my mind, I can only really run when I'm playing sports or doing drills.

The trick with jumping rope or at least double unders is the speed and rhythm...once you got that down you should be ok
Sheesh warming up with 405.. Crazy

Id never wanna be that big tho doesn't look good at all imo
You can try your absolute hardest and you still woudnt come close to how big he is. Then again thats a good majority of the population. Genetics has a lot to do with how big he is. He just naturally has a huge frame.

Your push would be your pressing movements and pull is the opposite obviously.

I split mine up with power and hypertrophy days somewhat. I have different exercises for different days with different rep/set ranges.. I also hit some things more than other. I just make sure I squat and bench twice a week and keep progressing on both.
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How do you guys deal with getting sick? Do you not go to the gym until your 100% better? I always feel more sick laying in bed, then being somewhat active.
Depends. What type of sickness we talking? If it's a common cold, nothing really changes just keep tissues with me. If you've got a stomach bug, your body prob isn't gonna want any part of pushing weights.

dude is strong as !@#$ but honestly in comparison to elite powerlifting not that impressive for how big he is. jeremy hamilton or dan green would eat this dude alive on the bench while waying 100 lbs less.

finally able to post in this thread after getting banned lol
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You can try your absolute hardest and you still woudnt come close to how big he is. Then again thats a good majority of the population. Genetics has a lot to do with how big he is. He just naturally has a huge frame.

I'd rather be smaller with the same strength, his physique isn't appealing at all, he can have that but I respect the strength
Dude looks stupid.

Nothing proportional.

He looks like those dudes from the Middle East that get those muscle implants.

dude is strong as !@#$ but honestly in comparison to elite powerlifting not that impressive for how big he is. jeremy hamilton or dan green would eat this dude alive on the bench while waying 100 lbs less.

finally able to post in this thread after getting banned lol

Your right he isn't really that strong for his weight when it comes to powerlifting standards considering he weighs well over 300. Ive seen Dan pause 455 for 5 clean reps at under 250. But I did see a vid of Hulk attempting 655 and getting it about halfway. No one besides Spoto or a Russian is hitting that raw.

Your right he isn't really that strong for his weight when it comes to powerlifting standards considering he weighs well over 300. Ive seen Dan pause 455 for 5 clean reps at under 250. But I did see a vid of Hulk attempting 655 and getting it about halfway. No one besides Spoto or a Russian is hitting that raw.

back from the dead 
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ay boys
if im taking supps (multi, fish oil, zinc, + b complex) in the morning and my piss until the afternoon is bright like neon yellow
am i just wasting these nutrients bc its too much for my body to absorb at once so its expelling them?
so im wondering what people do?
may stagger your vitamins throughout the day or something
or what have u heard of people doing?

cheers, healthy brahs
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