Sounds like me a few years ago, I was skinny fat. Visibly skinny in the face, arms, legs but had a gut. Embarrassing man.
First thing I did was clean up my eating habits. No soda, pasta, fried foods, candy, desert etc. I started eating salads (baby spinach / arugula), chicken breast, green beans, broccoli, asparagus, brown rice, talipia, salmon, almonds, bananas, apples, carrots, greek yogurt etc. and I stuck to a strick calorie intake, I think it was 1900 - 2000. I drank tons of water too. I didn't even have a gym pass, I had two 20lb dumbbells and I would run 1.5 miles a day. I dropped 20lbs in like 3 months.
Of course that sounds terrible, but I stumbled across the way. When your body is use to taking in some much food, and one day you straight up shock it with different type of food and not enough of it, your body rejects it. Mine did. I found myself MORE hungry and would binge. So it was a learning process and I was miserable and hungry at times. I just had to stick it through and trade doritos for greek yogurt, recces pieces for almonds, oreos for watermelon, fried chicken wings for grilled chicken breast and macaroni and cheese for quinoa. I know one thing, I'm never EVER going back to those eating habits.
Have patient bro, it'll all finally click.