STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Last time I did chest I did the whole just barbell routine. It was fine, my shoulder didnt hurt. Did it again today, goddamit. I felt a strain on my last set and said screw it, went straight to shoulders which was fine.

It hurts now if I try to push against something, guess imma not do chest for a few weeks and just do shoulders and tris on my push days.

To make it worse my foots been hurting so I may just either not deadlift or squat or just do very light work. Still need to schedule my MRI.
what's everyone's feelings on naked juice or bolthouse farms smoothies?

yay or nay from the healthy folk on NT
Is there like juice concentrate you guys by or something?

I know people say make your own.  But to buy that much would be expensive.  Then to store it all and go through the effort of using a blender.  Those smoothies have like a ton of different fruit.  I don't drink them all the time but they are good for me for breakfast on the run or a pre gym snack
I use water as my base. For example, If I was making a Kale smoothie, I would do this:

Kale (obviously)
2 Bananas
1/2 Avocado

If you don't want the smoothie texture, take out the avocado and blend longer.

You can buy a bunch of Kale for under $3...bananas are cheap...and a big thing of agave nectar should last you for a while.
If you have a blender, it's WAY cheaper to just buy your own fruit and make it yourself. Even 10-12 dollars worth of fruit will make you a bunch of smoothies so it's not like you need to buy a ton of groceries.
I make my own when i have fruit. Throw banana strawberry some greek yogurt almond milk and ice and im good. I will mix whey in there and peanutbutter too at times but for what they are the bolthouse smoothies (cheaper then naked ones by me so i almost always get bolthouse) aren't that bad.  And pretty convieniet

Big ones can be had 2 for $7 at safeway by me or 2 for $8
Thanks guys, it gets the job done that's all I can ask for. Hopefully I can add plates and DBs over time, that's what adds up the quickest.

The platform can be made for around $200 or so if anyone ever wants specs I'll be glad to help ya out.
Package came in today, got some whey, pre-workout and post-JYM. Those who've tried pre-workouts how well do they work?
okay so here's my problem fellas , about a year ago you could say I was a skinny 21 year old. now I've gained a good 15-20 pounds thts visible especially in my gut I've began to life weights to gain muscle but when it comes to my gut I'm not sure if I should work on my abs now or change my diet to lose the fat then work on my abs or do a combination of the two at one time . .. . any help ?
just lift and diet. work your abs if you want it will help but i have a 6 pack and do no ab work. im just lean. 

if you lift consistently and heavy your core muscles will develop no matter what.  diet is everything. i feel bad for all those people at the gym who do 1000 crunches and have no control of their diet.  

this profile has my attention
Im paypal ready :lol:

What is it?
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