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Rook was super skinny. He looked like a 12 year old in older pictures he's posted in here. Would not be shocked if he was able to put on that much weight and still be skinny.
When you do air squats where are your hands/arms?

Put your arms in front of you. As you drop your hips into the squat position keep your arms up. You should be looking up at your hands. It'll help you keep your chest up allowing you to drop your hips lower, therefore causing you to go ATG.

Another way to work on keeping your chest up is air squatting while facing a wall. Get as close to the wall as possible and squat. Closer the better. Also helps people that have issues keeping their knees out.

377 pound Overhead Squat, life isn't fair.
My lower back starts to feel tension the lower I go and then I cant go anylower. My body leans forward way too much and thats with my chest up.

Am I losing out on THAT much by not going ATG?
My lower back starts to feel tension the lower I go and then I cant go anylower. My body leans forward way too much and thats with my chest up.

Am I losing out on THAT much by not going ATG?
I hate the phrase ATG, Ive said it in here a few times before but very few people actually go ATG when they say they do.

Heres what I tell people to do, stand feet shoulder width apart then turn your toes out slightly to start with, this will be the easiest way to go low. Also bar placement will be a factor, put it at the base of your neck on top of your traps and that will help you in going low. Also you have to sit back on your heels and push through them on the way up.

Basically doing an Olympic high bar squat is what going ATG really is. The wider the stance the harder it is to go low and you will need more hip flexibility. 

I would just try to hit parallel to start with and over time your hips will loosen and you'll be able to lower. Also look up Kelly Starrett on YT, he has a mobility series that is very informative.
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I see. Any good recommendation on brands? I used Mens One a Day gummy before, they were cool. Pretty much Multivits are the only thing besides healthy eating I'm even considering. Used to use whey to build weight etc. but I'm 25 and dd nothing but play flag football and basketball, I no longer need to gain any weight lol.

Day III, short day, but got a 1.2 in today. Legs feeling better, still sore but better.
Controlled Labs Orange Triad has been getting me right on the court and the gym. Thought I would never be able to play basketball at my old level(or close to it) with out these multivitamin. I would play half a game and my knee would start to give out. Couldn't jump, dunk, or lay up **** was horrible. Also I am squatting more 
Yesterday during my squats I wanted to tryout low bar (wide stance) squats during my warmout. They felt pretty good and smooth. But I perfer high bar, I've been doing that for years. If I able do to squats 2x a week I might give it a whirl.
Controlled Labs Orange Triad has been getting me right on the court and the gym. Thought I would never be able to play basketball at my old level(or close to it) with out these multivitamin. I would play half a game and my knee would start to give out. Couldn't jump, dunk, or lay up **** was horrible.
Thats my life. Imma give these a try.
Controlled Labs Orange Triad has been getting me right on the court and the gym. Thought I would never be able to play basketball at my old level(or close to it) with out these multivitamin. I would play half a game and my knee would start to give out. Couldn't jump, dunk, or lay up **** was horrible. Also I am squatting more 

jeez, I always wondered if this is normal but I never actually noticed a multi having an effect on me. I always take one, and I'm sure it's working, I just don't notice anything, even if I forget a day. So I always wondered if I should try a different one. That's amazing a multi has that kind of effect on you.
Controlled Labs Orange Triad has been getting me right on the court and the gym. Thought I would never be able to play basketball at my old level(or close to it) with out these multivitamin. I would play half a game and my knee would start to give out. Couldn't jump, dunk, or lay up **** was horrible. Also I am squatting more 

jeez, I always wondered if this is normal but I never actually noticed a multi having an effect on me. I always take one, and I'm sure it's working, I just don't notice anything, even if I forget a day. So I always wondered if I should try a different one. That's amazing a multi has that kind of effect on you.

Do you take all 6 pills a day?
Do you take all 6 pills a day?
Yea son I take 6 (3 in the morning and 3 at night) I try not to forget to take them but I do at times.
jeez, I always wondered if this is normal but I never actually noticed a multi having an effect on me. I always take one, and I'm sure it's working, I just don't notice anything, even if I forget a day. So I always wondered if I should try a different one. That's amazing a multi has that kind of effect on you.
One up
Thats my life. Imma give these a try.
One up
Controlled Labs Orange Triad has been getting me right on the court and the gym. Thought I would never be able to play basketball at my old level(or close to it) with out these multivitamin. I would play half a game and my knee would start to give out. Couldn't jump, dunk, or lay up **** was horrible. Also I am squatting more 

jeez, I always wondered if this is normal but I never actually noticed a multi having an effect on me. I always take one, and I'm sure it's working, I just don't notice anything, even if I forget a day. So I always wondered if I should try a different one. That's amazing a multi has that kind of effect on you.

OT is more than a multi, its got joint support and digestion aid

its pretty much the top multi in the BB market

Leg day is tomorrow, will give it a whirl.

May try that Orange Triad out soon since it helps digestion and joints. Just re-upped on my ON Multi, its been doing me good for years. Never take the 3 recommended daily doses, most days ill end up taking just one, I make an effort to take 2 on workout days. I believe OT is 6 pills, great since it isnt as packed but im afraid most days ill miss out on the recommended dosage.
Wait, these are just multivits right? Like my boys will be alright? anytime I see "body building" I get worried.
Aight lol. Outside of one a day, I don't know much about supplements. I've only taken vitamins and whey protein back in the day. Just making sure.
I need to start taking vitamins......I only eat healthy 
laugh.gif supplements but I might take creatine later this year 
I think he knows not every pound gained will be pure muscle, right Rook?
He may. If he started at 155 I doubt his BF was very high. Since he said a lean bulk I doubt hes looking to be a soft 190, so we're talking about at least 30 lbs + of lean muscle to get him there from his starting weight. I'm sure he could dirty bulk to 190, I dont doubt that, I was just pointing out that much lean muscle in less than 2 years is difficult.

i mean, I'm being a bit optimistic but im at 170 right now. Lean bulk may not be as lean as I would like but I can put on weight easily if I eat enough. if I have to eat dirty to reach my macros I will
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i mean, I'm being a bit optimistic but im at 170 right now. Lean bulk may not be as lean as I would like but I can put on weight easily if I eat enough. if I have to eat dirty to reach my macros I will
Thats right my dog get big son
Can someone school me on intermittent fasting? I've done some initial research, but I'd like to know some firsthand experience from those who've tried it. I'm currently trying it, using a 16 hour fast and 8 hour window to eat.
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Can someone school me on intermittent fasting? I've done some initial research, but I'd like to know some firsthand experience from those who've tried it. I'm currently trying it, using a 16 hour fast and 8 hour window to eat.
Just a fad diet in my opinion, read up:
This article doesn't really tell me anything.

I feel like people using IF are training during the fasting period, and thus are complaining about the muscle loss.

I'm sure if you focus your feeding period around your workouts (6-8 hr window) and fast after that up to the next workout, I'm sure IF will be ok. 
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