STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

So I tweaked my elbow doing chest last week and reaggravated it last night...not a serious pain, but nagging enough to notice it often. Anyone else get these minor pains/aches/tweaks? :smh:
Had to cop some emergency stuff gonna see if this ISO 100 is worth the money to get a 5lb when I actully do my real reup. I just like that its 106 calories but still 24g per scoop and no far or carbs. even though I wont see crazy results when I`m done I`ll still know if I like, if not I`m from now on just copping the cheap protein. And I enjoyed a sample of BB.coms vanilla casein so i decided to get CnC good price at 20 bucks.

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why you trying to get under 200 stones bro? aren't you like 6'3"? keep some of that weight as muscle at least. you gon be out here looking like Rip hamilton lol

I plan on bulking when it's all sain and done i want to be about 190-210 solid but still able to wear high end clothing
it's gon be weird if you get under 200 dude, but as long as youre happy with what you see, enjoy in good health
So I tweaked my elbow doing chest last week and reaggravated it last night...not a serious pain, but nagging enough to notice it often. Anyone else get these minor pains/aches/tweaks?
Just gotta rest it a bit, or use lower weights. Happened to me, took a couple weeks ago, and eased back into it. Thats all you an really do, if you keep pushing its just gonna take longer to heal up later.

My shoulder didnt bother me too much today, I could actually bench with the barbell today.
Granted I didnt do a lot of weight, but still tons better than using machines for chest.
Just gotta rest it a bit, or use lower weights. Happened to me, took a couple weeks ago, and eased back into it. Thats all you an really do, if you keep pushing its just gonna take longer to heal up later.

My shoulder didnt bother me too much today, I could actually bench with the barbell today. :pimp: Granted I didnt do a lot of weight, but still tons better than using machines for chest.

Yeah...the holidays threw my schedule off a bit...I typically spread weight-related workouts out with at least a day in between...this week, I "crammed" 4 workouts into 4 days :lol: :smh:

Seriously. All resistence is not made equal.
Cheesecake is bomb...

This guy from made a recipe for a high protein cheesecake that according to a bunch of other people actually tastes good
2:1 ratio protein:carbs

Protein Cheesecake: 2:1 Ratio P/C

I like things that taste good.

I analyzed cheesecake recipes from America's Test Kitchen, Chantal, Joe Pastry and even Paula Deen to come up with this, and I've eaten one every night for the past 7 nights. My criteria for this recipe was that it must look good, taste good (even to my wife), be macro friendly towards my diet and eaten in one setting. Also, no water baths or leaving the cake in the oven for 5 hours. This recipe is just for a 6" NY-Style Cheesecake.

Macro's: 834 calories; 123g Protein, 63g Carbs, 10g Fat

12oz - Fat Free Philadelphia Cream Cheese
10oz - F age 0% Fat Free Greek Yogurt
2 whole eggs
3/4 Cup - Granulated Splenda
1/4 Cup - 1% Milk
1.25 Scoop - Trutein Vanilla Protein (42.5g)
1 tsp - Vanilla Extract
1/4 tsp - Kosher salt

Directions: All ingredients at room temperature.

1. Preheat Oven to 325 - Prepare 6" cake pan with non-stick spray and parchment paper in the bottom.
2. Cream Cheese in mixer - mix on medium until creamy - scrape sides of bowl down.
3. Add splenda - mix on medium until incorporated - scrape sides of bowl down.
4. Add eggs one at a time while on medium. Again...scrape.
5. Add the rest of the ingredients - mix on medium for 3 minutes.
6. Pour in pan - extra batter in mouth - yum.
7. Bake at 325 for 30 minutes. Turn oven to 200 for 50min - 1 hour. Remove and let cool on the counter. Wrap and refrigerate overnight.

The 6" pan is important, I've had friends try it with a ******ed glass pie plate and it was an epic failure simply because the cooking times need to be adjusted for different pans and cake thicknesses. If you don't have a 6" pan, buy one, or you need to remove the cheesecake when it's 155 degrees in the center. I use this pan,

Adding flavors are pretty simple...want chocolate? Add in 3 tbsp of unsweetened cocoa powder and replace the milk with 1/4 cup brewed coffee (or milk will still work).

Changing macros is easy by either adding a crust of Graham Crackers, Oreos or animal crackers. If you add a crust, omit the parchment paper. Toppings are as creative as you want to get. Here's a couple of photos..

Straight up with Raspberry sauce

Maple Protein Cheesecake with Candied Bacon Topping

Chocolate Cheesecake with Cool Whip and Blackberry Sauce


And here's what started all of this...this frumpy, sad excuse for a protein cheesecake I found somewhere online. To think that people are eating this and thought it was good enough to share with others. Epic fail.

other people's cheesecakes...



I never got to making it myself but one of these days I will weakness.  Thank god I haven't had much time to bake lately.  Everyone's already hounding me asking when I'm going to make cheesecake.

Got in a good leg workout.  Good music seems to make all the difference.  Almost feel like Superman with music.  The second my battery dies though...forget it.  Basically kills my motivation.

Did pretty well at the office Christmas party.  Always get the jokes about how I'm too healthy, but a lot of people don't realize that it's a lifestyle.  Not something you do just when you feel like it.  Best believe that I'll be indulging come Christmas though.

Supersetting a lot more these days to get my conditioning/endurance up.  Good progress pics last page!

Once the holidays are up I'll contribute to this thread more consistently.

I touched on this some earlier, but you guys know of any intraworkout aminos like Xtend, but without artificial sweetners/dyes?
What supplement provides the fastest recovery?
i've used all kinds of intraworkouts and other supps that are supposed to be for recovery but the thing that worked best for me was getting enough rest and upping my protein intake. even if i train fasted now, i don't use anything intra - i couldn't justify that purchase.
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Who here takes Creatine? I'm thinking about adding that to the stack. Never took it before.
I think creatine is very beneficial to anyone who lifts, IMO. It doesn't matter when you take and you don't have to cycle it or anything. 
So I tweaked my elbow doing chest last week and reaggravated it last night...not a serious pain, but nagging enough to notice it often. Anyone else get these minor pains/aches/tweaks? :smh:

Just gotta rest it a bit, or use lower weights. Happened to me, took a couple weeks ago, and eased back into it. Thats all you an really do, if you keep pushing its just gonna take longer to heal up later.

My shoulder didnt bother me too much today, I could actually bench with the barbell today. :pimp: Granted I didnt do a lot of weight, but still tons better than using machines for chest.

make sure it's not tendinitis (aka tennis elbow) ... I get it every basketball season (it's full blown right now) and REST IS KEY... if you are like me though we both know that rest ain't happening... just gotta throw in legs more, and cardio days to still get the gym sessions in

PM me if you need more info, happy to help!
hmm... i never messed with creatine before. do most of yall use creatine?

i was thinking of getting on it as well.

tell me why i should get on it or why i shouldnt???
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