STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

great back workout today. got my kai greene on, full sweatsuit with the hood on. i liked the thermogenics. it really wasnt uncomfortable either. I mean I like seeing my muscles move in the mirror for added motivation, but i actually liked the way it felt. plus as an added bonus, with the hood over my face like the grim reaper lol, nobody came up to me asking for advice or spots or small talk, so i could stay in my zone for the whole session.
Deadlifted today. 265lbs 3 sets 4 reps. I'm slowly working my way up. I want to get to 315 in 2 months. Still havent broken the 300lb squat barrier though. Did 295 2 sets of 4 reps. I was just too tired to sike myself up for 300.

You ever have those days though where things are just feeling right. Like heavy Weight isn't as heavy as normal. And for some reason you just are (for lack of better term) in the zone. Wish I could be like this all the time
Weighed in at 272 today, my lats are getting wider feels good man

I gotta figure out a way to get to the gym, the motivation is there now. :nthat: keep it up mayne.
Deadlifted today. 265lbs 3 sets 4 reps. I'm slowly working my way up. I want to get to 315 in 2 months. Still havent broken the 300lb squat barrier though. Did 295 2 sets of 4 reps. I was just too tired to sike myself up for 300.
You ever have those days though where things are just feeling right. Like heavy Weight isn't as heavy as normal. And for some reason you just are (for lack of better term) in the zone. Wish I could be like this all the time

You just getting stronger and was probably consistent with that routine.
looking to switch to Craze...
best online deal?
sportsnutritiononline, nutraplanet or getrippednutriton for the candy grape or berry lemonade. store for apple pie flavor.

lemme know if you wanna try it out first before you buy it because some people don't respond to it. i have a half tub of berry lemonade you can have.
sportsnutritiononline, nutraplanet or getrippednutriton for the candy grape or berry lemonade. store for apple pie flavor.
lemme know if you wanna try it out first before you buy it because some people don't respond to it. i have a half tub of berry lemonade you can have.

Let me get that my dude lol
looking to switch to Craze...
best online deal?
sportsnutritiononline, nutraplanet or getrippednutriton for the candy grape or berry lemonade. store for apple pie flavor.

lemme know if you wanna try it out first before you buy it because some people don't respond to it. i have a half tub of berry lemonade you can have.

that would be awesome man! I am on oahu too so I can meet up...
I don't know how I ate that whole was wonderful though. Messed up maybe a week's worth of work, but it just makes me want to tighten my routine and diet up. One step back, three steps forward.
I I didn't respond to the berry lemonade , they say the old formula of the grape was the one like taking drugs

I've only had the grape so far and my god that stuff is legit. You get an insane rush of energy that i have never felt with any other pre workout mix that I have tried
Tryin my dude. My mom was going wild in the kitchen. Had so many cakes and pies staring at me at midnight.. SMH at me staring and talking back.

My mom is coming tomorrow and I got the same thing coming at me...Gonna have to be strong lol
4got I quoted illest. You cheat too much lol. Least your abs still show. :frown:
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