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What are Yalls thoughts on hitting one body part per week like legs on a Tuesday? Been use to working out 6 days a week and hitting every thing twice a week but need to switch it up bc my body isn't getting enough rest. Made a new workout schedule and with Monday being the exception this is what im gonna try out and see how it goes...

Mon: Bicep/Tricep
Tue: Legs
Wed: Shoulders
Thu: Chest
Fri: Back
Sat: One Hour Cardio or optional day off.
Sun: One Hour Cardio or optional day off.
Did that trap split Bwood posted the other day. 
 Appreciate that. Loved that burn. 

Need my groin to heal so I can work on my deadlift and hang clean numbers. 

**** is addicting after seeing your progress and strength shoot up. 

Switching back to TruTein from Syntha 6 too for protein. Feel like my muscle mass increased the most when I was using that. 
What are Yalls thoughts on hitting one body part per week like legs on a Tuesday? Been use to working out 6 days a week and hitting every thing twice a week but need to switch it up bc my body isn't getting enough rest. Made a new workout schedule and with Monday being the exception this is what im gonna try out and see how it goes...

Mon: Bicep/Tricep
Tue: Legs
Wed: Shoulders
Thu: Chest
Fri: Back
Sat: One Hour Cardio or optional day off.
Sun: One Hour Cardio or optional day off.
I used to do that, but I find that I see more progress with combining the splits. So many of these muscles are connected. I stick with the back/bi, tri/shoulders, chest (upper/lower), legs splits myself. I definitely should shake those up a little bit but integrating new exercises every few weeks is stopping me from getting bored. 
What are Yalls thoughts on hitting one body part per week like legs on a Tuesday? Been use to working out 6 days a week and hitting every thing twice a week but need to switch it up bc my body isn't getting enough rest. Made a new workout schedule and with Monday being the exception this is what im gonna try out and see how it goes...

Mon: Bicep/Tricep
Tue: Legs
Wed: Shoulders
Thu: Chest
Fri: Back
Sat: One Hour Cardio or optional day off.
Sun: One Hour Cardio or optional day off.

You have four days dedicated to the upper body and one day dedicated to the lower body. Very unbalanced.

Contrary to popular belief it is ok to hit the legs 2-3 times a week, if your training is serious, should be two minimum.

Monday: Back Squat aka Quads
Tuesday: Push Press aka Shoulders
Wednesday: Deadlift aka Hammies
Thursday: Rest
Friday: Front Squat aka Quads again
Saturday: Bench Press aka da Chest (*Think of how empty the benches will be on a Saturday)
Sunday: Rest

Those are just main lifts, you can accesories the hell of it based on the body part you are hitting with the main lift.
What are Yalls thoughts on hitting one body part per week like legs on a Tuesday? Been use to working out 6 days a week and hitting every thing twice a week but need to switch it up bc my body isn't getting enough rest. Made a new workout schedule and with Monday being the exception this is what im gonna try out and see how it goes...

Mon: Bicep/Tricep
Tue: Legs
Wed: Shoulders
Thu: Chest
Fri: Back
Sat: One Hour Cardio or optional day off.
Sun: One Hour Cardio or optional day off.
hitting everything twice a week > 

bro split works best if you're on dat cell tech
hitting everything twice a week > 

bro split works best if you're on dat cell tech

Push/Pull/Legs is the one of the best splits for nattys. Combine strength with hypertrophy ======= gainzzzz.
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So do you guys on the PPL space out the workouts with rest days in between each too? Are you on a 3, 4, or 5 day a week alternation?
Anyone care to post their routine so I can get an idea on what I need to work on?

Honestly its sort of to each their own.
My work out split is the way you posted yours but I just add another leg day in. I split my Quad and Hams day.

I have power lfiting weeks also.

so my usual one looks like this.

Sunday Chest tris
Monday quads.
Tuesday shoulders traps abs
wed break
Thursday back. bis.
Friday Hams.
Sat break or arms. abs
does anybody else ever not feel like doing bi's and tris
I can't remember the last time I did triceps specifically (beyond a close grip on the bench, but that wasn't really to focus on my tris, it was just to take some stress off my shoulders), and I do curls maybe once a week to keep up some shoulder girdle health.
I used to do push/pull/legs but now I do:


I throw tri's either on chest or shoulder day, and traps on whatever day I have the time.

I like it, gonna switch it up soon. I give every split a 3 day rest inbetween, so I workout 6 days a week and one true rest day. Sometimes due to work ill have 2 days rest but 5 days minimum at the gym and I love it.
Tried the 135 challenge and failed miserably. 23 reps.

Do pre workouts really help with lactic acid. Srs.

Bc I did a few sets of 225 after, then jumped 20lbs a set up to 280 which is 5lbs under my PR. I was shooting for 35 of 135 and am confused lol.
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