STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

There's this 150 pound kid who just joined the 400 dead club at my gym.

Was curious to see how he stacks up with similar weight lifters.. so I googled

Still not considered elite level. I was surprised.

I was misinformed. I assumed advanced was two times your body weight and anything more than that is another level.
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Been training for the last 6 months to get this. Sacrificed a lot of gains along the way. Time to get back on track:

Congrats bro. I know first hand the amount of time it takes to prepare for something like that. Boston marathon is on my to do list within the next 3 years
There's this 150 pound kid who just joined the 400 dead club at my gym.

Was curious to see how he stacks up with similar weight lifters.. so I googled

Still not considered elite level. I was surprised.

I was misinformed. I assumed advanced was two times your body weight and anything more than that is another level.

I'm around 140lbs right now and got up 365 on my last max week of 531. People watching were giving me props, but it really isn't that impressive lol
There's this 150 pound kid who just joined the 400 dead club at my gym.

Was curious to see how he stacks up with similar weight lifters.. so I googled

Still not considered elite level. I was surprised.

I was misinformed. I assumed advanced was two times your body weight and anything more than that is another level.
In PL elite terms would be around 3.5 times bodyweight. 

Advanced would be 2.5-3 times bodyweight.

Its really judged on your total though.

More weight is always more impressive.
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Ugh, I can't wait until the warmer weather comes. Need to start running to offset some of the weight I put on.

I've been following the Biggie rule of life and letting myself eat more to lift more weight, but I might've let my eating get too out of control lol
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Dope work. I dont even think I could do 135 flr 25 reps :lol:

Cant wait for it to be above 50 degrees in NYC. Running outdoors is addictive.
There's no benefit to "stacking" vitamins. They have their independent benefits. If you have trouble sleeping or achieving deep REM sleep, ZMA's are known to assist in that dept. take them before you go to bed. You can take your multi any time during the day.
5x5 back squat @325lbs
box jumps
ham curls
Good mousings

10x10 Front Squat @190lbs
Step ups

Had a tough two day. Legs feeling crazy.
If anybody here takes a zinc/magnesium supplement do you stack it with a multivitamin as well?

I do that and Vitamin C (to stay healthy from my elementary students who I swear strategically take turns getting sick to keep me sick.)
I also take the multi, if you're asking about if it makes me feel better..... I Don't really notice anything different from when I don't take it.

Yesterday hit triceps for like 35 mins. had a banana. sat down for 15 minutes .
then Hit Biceps for 35 mins had another banana and shake, that pump was too real. loved it.
I just finished my 1st month in the gym.  Pretty happy with my results.  I've been trying to bulk and I've put on about an inch on each side of my lats and have gained definition and got bigger in all of my other muscles too.  I'm pretty sure I'm blessed with good genetics because I haven't been gaining fat while bulking. 

Does anyone know a good exercise to get your abs to pop out more?  I'm not talking about slimming fat on your stomach I mean the actual ab muscles.  Thanks everyone! 
Since we're posting medals in here, after a way too long off season:


Feels damn good to see your training pay off. Keep at it NT fit fam.
I just finished my 1st month in the gym.  Pretty happy with my results.  I've been trying to bulk and I've put on about an inch on each side of my lats and have gained definition and got bigger in all of my other muscles too.  I'm pretty sure I'm blessed with good genetics because I haven't been gaining fat while bulking. 

Does anyone know a good exercise to get your abs to pop out more?  I'm not talking about slimming fat on your stomach I mean the actual ab muscles.  Thanks everyone! 

abs are still a muscle so treat it as such do weighted versions of the things you're already doing. you can build upon them.

use the rope on the cable machine do rope crunches with some weight. whatever ur gym has
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