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Does weed effect your muscle gainz?

Teach me the ways fam
I smoke weed. But I'm fat. U gotta learn from someone else. When I get the munchies I be eating some crazy stuff. Once I had a thing for white rice with melted mozarella cheese. It was weird. But now I eat beef jerky and yogurt.
if you want to lose bodyfat, eat less calories than you burn. i'm writing a book on it, it's called eat less calories than you burn. chapter 1 is about eating less calories than you burn. i'm thinking it's gonna be a best seller.
if you want to lose bodyfat, eat less calories than you burn. i'm writing a book on it, it's called eat less calories than you burn. chapter 1 is about eating less calories than you burn. i'm thinking it's gonna be a best seller.
Would buy
marijuana has no negative effect at all. It actually enhances focus and is used by many distance runners to find their zone. There's a gym in Colorado where eating edibles before a session is advised.
Lol also if you smoke 3 times a week you are much less likely to battle obesity. This is backed by science but do you know any fat stoners? I don't
1 beer=200calories 20g carbs
Joint=0 calories 0 carbs
What does highschool have to do with anything?
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Use your ******* brain lol

Runners smoking, do you even realize how that sounds?

My dad has done over 10 marathons and not once have I ever heard of a runner wanting any smoke in their lungs.

How are you less likely to battle obesity when smoking gives A LOT of people the munchies? Dat logic.

Being serious about lifting, training, stuff like that will never mix well with smoking pot. 
a lot of runners prefer edibles. It's really not far fetched that a distance runner would want to take their mind off running. The link between obesity has very little to do with what is being consumed. Lower insulin levels and metabolizing carbohydrates better is why there's an advantage. Munchies aren't a bad thing if you are smart enough to keep healthy snacks around depending on your goals.
I did my googles and dude might not be making up stuff :lol:

Also writing him off because urban is in his sn is childish but american so I'm not surprised
Hey man you don't have to try and justify why you like to smoke, its your right to do what you want.

BUT don't sit here and try to say that smoking/eating weed has any benefits in terms of exercising or training performance. 
bro it's legal in a bunch of states and cali isn't one of them lol. I don't ever smoke before I lift but to say it has no place in fitness is crazy. It's a substance thats easily swapped for alcohol and it possibly has some benefits.
I did my googles and dude might not be making up stuff

Also writing him off because urban is in his sn is childish but american so I'm not surprised
But your signature isn't childish? The first word in his SN is referring to pot.

This argument isn't even worth it, a bunch of people who don't even lift but smoke like a chimney will start chiming in 
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If weed raises your cortisol levels like cigs it definitely wouldnt help.
This is what i posted yesterday.

When you throw smoke in your lungs it raises the stress homones in your body. Thats why a lot of people that smoke cigs are think

Hell the same logic could be used for smoking crack. "Yo summer is comin up im about to smoke some crills and get leeeaaan"

From a technically stand point sure you can smoke weed, The issue is when them munchies come can you not eat, thats the reson itll get you f'd up in the game.
exercise raises cortisol levels. You guys have never noticed the people that smoke all the time are almost always thin?
Lol, people who exercise regularly have negligible rise in cortisol levels. Their bodies are used to the stress placed on their bodies.
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