STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread


So good :smile:
Can someone please Point me in the direction of some good wrist straps I have a small joints and I am looking for some more support 
Can someone please Point me in the direction of some good wrist straps I have a small joints and I am looking for some more support 
Yep I have some SBDs that provide MAXIMAL support. Hit me up if interested and don't forget to mention #NTdiscount
Yep I have some SBDs that provide MAXIMAL support. Hit me up if interested and don't forget to mention #NTdiscount

I ordered the sling shot multi purpose 36" wraps. Got them in the mail on Wednesday and they're way too big for me. Gonna have to send them back and get the smaller ones.

What's the price of the SBDs?
I ordered the sling shot multi purpose 36" wraps. Got them in the mail on Wednesday and they're way too big for me. Gonna have to send them back and get the smaller ones.

What's the price of the SBDs?
Yeah you need the mini Gangstas bro. The SBDs are $60 shipped, mine are 1m length and the stiffest.

I also have the flexile 1m ones and I like those better, which is why Im selling the stiff ones.
i need to order one. i wear size 34 levis that are kinda loose. what size should i order?

anyway, met up with one of the NT mods a month ago or so and when we shook hands he said "your hands are soft". was like a knife to my gut :lol:

you need to measure the circumference of your torso where you would wear the belt.
Since I've been working with singles as one of my main rep ranges, I've been mad hungry. I'm probably hungry every two hours, even with the water I drink throughout the day. Still, I'm happy to have squatted 355 for two singles after my initial plans of 350 left me feeling I could do more.

Speaking of squats, what do you guys think of squat lockouts (partials, much like rack pulls)? I've never tried them, but I find myself getting stuck around the mid-top of the lift. I do rack pulls around the mid shin area and that seems to help my lockout with the deadlift.
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Since I've been working with singles as one of my main rep ranges, I've been mad hungry. I'm probably hungry every two hours, even with the water I drink throughout the day. Still, I'm happy to have squatted 355 for two singles after my initial plans of 350 left me feeling I could do more.

Speaking of squats, what do you guys think of squat lockouts (partials, much like rack pulls? I've never tried them, but I find myself getting stuck around the mid-top of the lift.
Personally I love pause squats and a lot of people say they are one of the top accessories for raw squatters.

Faster out of the whole = easier to grind out to the top.
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you know what sucks, when you're doing cardio and you need to take a dump

take the dump, then no more motviation to lift or cardio
He's fat, so by default, none of his lifts count.
This guy looks disgusting. Why would anyone look up to this guy besides his stats. It's horroble. They got this power lifter at the gym I go to once in awhile. He looks like a block. No definition whatsoever.
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