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I've always been weak when it came to bicep workouts. Any advice on a bicep workout that can be done twice a week? I plan on going in the morning before work.
i like doing 7s for biceps. get in preacher curl position. do the bottom half of a normal curl movement 7x, then the top half 7x, then full curl 7x. 3 sets of that. burns like hell, i like to throw em in at the end of back day.
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I've always been weak when it came to bicep workouts. Any advice on a bicep workout that can be done twice a week? I plan on going in the morning before work.
i like doing 7s for biceps. get in preacher curl position. do the bottom half of a normal curl movement 7x, then the top half 7x, then full curl 7x. 3 sets of that. burns like hell, i like to throw em in at the end of back day.

So is this 21 reps per set or 7 reps for 3 sets? :nerd:
Bruh don't even get me started. You're in here everyday asking questions about supplements. How much money you spend a month on them? How much gains have you seen bc of them? Prolly not much.
You're over here thinking that these miracle drugs are gonna help you loss weight. Everybody notices your infatuation with them. But no one says anything bc we live and let live. Let those dudes cook. Who are you to say they aren't serious. Cmon man you shed a few pounds and now have a holier than thou attitude
Noticed that as well but didnt say anything.

I really hope someone is trolling on your account Luch, dont remember you being this much of a **** ever.
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Lol what infatuation with sups? Asking about protein is infatuation? And EVERYONE was just talking about how wack the fake NYs lifters are now dudes is crying saying they losing inspirational feel of thread. LOL
Lol what infatuation with sups? Asking about protein is infatuation? And EVERYONE was just talking about how wack the fake NYs lifters are now dudes is crying saying they losing inspirational feel of thread. LOL
First thing that comes to mind. Green Coffee bean extract as a fat burner. There is no miracle drug that magically burns fat, sorry you wasted your money
heads up has Muscle Fitness and/or Men's Health at $4/year (10-12 issues)....feel free to bump the topic
First thing that comes to mind. Green Coffee bean extract as a fat burner. There is no miracle drug that magically burns fat, sorry you wasted your money
And something about multi vitamins.

Anyways, illest, whats your mile run now? I think im around a 8:30 person now, clocked in at 9:08 but I was on 3.5 til about 1:30 in then I started running.

Im gonna try to get under 8:30 tomorrow and steadily progress to the the 7:30 mark by spring. A mile a day goes a long way.
Dont eem feel tired after playing up and down the court a few times.
Damn this page jumped since this afternoon! I was one of those "noobs" at the gym this time last year and got discouraged very quick bc the regulars look down upon you for taking up their so called "space" I almost quit bc of negativity like that until the biggest dude I've seen at the gym saw me struggling and came and helped me out and gave me encouragement. I try and do the same now with others bc I've been there.

Absolutely destroyed my legs and back tonight! I can barely walk! Feels amazing though. Gym wasn't even that crowded.
And something about multi vitamins.

Anyways, illest, whats your mile run now? I think im around a 8:30 person now, clocked in at 9:08 but I was on 3.5 til about 1:30 in then I started running.

Im gonna try to get under 8:30 tomorrow and steadily progress to the the 7:30 mark by spring. A mile a day goes a long way.
Dont eem feel tired after playing up and down the court a few times.
Bruh's, I need to get my cardiovascular endurance up. I can barely run a mile straight. I wanna be able to run a 5k no problem sometime in the spring. The funny thing is that I don't get tired when I ball (maybe because I don't play defense 
). Do you think running a mile or two 2-3 times a week after I lift will hinder my gains if I'm trying to do a (clean) bulk?
Damn this page jumped since this afternoon! I was one of those "noobs" at the gym this time last year and got discouraged very quick bc the regulars look down upon you for taking up their so called "space" I almost quit bc of negativity like that until the biggest dude I've seen at the gym saw me struggling and came and helped me out and gave me encouragement. I try and do the same now with others bc I've been there.
Absolutely destroyed my legs and back tonight! I can barely walk! Feels amazing though. Gym wasn't even that crowded.

Who cars how much you can do, as long as you get your *** in there everyday. That's more than I can say than millions of Americans who "wish" they weren't obese but don't do a damn thing about it. 
brosssss lmaooo what's going on in here!! All this hostility and testosterone! hahaha now you know you're in the boys club hahaha

Lucky! lmaooo come on man! I feel your frustration as far is the gym being over crowded...but come on fam, when did we become perfect to where we can judge the will and effort of others? As far as I'm concerned, we're ALL in the same boat together. We're all just trying to build the best bodies we can, only difference is we started trying first. We're not catching feelings, we just recognize the common struggles of being a beginner that we've all once experienced. So much anger young padawan, it'll be alright bro.

I def get a little uncomfortable with the crowds...but as far as starting war with people that are making an's not in my nature. I wish them all the best, the same as I wish all of you. Trying and failing is ok, it happens, not everybody is meant for this drastic of a lifestyle change, but as long as they're paying the same money I'm paying, they have just as much of a right to be there as I do. I only hope that they have the common courtesy to move from the equipment when they're finished.

I actually skipped today! 2nd day in a row. Felt great. I was going to do legs today, but was tooooo damn tired, I just didnt want to push myself that hard. So I'm gonna rest up again today and wreck **** tomorrow. Hopefully it's not too toooo crowded. but if it is, so be it, after years of this workout life, I beyond conditioned to this time of year.
Bruh's, I need to get my cardiovascular endurance up. I can barely run a mile straight. I wanna be able to run a 5k no problem sometime in the spring. The funny thing is that I don't get tired when I ball (maybe because I don't play defense  
). Do you think running a mile or two 2-3 times a week after I lift will hinder my gains if I'm trying to do a (clean) bulk?
One of those eh?

J/p brah.

This is how my chest was looking after today's workout. Mind you this was at night after everything I ate + 1.5 gallons of water.
As you can see I need work on my upper. Ugh. It leans out in the morning and looks more defined but damn. I want that VNeck neck taper. Like them bros from TMW.

You don't give yourself enough credit dude!
Aright here's my update!
Started winter session today. Ended up being a HEALTH AND NUTRITIONS course. :pimp: Stuff I learned today,
- Meats contain creatine thus not needing to take extra.
- She advised to NOT stretch before, but stretch AFTER. Get a lil blood flow before.
- If you were hitting incline, don't go to somewhere else and back to incline. As you hit incline your muscle is tearing, keep tearing it and once you're done move to the next part of your chest. Same goes for all muscle groups. EX. Kill Bi's then do tris.
- I'll let you know more as semester progresses.
My new Routine will look something like this.
- Monday: Chest
- Tuesday: Core work
- Wednesday: Back
- Thursday: Spartacus
- Friday: Shoulders and Arms
- Saturday: Legs

Each followed by a cardio session.
Hit chest today. I never say numbers but I'll mention today.
Did a 10 minute walk, speed 3, incline 5. Did flys to stretch my shoulders and chest.
Started with Incline Bench.
95 x 15
135 X 12
185 X 12
225 X 8
185 X 10
185 X 10
135 X 15
was feelin DEAD!
Went on to do:
seated incline machine.
flat bench dumbells
decline dumbells
cable cross overs
wide dips
1 mile
Ran a mile in 8:45 today BUT I was breathing through out my nose through it all. So I wasn't struggling. I know I can demolish that time but want to do it over time.
Again ended my night with...chipotle. 0:]
Quaker Rice Cakes are CRACK!
I'm not bulking or cutting.. I'm eating healthy and lifting heavy...We'll see what it does. Guy was telling me today it's impossible to maintain until summer time but well see what happens.
It's funny. I'm working my *** off everyday and my boys are planning to take water suppressing pills before Vegas saying it'll give them a 6 pack. haha. Ima be the biggest dude in the clique for suuuuure. :pimp:
Only thing that confuses me is my weight fluctuation. GIVEN I check at night, it's still confusing. Other night I was 192, tonight 195. Need to start checking in morning.
Good luck to everyone with resolutions and goals. Remember, you go into the gym to be better than you were when you walked in. Push and strive for more always. Even the BIGGEST dude at the gym had to start somewhere.

While there is creatine in meat it's a lot easier to get 5g of creatine in a scoop opposed to eating pounds of red meat everyday.

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It's not on purpose homie. I'm NEVER content with where I am. I ask EVERY big guy at the gym for advice on the daily and always seek knowledge. They give me compliments but my eyes don't see them. Whether it be a psychological issue or wanting to strive for more I'm not sure. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy where I am and feel healthy but know I have a lot of time and a lot of work to do ahead of me. I guess if I KNEW what type of body type I wanted it would be easier for me to be content, but I don't. For example dude at the gym tonight explained to me how I should pack on weight so I look like I lift with clothes on instead of having to take my clothes off (beach) for it to be known. Anyways, well see! Gym life. :pimp:
Side note: I know it's the food and water, but notice the layer of fat over my abs. If I were to be able to diet correctly and get a lower BFP I know they would pop, like I said yesterday. But having trouble at the moment. Lookin lopsided and sort of "noob gain" to me.

Dude im the same way! People have been giving me compliments left and right and I tell them I don't notice much of a difference. I'm trying to get out of that mentality but it's difficult lol.
It's not on purpose homie. I'm NEVER content with where I am. I ask EVERY big guy at the gym for advice on the daily and always seek knowledge. They give me compliments but my eyes don't see them. Whether it be a psychological issue or wanting to strive for more I'm not sure. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy where I am and feel healthy but know I have a lot of time and a lot of work to do ahead of me. I guess if I KNEW what type of body type I wanted it would be easier for me to be content, but I don't. For example dude at the gym tonight explained to me how I should pack on weight so I look like I lift with clothes on instead of having to take my clothes off (beach) for it to be known. Anyways, well see! Gym life. :pimp:
Side note: I know it's the food and water, but notice the layer of fat over my abs. If I were to be able to diet correctly and get a lower BFP I know they would pop, like I said yesterday. But having trouble at the moment. Lookin lopsided and sort of "noob gain" to me.

Dude im the same way! People have been giving me compliments left and right and I tell them I don't notice much of a difference. I'm trying to get out of that mentality but it's difficult lol.

don't try. that mentality keeps you hungry, keeps you eager and motivated. Getting comfortable and complacent is the beginning of the end. That's how I am, but I carry that mind-state into the rest of my life as well, i.e. professional, personal, etc.. To always want more, an insatiable hunger. To always strive to be better, despite the successes. To see past all the 'congratulations & soft tones', all the accolades and just keeping focused on something bigger. All this working out is really just a metaphor in the grand scheme of earned results and discovered discipline.
don't try. that mentality keeps you hungry, keeps you eager and motivated. Getting comfortable and complacent is the beginning of the end. That's how I am, but I carry that mind-state into the rest of my life as well, i.e. professional, personal, etc.. To always want more, an insatiable hunger. To always strive to be better, despite the successes. To see past all the 'congratulations & soft tones', all the accolades and just keeping focused on something bigger. All this working out is really just a metaphor in the grand scheme of earned results and discovered discipline.

Good point!
I haven't been in this thread in a loooong time, that said my 24 was insanely packed, blah. I cant get to any benches, weights or machines smh.
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