STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Any harm in drinking Red Bull (sugar free) ?

Also got on the EC stack and i can barley eat, I have to force myself to eat. Anyone else experience this?

that's one of it's main benefits, appetite suppression. This is where meal replacement drinks come in handy.
That's what it's all about.  What would you estimate your bodyfat at?  Putting on mass now wouldn't hurt, especially if your diet is on point.  You should have no problem burning whatever extra BF you may have.

I'm ready for 2013 bros.  My resolution is going to be to get in this thread as much as I'm in the shoe threads.

Great motivation reading this thread on a daily basis.
Thanks bro, if I were to guess I would say 14-15% but I'm not sure if I am being hard on myself or not hard enough (pause) with that guess. I would like to get down to 9 or 10% and start upping my calories and macros.
Sorry for the late reply lol.

Honestly as long as your diet is on point as it seems yours is, you'll have no problem getting down.  Sub some of your cardio for HIIT and you'll be straight.

Wasn't into lifting yesterday so I got in a nice jumprope circuit along with some calisthenics.  Sometimes the joints just need a rest.  Only the lord knows how the hell I was able to rope the day after destroying legs.

I've been talking about it, but I think I'm finally going to start this MMA style routine.  Basically do giant sets of compound lifts with no rest to mimic boxing/MMA rounds.  Anytime I try anything like it (the 300 workout for example), it leaves me feeling good and the pump you get is insane.  Plus I want to shoot my endurance through the roof.  If I had more time I'd think about finding someplace to spar.  Really want to tailor my workouts towards athletics as opposed to simply training for mass.
I started dieting and exercising a year ago when I turned 30. I started out at 468 and my goal is to drop 200 pounds. It's been a year this past November and I'm down 130 pounds. I've learned a lot, and the main thing I've learned is diet is 90% of it all. You can't worry about calories, fat, carbs, sugars, etc. at the same time, you have to narrow it down to one or two things to avoid. I went with concentrating on not eating so much white-colored foods (white rice, pastas, sugars, flour) because those are just carbs and empty calories, and to eat clean foods as much as possible. I also hired a personal trainer who specializes in strength training (powerlifting). 

I'm gonna reach my goal before the end of summer, but my life has already changed for the better: I'm not carrying around all that weight, I'm getting stronger, I'm getting more attention from girls, I get to buy some nicer clothes. I'm new on here, but I plan on posting on this thread quite a bit. 
Got 100s up 10 times for my last set of flat bench with dumbbells, felt good man. And it wasn't even that crowded.
I started dieting and exercising a year ago when I turned 30. I started out at 468 and my goal is to drop 200 pounds. It's been a year this past November and I'm down 130 pounds. I've learned a lot, and the main thing I've learned is diet is 90% of it all. You can't worry about calories, fat, carbs, sugars, etc. at the same time, you have to narrow it down to one or two things to avoid. I went with concentrating on not eating so much white-colored foods (white rice, pastas, sugars, flour) because those are just carbs and empty calories, and to eat clean foods as much as possible. I also hired a personal trainer who specializes in strength training (powerlifting). 

I'm gonna reach my goal before the end of summer, but my life has already changed for the better: I'm not carrying around all that weight, I'm getting stronger, I'm getting more attention from girls, I get to buy some nicer clothes. I'm new on here, but I plan on posting on this thread quite a bit. 

Good job bro! Im proud of you.

That takes a lot of dedication, and you are on a good path.
Welcome to the thread. We'll all be here to help if you have any questions.

We're all on the same team here, I learn something from everyone in here every single day. Keep going my man :smokin
First day back in the gym this year. I worked on back, biceps, and calves.

I dont really know a good back workout. Here's what I did today:

Pull Ups - 10 - 10 - 10
Lat Pull down - 20 - 16 - 12
Seated Cable Rows - 20 - 16 -12
Bent Over Row - 10 - 10 - 10
Reverse Grip Bent-Over Rows
One-Arm Dumbbell Row 10 - 10 - 10

Curls 10 - 10 - 10
Alt Curls 10 - 10 - 10
Preacher Curls 21 - 21 - 21

Seated calf raises 20 - 20 - 20 - 20

Any advice on what I can do for a solid back and bigger biceps? :nerd:
Was gonna go and just do cardio but I'm feeling good enough to just go ahead and do biceps and shoulders tonight.
Good job bro! Im proud of you.
That takes a lot of dedication, and you are on a good path.
Welcome to the thread. We'll all be here to help if you have any questions.
We're all on the same team here, I learn something from everyone in here every single day. Keep going my man
Thanks man, appreciate it. I just got tired of feeling run down and I decided it wasn't gonna get any easier as I got older.

My trainer had me start a blog to hold my self accountable and to document the process. Not sure if I'm allowed to post it, but you should check it out.
Started paleo and starting counting calories/macros. 2 days in. Hope i can keep at it for a while.
Couple things. If you read my responses, I never came off as trying to be impressive at all. I actually stated that I'm nowhere near where I want to be, but that's the whole point. And I don't think anyone is "riding" me off that pic. They did what we all would do if anyone posted progress pics. Acknowledged and said to keep it up.
And I'm not tryna be defensive, but you can't really say that unless you were to see me in correct flexing positions. Also, what might not be impressive aesthetically, might be impressive when you look at my numbers and what I'm actually doing.
Again, don't want to come off as defensive but had to say that.
Don't worry too much about him bro, that's one of his numerous accounts he has on here so he won't be around long.

Killed shoulders and traps today 

Really surprised my gym hasn't been too crowded when I go in the late afternoon.

Ready to kill my legs tomorrow.
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Good job bro! Im proud of you.

That takes a lot of dedication, and you are on a good path.

Welcome to the thread. We'll all be here to help if you have any questions.

We're all on the same team here, I learn something from everyone in here every single day. Keep going my man :smokin

Thanks man, appreciate it. I just got tired of feeling run down and I decided it wasn't gonna get any easier as I got older.

My trainer had me start a blog to hold my self accountable and to document the process. Not sure if I'm allowed to post it, but you should check it out.

Dude, I just browsed through your blog. Major props.:smokin Good for you for realizing that 5XL and 6XL clothing isnt right. Youve seen that progress can be made, so now youve got to just keep at it.

Also, LOVE the Heavyweights clip. :lol: :smokin
LOL. Dauly you always got something to say to me. Why is that? Don't like my YouTube or something? haha.

nope. just looks like u sucking in your gut.

we all need work. Not just you.

We in here to motivate eachother everyday.

Keep it going.....

this thread has kept me more consistent than ever before..

I might have my spurts where i skip 3 days.. but thats the most.

lets go....

Dethod Dan

got back and bi's today....

bent Over rows
1 arm db rows
standing curls
seated curls
super set db curls 10 reps with wrist curls.... :smokin
This is a "gut" to me.

But it's not just this thread. You always got something to say. I've always took it as playful. But whatever you say dauly. :]

care to show me where??

post it.

only thing was the thread about you and the girl asking for notes.

dont get sensitive now.

Most of us have gut like you.
I think i have a cold..its 22 degrees..didnt feel like going to the gym..drove there at 8 and saw the parking lot was FULL..turned around and now im in bed :smile:

Currently at 228
Goal is 217-220 by Feb 1
(Not gonna happen) Goal is 200 by my bday Feb 27
Sub 200 by April
Got busy on carving these wheels up today.

heavy leg press, 600lbs+


walking lunges

a few sets of one leg extentions. yep I know I've advised against them in the past...but...i'm back to using them lol. After doing tons more research recently, i've concluded that they actually are ok if you A. do one leg which requires less weight. and B. don't lock out at the top of the motion. just go up about 80-85% and back down in a fluid motion. Because it's less weight, you can do this for 10-15 reps. i've been doing them and they've felt great, really hitting the quad. Oh and also, I've done them after having already done the majority of leg work, so the legs are already extremely warmed up and worked. You guys can make you're own choices on them, but I think this way is extremely productive with low risk. Try it out.

Then I finished the leg power/endurance workout with ATG kettleball squat press. It was great ending, especially since I was pretty much jelly from the waste down lol.

Then did a half hour of calf work. I hit 300 on the standing calf raise machine. That's a personal best so far. Followed that with seated calf raises superset with seated fibula raise.

IT was pretty crowded in there, a bunch of new people, and a bunch of faces I havent seen since last year around this time.. Sall good though, really my only complaint was the time it took to find a parking spot. Once I got in the gym, I zoned out. Plus since I was doing legs, most of those things go unused except by the regular members. Most new people avoid legs when they first start unless they get a trainer that makes them do it. They opt instead for the superficial workouts that work the arms and chest.
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