STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I believe I got sciatica from overworking myself on the inner and outer thigh leg machine, I don't normally do it and I went overboard with it one day and the following days I noticed a pain from my back/left side running down to the back of my knee. I laid off it for awhile and it went away so I thought I was healing and was able to play ball again. I then started doing more weights, and just last week I did squats while holding a 20 lb ball. Fast forward 2 days later and the sciatica is back, I can still function but in the mornings it wakes me up, by 1pm I won't even really feel it anymore also especially if I do a light cardio exercise like walk or jog for 10-20 minutes. What are some ways to relieve the pain in the mornings? I'm starting to stretch as well as include some yoga techniques to clear it up.
Today was my hypertrophy leg day decided to end my day with this challenge

"The goal is do 50 front squats in four minutes. You can break it up into as many sets as you want, and you can choose your rest intervals. The clock starts when you unrack the bar for the first set and ends when you rack the bar after completing your 50th rep.

Start with a weight you could squat for about 30 reps (so very light) with the ultimate goal being able to build up to where you can complete all 50 reps with your bodyweight on the bar. Once you achieve that, use the following weight guidelines.

Bodyweight 135 pounds and under: Use 135

Bodyweight 136-185 pounds: Use 185

Bodyweight 186-205 pounds: Use 205

Bodyweight over 205: Use 225"

Brutal to say the least.
Better for deadlifting, trap bar or straight bar? Which bar gives better results and which is safer?
Trap bar deadlift allows you to lift more weight, places less pressure on your spine, and requires for more involvement from your quads while conventional is hip dominant. All depends on what your goals are. 
Got my MRI results back about the "swelling' in my knee.

The good news is I don't have a meniscus tear.  The bad news,  I have a piece of cartilage that has chipped off and small cracks in my knee cartilage.  SMH
Got my MRI results back about the "swelling' in my knee.

The good news is I don't have a meniscus tear.  The bad news,  I have a piece of cartilage that has chipped off and small cracks in my knee cartilage.  SMH

So what does that mean for you bro? Require surgery?
hoping you recover quick @ootherocoo

Yesterday was a bad day for me. I'm being treated for lyme disease that has been overlooked for possibly 3 years. I would get random flare ups of flu like symptoms and severe fatigue. Started treatment almost 3 months ago now. I've been pretty good but damn yesterday I felt like crashing at the gym. 25s felt like 45s. Couldn't even finish a mile run. Still pushed myself. Today is a new day and I'm feeling better. 
Took a lot for me to wake up right now to make it to the gym for 5am... On top of that, I have a 12hr shift after lool

Inalmost did this today but i just decided to wait til after. I like the feeling of having my full days meals in before i work out
Got my MRI results back about the "swelling' in my knee.

The good news is I don't have a meniscus tear.  The bad news,  I have a piece of cartilage that has chipped off and small cracks in my knee cartilage.  SMH
So what does that mean for you bro? Require surgery?
I have to do P.T for the next 6 weeks.  Also rest (I doubt that's going to happen..LOL).

At the end of the physical therapy, if it doesn't get better, the next step is a knee scope.
damn, kangaroos getting big af. must be hgh.


1st picture he looks depressed and beta holding that stuffed animal... must not have ran a proper PCT got his hormones in a loop
Car accident today has me all paranoid. Can't tell if I'm sore from heavy deads yesterday or from being relaxed on impact.

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