STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Damn amel curse hit me like two weeks ago on deadlifts and hasn't left. one day I'll get stronger I guess. Smh.
Man idk about that curse. I think it's real. I almost puked on my first heavy pull tonight but it was just pwo so I swolled it again :x then I got stuck at 365 for some weak *** singles when I was repping 385 before.
Anybody seen that squat video from Jim Jones IG?

Someone tell him to put his ego up..quarter squating 315 :lol:

Drop the weight back down to 225 and work on it :lol:
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Anybody seen that squat video from Jim Jones IG?

Someone tell him to put his ego up..quarter squating 315 :lol:

Drop the weight back down to 225 and work on it :lol:

his form was solid at 135 and even 225, that impressed me.

Did legs last night. Stayed light with this weird quad impingement/pressure/strain i have. Ran 3 miles then stayed under 275. But I am going to try to up my frequency on squats just to work from. 2 times a week one time heavy the other time form work.

I know i can squat 405 if i can get a little momentum out of the hole. I found that if i have a little more forward lean it helps my bounce out of the whole and i can do ti without rounding my back. But I have to stay conscious of that because it is easy to "good morning" to get lock out.

But weight coming off and strength maintaining. 173lbs and still pulled 405 for two sets of 3 last week and squatted 275 for 5 last night beltless and felt good about it even partially hurt.
Anybody seen that squat video from Jim Jones IG?

Someone tell him to put his ego up..quarter squating 315 :lol:

Drop the weight back down to 225 and work on it :lol:

Yoooo that's my gym! :lol:

I actually see Jim Jones there pretty often. I've never seen him squat though. I usually see him benching or doing pullups/dips. He uses chains a lot too.
Tried to hit a new max on bench yesterday at 285 (previous max 275) and failed. Feelsbatman. Was really trying to hit 1k total this week too :smh:. Was going for 405 deadlift today (previous max 400) but I might try 410 just to hit 1k
his form was solid at 135 and even 225, that impressed me.

Did legs last night. Stayed light with this weird quad impingement/pressure/strain i have. Ran 3 miles then stayed under 275. But I am going to try to up my frequency on squats just to work from. 2 times a week one time heavy the other time form work.

I know i can squat 405 if i can get a little momentum out of the hole. I found that if i have a little more forward lean it helps my bounce out of the whole and i can do ti without rounding my back. But I have to stay conscious of that because it is easy to "good morning" to get lock out.

But weight coming off and strength maintaining. 173lbs and still pulled 405 for two sets of 3 last week and squatted 275 for 5 last night beltless and felt good about it even partially hurt.

That 225 looks okay not that great.

Looks like he's doing a mixed bar. :lol:

High and low.
Srs question, im still learning so if it sounds silly then my apologies.

I work graveyard shift (7am-7pm) so during the day i prefer going to the gym once instead two-a-days so i can get my rest.

My question is when i start cutting could i just come to the gym for cardio(stairmaster,treadmill,etc)and then just focus on my diet?(VERY low carbs w/ high protein) i figured theres no point in Lifting since im not tryna gain mass, is that a decent plan for my goal guys?
I dont wanna give it up man but time isnt being my friend in my life at the moment so i gotta work it out :/
You're not gonna accidentally gain mass. Depends on your diet and how much you eat. If you wanna focus on cardio to get better at a sport or whatever, cool. No reason to cut out lifting completely though.
Yoooo that's my gym!

I actually see Jim Jones there pretty often. I've never seen him squat though. I usually see him benching or doing pullups/dips. He uses chains a lot too.
Does he come in there with a squad? I would probably get a pic with him when he's done to help with my street cred 
I dont wanna give it up man but time isnt being my friend in my life at the moment so i gotta work it out :/

You'll lose muscle when you cut so you still have to lift to keep as much as possible. I lost 10 pounds and lost 20 pounds off my deadlift in a month.

You can cut with no cardio too. If you don't have time for both just lift. Cardio won't knock off a bunch of weight anyways.
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You'll lose muscle when you cut so you still have to lift to keep as much as possible. I lost 10 pounds and lost 20 pounds off my deadlift in a month.

You can cut with no cardio too. If you don't have time for both just lift. Cardio won't knock off a bunch of weight anyways.
Thats prob just physiological bro, 10 pounds isn't enough to notice a significant strength loss usually. 
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