STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

To me it's not Even about weight, I have Low sex drive, psychological problems (anxiety and depression), fatigue and general lethargy. I go to the gym every day, yet don't get the results I feel I should.
that's really tough man. my close friend had all of the same symptoms. he even took celexa for his depression. once he started taking test, no more depression meds, he wakes up early in the morning to workout, goes to work for a few hours after that, hits the beach to surf, eats dinner, plays some kinda frisbee where he wears cleats, goes out after that, bangs some chick then goes home. he's mid-40s but lives like a teenager :lol:

:lol: nice man

From my research as long as you get your test to range levels, and take hcgh your still fertile (granted your sperm count will be low)

I just want to live life like a normal 24 year old :lol:

I see normal dudes able to eat normal and not have to worry.
I swear if I have a chip I gain weight immediately :rofl:

My hope is this is finally the key to turn my life around.
They initially thought it was my thyroid but thats impeccable as well :lol:
Their chips are so much better now. And im still cutting so the crunch is well appreciated.
My lower back is fine as we speak and I hit dl yesterday. Legs are sore though. So my sweet spot right now is 315, you mean do volume with that weight or even lower? I can always get a 5x5 at 315.

Or else do say 225 on leg day and just rep the **** out of it and dl twice a week? Go heavy on one and rep a lot of light weight on the other?

My upper back is pretty strong I think. Def the biggest part of my body next to my legs. I do farmer walk too to get my upper back and legs.
Do volume in the 65-75% range. I wouldn't go above 85% unless its a max day. 
My lower back is fine as we speak and I hit dl yesterday. Legs are sore though. So my sweet spot right now is 315, you mean do volume with that weight or even lower? I can always get a 5x5 at 315.

Or else do say 225 on leg day and just rep the **** out of it and dl twice a week? Go heavy on one and rep a lot of light weight on the other?

My upper back is pretty strong I think. Def the biggest part of my body next to my legs. I do farmer walk too to get my upper back and legs.

Do volume in the 65-75% range. I wouldn't go above 85% unless its a max day. 

Heard, appreciate it as always.
I feel my legs are weak so I ought ankle weights and resistance bands to work my chest area.

Gonna wear the ankle weights as much as I can.
:rofl: :rofl:

What's yall supplement list, got a bonus at work i think i can afford more than discounted muscle milk whey from costco now.
I bought 2 boxes of Lenny & Larry's complete cookies from Wal-mart. The snickerdoodle is kinda meh so far.
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:rofl: :rofl:

What's yall supplement list, got a bonus at work i think i can afford more than discounted muscle milk whey from costco now.


Ive accomplished my totals while on a powerlifting program... but i got kinda fat. gonna start a cut soon but need a good bodybuilding workout. anyone got one?
Ive accomplished my totals while on a powerlifting program... but i got kinda fat. gonna start a cut soon but need a good bodybuilding workout. anyone got one?

Just keep the powerlifting program and change the diet.

Have 1 high rep day and that's it.
i work at at home so I'm buying equipment piece by piece .the way my basement is set up I can do laps around there and try to beat my record each attempt.

I'm down for this do next purchase will be some heavy *** Dumbbells .

And my right trap is catching up :pimp:
Just fill some buckets up with sand and do it in the yard. Once you start doing it with some heavy weight it's hard enough to walk straight. It's no joke.
At like crap for a month b/c I was studying for a major exam. The exam ended 10 days ago. Cut out all alcohol. Have eaten minimal carbs
mplsdunk mplsdunk

Farmers walk ,how you do that there manuever? :nerd:

Just pick up some heavy dumbbells, keep em at your side and walk!

Yup. Simplest lift ever that gets you jacked. If your gym has the real farmers walk handles you're in more luck. ***** actually really fun because it's so hard.

Walk straight up and down with small steps and pin your shoulders back.

Literally zero gyms in my city have the real handles :smh: Going to just buy it myself for home. Such a great workout
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