STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Yoooo that's my gym! :lol:

I actually see Jim Jones there pretty often. I've never seen him squat though. I usually see him benching or doing pullups/dips. He uses chains a lot too.

Does he come in there with a squad? I would probably get a pic with him when he's done to help with my street cred 

I don't think they come in with him, but he's always working out with the same group of people. Sometimes it's just him and one other dude. He's got like 3 or 4 phones with him though. I never got a pic but he's dapped me up a couple times.
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This dude has 4 45 plates on each side of the bar and hasn't done anything but look in his phone for 30min. All the plates used up on this dude
Are you on NT mobile typing your complaint?

Seems you're the same as that dude
Are you on NT mobile typing your complaint?

Seems you're the same as that dude
JP you a fool
I'm saying doe. 

in the 30 minutes of dude playing pokemon go on da bench, you're telling me he couldn't go up to him and get him off the bench?
You'll lose muscle when you cut so you still have to lift to keep as much as possible. I lost 10 pounds and lost 20 pounds off my deadlift in a month.

You can cut with no cardio too. If you don't have time for both just lift. Cardio won't knock off a bunch of weight anyways.

Thats prob just physiological bro, 10 pounds isn't enough to notice a significant strength loss usually. 

Probably right. I'm having a hard time pushing past 385. Any tips?
Probably right. I'm having a hard time pushing past 385. Any tips?
The biggest key to progessing on deadlifts is to not go heavy all the time, a lot of people do that and end up just stalling out over time. Also play around with frequency and see how much your lower back can handle from those and squatting, more frequency = more practice which leads to getting better at them. Past that just make sure you hammer out accessory work for your upper back, I do a **** ton of volume for mine, like try to hit 500 reps in a workout or something, it will pay off.
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Tbh this is kind of embarrassing, but explains a lot about my fight with weight and building a body that I want.

I have Low T, extremely low. The range was 348-1197
I'm at 201 ng/dl.

Anyone here have low T? I have my follow up Thursday to see my options and other places it's effected my life.
But wondering if anyone here has this and how they feel after fixing this?
Sup man. How old are you?

I'm turning 33 this year and was thinking Of asking my doc to measure it
That's the funniest part to me.
I'm only 24.

I've suspected this since I as 20 and was embarrassed to ask before then.

My brother is 18 and his is barely at 397. Which is extremely low considering his age.

I wonder if it is hereditary.
I have Low T, extremely low. The range was 348-1197
I'm at 201 ng/dl.

Anyone here have low T? I have my follow up Thursday to see my options and other places it's effected my life.
But wondering if anyone here has this and how they feel after fixing this?
those numbers are low for your ages. what did the doc say? what time of day did you draw blood? have you used anabolics before?

i have a few friends that are on TRT but they are all in 40+. every single one loves it but it's basically a life sentence once you start it and depending on your med regimen, your sperm production will drop to the point where you're basically infertile.
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I have Low T, extremely low. The range was 348-1197
I'm at 201 ng/dl.

Anyone here have low T? I have my follow up Thursday to see my options and other places it's effected my life.
But wondering if anyone here has this and how they feel after fixing this?
those numbers are low for your ages. what did the doc say? what time of day did you draw blood? have you used anabolics before?

i have a few friends that are on TRT but they are all in 40+. every single one loves it but it's basically a life sentence once you start it and depending on your med regimen, your sperm production will drop to the point where you're basically infertile.

Never used anything besides different thermogenics, and did clenbuterol for 2 days (biggest mistake of my life :lol: )

I have a follow up for Thursday, so well see. I just went and picked up the report

It was afternoon. Like 5-6ish

So if I'm planning on having kids I'm screwed ? :lol:
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Been working out at 5AM before work.. makes a huge difference in my day as a whole.

May be pulling double days on Tuesdays and Thursdays too.
Never used anything besides different thermogenics, and did clenbuterol for 2 days (biggest mistake of my life :lol: )

I have a follow up for Thursday, so well see. I just went and picked up the report

It was afternoon. Like 5-6ish

So if I'm planning on having kids I'm screwed ? :lol:
morning is usually the best time to take your levels.
seeing as you're so young, going on TRT should be the absolute last option. i would think a change in diet and a strict plan to keep your calories sensible. plenty of exercise.

you can still have kids on TRT, it's just a little more complicated and will require taking hcg (more shots).
Never used anything besides different thermogenics, and did clenbuterol for 2 days (biggest mistake of my life :lol: )

I have a follow up for Thursday, so well see. I just went and picked up the report

It was afternoon. Like 5-6ish

So if I'm planning on having kids I'm screwed ? :lol:
morning is usually the best time to take your levels.
seeing as you're so young, going on TRT should be the absolute last option. i would think a change in diet and a strict plan to keep your calories sensible. plenty of exercise.

you can still have kids on TRT, it's just a little more complicated and will require taking hcg (more shots).

Here's the thing, I've done all that.

I exercise every single day.

If I keep my calories in check, watch and weigh everything, then I can lose some weight, but since highschool I've never gotten below 208. (Sitting at 225 right now)

To me it's not Even about weight, I have Low sex drive, psychological problems (anxiety and depression), fatigue and general lethargy. I go to the gym every day, yet don't get the results I feel I should.

With all this effort you'd assume your body would feel great but it doesn't. Hence the reason I got my T checked.

Well see What my doctor says Thursday

It's like the old Seinfeld line, I skipped healthy adult hood and went from being a kid to an old man.
To me it's not Even about weight, I have Low sex drive, psychological problems (anxiety and depression), fatigue and general lethargy. I go to the gym every day, yet don't get the results I feel I should.
that's really tough man. my close friend had all of the same symptoms. he even took celexa for his depression. once he started taking test, no more depression meds, he wakes up early in the morning to workout, goes to work for a few hours after that, hits the beach to surf, eats dinner, plays some kinda frisbee where he wears cleats, goes out after that, bangs some chick then goes home. he's mid-40s but lives like a teenager :lol:
Probably right. I'm having a hard time pushing past 385. Any tips?

The biggest key to progessing on deadlifts is to not go heavy all the time, a lot of people do that and end up just stalling out over time. Also play around with frequency and see how much your lower back can handle from those and squatting, more frequency = more practice which leads to getting better at them. Past that just make sure you hammer out accessory work for your upper back, I do a **** ton of volume for mine, like try to hit 500 reps in a workout or something, it will pay off.

My lower back is fine as we speak and I hit dl yesterday. Legs are sore though. So my sweet spot right now is 315, you mean do volume with that weight or even lower? I can always get a 5x5 at 315.

Or else do say 225 on leg day and just rep the **** out of it and dl twice a week? Go heavy on one and rep a lot of light weight on the other?

My upper back is pretty strong I think. Def the biggest part of my body next to my legs. I do farmer walk too to get my upper back and legs.
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