STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

wait how can you bench 30? the bar itself is 45...? or he had 30lb in terms of the plates only?
Natasha Hastings after what I saw last night >>> everyone else recently mentioned
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New PR on the stationary bike. Level 5 did 10 miles in 34:17 :pimp:

Am I amped is that pretty good :nerd:

I need to get shredded man, I'm trying to have veiny *** arms and legs :evil: . They're there they're just not popping
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New PR on the stationary bike. Level 5 did 10 miles in 34:17 :pimp:

Am I amped is that pretty good :nerd:

I need to get shredded man, I'm trying to have veiny *** arms and legs :evil: . They're there they're just not popping

Have you ever done a VO2 submax test via a stationary bike? It's super easy for a person to administer and that would give you a really good indication of your cardiovascular condition
Had no idea it counted if you dove for the finish line in a track and field sprint. I say that's cheating..

Anywhoo, patienty waiting for women's gymnastics :nerd:
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New PR on the stationary bike. Level 5 did 10 miles in 34:17 :pimp:

Am I amped is that pretty good :nerd:

I need to get shredded man, I'm trying to have veiny *** arms and legs :evil: . They're there they're just not popping

Have you ever done a VO2 submax test via a stationary bike? It's super easy for a person to administer and that would give you a really good indication of your cardiovascular condition

Na I'm not at that point yet :lol:. I'm like 3 weeks back in the gym after taking like 4 years off, still in terrible shape. I'm doing "couch to 5k" again and I couldn't even finish the first workout when I first came back :smh:. That sucked and I was embarrassed at myself but I'm all good now I'm on week 2

Just been doing cardio, swimming, and stretching. Just deadlifted on Saturday so gonna start lifting next week
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200 2x2
185 8 sets of 3
95x 35 for a nice burnout.
anyone tried to see how many times they can rep the bar on the flat bench press?  

my friend and I had a competition and i was only able to do it 60x. joint burns your arms bruh
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