STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Im convinced a lot of people are working out to impress others. Idgaf how much u lift, im not competing with u. Im competing with myself.
I work out so the girls will pay more attention to me. But they still don't even know I exist
At what weight?
im 157 lb 

edit* im 157lb now but when i did it i was 150lb.
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I think your foot or your head has to cross

Yeah but head dive give you a huge advantage..she basically didn't run the complete race. Instead she leaped it :lol:

Felix was about to win it...some bull
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By the way, I played basketball today and I didn't get hurt. Hallelujah.

I just ran one full with the youngins. I haven't hooped since June. I felt like an old *** man. I gotta get it together.

I played a 3 on 3 with my cousins today. I was the oldest dude by a mile.

I'm 30 and the second oldest of my cousins in the game is 20.

I thought I was going to die because everyone balled on the regular and I only played ball like twice this yr. Not to mention I was the shortest guy [emoji]128557[/emoji]

But not only did I keep up with the young uns, but I balled out too. Scored the last 6 points of an 11 point game. Had to use that old man strength to get myself going and then eventually the jumper started heating up.

Felt nice to play hard and not fall apart :pimp:

I only see my extended family every 4 yrs. I was joking today that we had to play that 3 on 3 today before they left the country because the next time I might be too old (I'd be 34 with the second oldest dude being 24).


By the way. You know that there's an age gap when you're the only one stretching and doing a full warm up routine before a 3 on 3. They asked why I had to do it and I said if I didn't do it I wouldn't be able to last the game [emoji]128514[/emoji]
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We doing after working sets or just run over and bench the bar a million times on leg day or something like a psycho? :lol:

:rofl: naw def after working sets. Is it gonna be just the bar or 135? Im bout it bout it either way
Forgive me brothers for I have sinned...

I skipped leg day 

So I went to the squat rack and see a dude is there with his girl

Me: Hey, how many sets do you guys have left?

Dude: A lot.

Me: Oh, so can I work in?

Dude: Uh nah

So at that point I go to bench and this guy has all his ish all over it. He walks over right after me and says he's on it...

Meanwhile his girl is squatting with just the bar.

At that point I was just annoyed and left to go play ball for the rest of the night. Guess I'll just lift tomorrow 
What a ******* dickhead. U shoulda put ur weights on the bench press and moved his **** out the way. He cant he 2 places at once, either let u work in on squats or cough up the bench.
What a ******* dickhead. U shoulda put ur weights on the bench press and moved his **** out the way. He cant he 2 places at once, either let u work in on squats or cough up the bench.
I mean technically he was using it. But when I happened to walk up to them he was coaching his girl who was "squatting". When I went to the bench he started to bench.
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Still coulda let u work in. Its not like shorty was gonna be squatting nonstop for half an hour. Shes gonna take rests. Guy sounds like a douchebag
Still coulda let u work in. Its not like shorty was gonna be squatting nonstop for half an hour. Shes gonna take rests. Guy sounds like a douchebag
Yeah I chalked it up to him tryna flex in front of his girl. Got some good runs in on the court though so I'm not too mad. 
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