STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread



Would love that my man, I'll pay for shipping if it's too much.

You like to focus on more barbell or DB work? I feel like with your bench you could probably get even more than 150x5.

Short legs only a problem until it's time to squat, cheat codes.
PM me dog.

Well my main concern is barbell because thats what I do in comp but I do wayyyy more volume with DBs, I believe they build a better looking chest while BB builds a stronger chest. They kind of go hand in hand for the most part, if you're doing 225 you should probably be hitting the 100s for sure.
Someone stole my first pair of gangsta wraps.

I was benching, sat them down on my bag, and went to look for weights.

When I came back, they were gone :lol:

There's a special place in hell for those people.
What's everyone's take on chili?

I've been getting a bowl of chili 1-2 times a week for lunch from a deli around my office. Great source of protein, but OD with the oil. Should I eat in moderation or I'm in the clear?
Damn that sucks.

I could see it happening at my Golds but no one else has my same wraps so I would know immediately. 
I trust everyone at my gym. I could leave my phone or wallet completely unattended in the middle of my gym and be confident that no one would take it.

I once left my phone charger in the middle of the gym for a week (I was away on vacation) and it was exactly where it was a week later :lol:
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"The standard practice has always been to mix creatine with a high sugar drink, such as grape juice, Gatorade or dextrose powder. The idea here is to use the simple sugars to “spike” your insulin levels, which will then increase the absorption of the creatine." Pure creatine monohydrate works best (5g no flavor and 100g juice) with 1gal daily water intake. I saw some changes when I did that.

From that article, the paragraph directly below
That was this,

"This is another well-accepted creatine “truth” that falls short, as research has shown that total net creatine uptake is not affected whether it is taken on its own or alongside protein, carbohydrates or fats. The body is incredibly effective at the process of digestion and absorption, and regardless of what you mix your creatine with, it will still eventually find its way to the muscle tissue."
i'm not claiming to know the science behind supplementation but you always have to consider the source of information and i've wasted plenty of money listening to bunk broscience and supp company bs. even scientific papers can be skewed depending on who funded the research. i usually read up on because their information is based on actual research but even then, they are not 100% infallible. as a rule nowadays, i don't take anything that does not provide an acute and/or highly tangible effect (aside from protein). i take stimulants and joint relief.
steroids and prohormones fall into the category of supplements that work :lol:

i need to get my bf much lower to consider it though. sides will be bad at my level of obesity.
i'm not claiming to know the science behind supplementation but you always have to consider the source of information and i've wasted plenty of money listening to bunk broscience and supp company bs. even scientific papers can be skewed depending on who funded the research. i usually read up on because their information is based on actual research but even then, they are not 100% infallible. as a rule nowadays, i don't take anything that does not provide an acute and/or highly tangible effect (aside from protein). i take stimulants and joint relief.
Guy at the gym just told me about
i'm not claiming to know the science behind supplementation but you always have to consider the source of information and i've wasted plenty of money listening to bunk broscience and supp company bs. even scientific papers can be skewed depending on who funded the research.  
This is what separates intelligent people from the stupids of the world. 
I seen Larry David lookalike at the gym doing upright rows like he was having a seizure. My dude was wearing an underamour shirt with the sleeves cut off, some dungarees and all white kicks with the 2 velcro straps. I normally dont care what other folks r doing but the fact he looked like Larry David was hilarious to me :lol:
steroids and prohormones fall into the category of supplements that work :lol:

i need to get my bf much lower to consider it though. sides will be bad at my level of obesity.
Guys that have been around for awhile will tell you that you need a base to be successful long term. Here in the states test is considered the norm. I can tell you from experience that anything taken orally doesn't stick around for long. Yes they work but the gains are very temporary. Take superdrol for example after 30 days you'll be up 20-25lbs looking dry as **** and strong as an ox. By then end of A 4 week pct you will maybe hold onto 5-8lbs and those gains will disappear over time.
And please don't say advice from me. For the most part I just break balls in here but your body is not anything to **** around with. You only get one of them.
Sadik is a savage bro but I'm not sure he fits the criteria of a physique Olympia. Somebody should have told him it's too much.
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Take superdrol for example after 30 days you'll be up 20-25lbs looking dry as **** and strong as an ox. By then end of A 4 week pct you will maybe hold onto 5-8lbs and those gains will disappear over time.
so long as i get a few pics for da gram and my wife can have a muscular guy bang her for a few weeks without having to cheat then i'm ok with that.
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