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What are you talking about :lol:

November 5th will be my 6th competition Ive done, in the most strict fed this country has to offer. I'm not one of these gym rats son, I've done my numbers on the platform in front of real judges, not the internet.
why are you so aggressive bro? It's just a fact. You can't take 5 years off your job to do nothing but eat and train. I'm not throwing shade if you actually imagined yourself taking 5 years off of work and all social obligations with enough rage to tear your skin off competing against how you live your life now. It's wouldn't even be fair.
I suppose. I don't find many things funny about jail but if you post a vid of yourself I'm sure I could cut the chuckle off before your **** stopped bouncing
In either June or July of last year I got bopped on completely made up charges and they gave me 90 days because of my record. A year later and 30k in lawyer bills I was found not guilty and they still put a 90 day stay on me until next Monday. I had a luxury townhouse by myself a Land Rover my own business and those people swoop down and take it all. It's really not a joke and nobody gave me a "sorry kiddo" when I was found not guilty

Sorry kiddo.
why are you so aggressive bro? It's just a fact. You can't take 5 years off your job to do nothing but eat and train. I'm not throwing shade if you actually imagined yourself taking 5 years off of work and all social obligations with enough rage to tear your skin off competing against how you live your life now. It's wouldn't even be fair.
Because of your second ******* sentence! ITS NOT A FACT.

I don't care how long he's locked up, its not like he's going to ******* Russia and training with top coaches for 6 hours a day every day and having access to the best equipment there is, he's going to ******* prison and will be lucky to even have access to make weights out of something much less have a barbell with 500 pounds laying around. That **** you see on YT isn't what all prisons are like. This is a joke though, don't know why I entertain you lol
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Because of your second ******* sentence! ITS NOT A FACT.

I don't care how long he's locked up, its not like he's going to ******* Russia and training with top coaches for 6 hours a day every day and having access to the best equipment there is, he's going to ******* prison and will be lucky to even have access to make weights out of something much less have a barbell with 500 pounds laying around. This is a joke though, don't know why I entertain you lol
Have you seen prison powerlifting meets? They blow the top off anything you've competed in.
Have you seen prison powerlifting meets? They blow the top off anything you've competed in.
You're right bro, the top lifters in the world are in prison, I'm surprised the Olympics aren't done at Alcatraz. 
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You're right bro, the top lifters in the world are in prison, I'm surprised the Olympics aren't done at Alcatraz. 
Alcatraz is no longer active but if you don't think prisoners at ADX couldnt destroy who you consider the worlds best you are completely out to lunch.
This type of thinking is the same as thinking nobody in the state or Feds could be in the NBA and besides the obvious(peewee) everyone knows the best athletes go to prison. There's a ton of studies on this.
Im just reporting this as spam at this point.

this is worse than when y'all dudes were talking about lifting while smoking weed.
I think this is my cue to leave the thread for tonight
Dude I don't even know. I'm gonna log back in tomorrow and forget the last couple pages.  
"Why is a brother up north better than jordan that didn't get that break" you think that comes from imagination? I swear some of you live in a cave. The most aggressive physically intimidating people on earth are locked up and if you don't think the elite live within that mentality then I don't know what to say. The best athletes are housed in one place and I thought everybody knew.
they didn't mean Vince Carter when he played for the raptors?
Jordan didn't get any breaks, dude worked his *** off for over 30 ears straight.

I think the root of your argument lies in the fact you want validation for yourself and people that have been through the system. That **** gets no respect unless you're from a place that gives 2 ***** about street cred. 
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Jordan didn't get any breaks, dude worked his *** off for over 30 ears straight.

I think the root of your argument lies in the fact you want validation for yourself and people that have been through the system. That **** gets no respect unless you're from a place that gives 2 ***** about street cred. 
I'm sure you can YouTube any lift you do in a prison meet and it's nothing. You may post a 405 bench on the gram but that's only one plate away from not even being allowed on the bench bro. It's clear that you do t grab the concept.
Jordan didn't get any breaks, dude worked his *** off for over 30 ears straight.

I think the root of your argument lies in the fact you want validation for yourself and people that have been through the system. That **** gets no respect unless you're from a place that gives 2 ***** about street cred. 
What if I gave you five years off? From EVERYTHING all you did was have fitness books shipped in and to be honest nobody is stopping those Cals. It's just not comparable to normal life. When you working they eating when you working they lifting when you working they lifting its just not comparable I wasn't throwing shade. You may feel big at your gym but if you visit anybody in state it's not even comparable.
Ate a bunch of cheese curds before the gym. Powered through my leg day and had to lay down because I didn't want to puke and drive. I looked like a ghost. :lol:

Squat 135x10

Leg press 6 plates banded for a 3x10

Leg ext and leg curls

Lay on matt one set 30 minutes.
All day everyday for probably more years that you've been working out. Are you really doubting a lifer that's 28 that started 10 years ago and did nothing but eat and lift for 10 years would absolutely smoke you? Enough with the crazy talk. This might be the dumbest conversation on Nike talk at the moment. 2 years and they'd blow by you like you were standing still. You can't compete with time emotions and food. Smoked kid
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