STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Saw some pics of Levrone and Cedric from the presser yesterday and I gotta say Cedric looks amazing. His back double bi was sick. Much respect to Levrone too, looking like that at 52 :pimp:
Propahaly..executed back double bicepcees baby pleease on a nightly, which is obviously saluted.

Sorry....luimarcos catch phrase game is insane
some arms and triceps

4x4 descending dumbbell curls: 55, 50, 45, 40

Barbell curl

Preacher curl

Seated dumbbell curl

Hammer curls

Machine cable curls

Skull crushers

Tricep pull downs with handle

Tricep pull downs with rope grip

Tricep dumbbell kickbacks/extensions

10 mins on bike hill climb

Abs when I get home.

Feels so damn good to be healed from my wrist injury. Amel curse broken??
Gonna try to go for a 345 DL PR today... Had a good sleep and drinkin some of this pre workout 

I'll update yall.
Propahaly..executed back double bicepcees baby pleease on a nightly, which is obviously saluted.

Sorry....luimarcos catch phrase game is insane
He sounds like a dog with peanut butter stuck to the roof of his mouth 
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Layne Norton is so annoying.

Edit: and that's bad because he actually knows stuff :lol:
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Plan to wear my legs out today doing squats.never did front squats till a day ago . I went light ,I can dig it

Shoulders n DLs too . Still need to cop two more 45 plates ,I lift heavy **** all day at work so when I get homie it's somewhat light .

7 minute AMRAP

7 thrusters (100lbs)

7 burpees

-1 minute rest-

4 minute AMRAP

20 situps

20 air squats

-1 minute rest-

4 minute AMRAP

10 plate v-ups (25lb plate)

10 plate squats (25lb plate)

-1 minute rest-

4 minute AMRAP

10 russian twists (25lb plate)

10 jumping lunges
I take that and raise you

45 mins Run 1 min every 15 mins until complete

10 Clean and Jerk

Basically Run 3 miles and do the Grace in between each mile.
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Since Boss is basically the only one who posts video I decided to record myself lol. Wore the westside bb tee just for yall 

This was 315lb for 3 reps but since im an imovie noob i accidentally trimmed the first rep out so it shows the last 2 reps. im 157 lb btw.

Any critique is much appreciated but im sure the angle makes it hard to tell lol. recorded this on my phone. it'd be cool if we posted more vids too.


btw, i tried to hit a new pr with 355 but failed right after this lol
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Think i might sign up for some yoga classes they goy at the community center. I think they free. Need to work on my flexibility, plus i seen some fine *** shorties in that class. Added incentive [emoji]128520[/emoji]
Shoot, I'll play. Sorry for the crappy angle I don't usually record myself :lol:

I know it's not much for my weight (225) but coming off some rotator cuff issues and not pressing for a few months. Would like to remain at the same strength at 25 lbs lighter. Don't mind the douchey rerack at the end :lol:
Lmao I wish I was as skilled at recording my lifts as some people on IG are :lol:. I hate recording myself cause it cuts my music off too lol. Next time I'm gonna get an up close and personal view of me doing hip thrusts :evil:
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