STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

That takes too much effort :rofl:

BTW for anyone interested in the Olympia, Amazon has a free live stream. Starts at 10 I think
Killed shoulders tonight, prison style 

Standing OHP- 95x2x10, 135x10, 135x5, 185x3, 205x1, 225x1, 185x4x5, 195x5

DB press- 100x3x10, 80x5x10, 55x20

Side raise- 5x10

Face pulls- 4-5x10

Shrugs- 3x10
Killed shoulders tonight, prison style :lol:

Standing OHP- 95x2x10, 135x10, 135x5, 185x3, 205x1, 225x1, 185x4x5, 195x5
DB press- 100x3x10, 80x5x10, 55x20
Side raise- 5x10
Face pulls- 4-5x10
Shrugs- 3x10

BWood is gonna be mad you weren't doing shrugs for 2 hours.
Since Boss is basically the only one who posts video I decided to record myself lol. Wore the westside bb tee just for yall 

This was 315lb for 3 reps but since im an imovie noob i accidentally trimmed the first rep out so it shows the last 2 reps. im 157 lb btw.

Any critique is much appreciated but im sure the angle makes it hard to tell lol. recorded this on my phone. it'd be cool if we posted more vids too.


btw, i tried to hit a new pr with 355 but failed right after this lol

nice, I post videos strictly on ig.... might start posting here

follow me though   /shameless plug

did 3 sets of weighted jump squats and 500 meters of rowing took me about 4 mins to complete non stop

almost caught a heart attack bahah.
nice to see thread back to normal.

did that guy get banned?
Been having a bad week in my personal life which has def translated into my fitness life. Lost 3lbs. All 3 gym sessions this week has been through the grace of loud music halfway dragging me through. Little to no cardio all week. Just bummin. Hope a few beers a good healthy burger getse through next week better
Tdogg hope everything turns around. I know days like that...just bounce back and keep focus. Whatever it is shall pass bro.
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