STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

That's another reason to lift.

It's therapeutic to me.Clears my head .Theres been times right before I was lifting I'd be po'd ,then after I'm done I couldn't remember what I was angry about.
Been having a bad week in my personal life which has def translated into my fitness life. Lost 3lbs. All 3 gym sessions this week has been through the grace of loud music halfway dragging me through. Little to no cardio all week. Just bummin. Hope a few beers a good healthy burger getse through next week better

Happens to all of us fam, shake that off and remember who you are.
Im confused 
run 3 1/2 miles or the pec flex?

just did a 4 mile 30 pound ruck.... weighed in at 146.... lightest I have been in years

smh.... until the turn up tonight..... beer will be consumed lol
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sorry im a young rook to this thread, but lol i'm all about cardio bro..... I actually run too much. Its hard keeping my gains running so much.
sorry im a young rook to this thread, but lol i'm all about cardio bro..... I actually run too much. Its hard keeping my gains running so much.

Welcome. Stick around. We're basically a dysfunctional family :lol:

Want gains, got to bring that cardio down bro.

Look at a marathon runner body type and a 200 m sprinter body type. If you love to run, switch it up...that if you are trying to gain.

I used to be a big runner, but I stopped. Now I'm terrifed of anything past a mile :lol:
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Welcome. Stick around. We're basically a dysfunctional family

Want gains, got to bring that cardio down bro.

Look at a marathon runner body type and a 200 m sprinter body type. If you love to run, switch it up...that if you are trying to gain.

I used to be a big runner, but I stopped. Now I'm terrifed of anything past a mile
lmao.... trust me I know..... I'm in the military so once I pass my pt test for the year... ill be damn if I run anything past a mile bahha

straight bulk mode
Man i woke up with a ****** up neck. Cant turn my head to either side. Was supposed to do shoulders and legs today guess thats not happening
Jesus man. I thought 8-12 was alotnof reps

I will get these quad gains by any means :lol:. Followed that up with 4x25 @ 315 on the leg press (the sled is 45lbs right?) and some calf raises. Had to leave and come back later to knock out lunges and extensions.
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Man i woke up with a ****** up neck. Cant turn my head to either side. Was supposed to do shoulders and legs today guess thats not happening

Happens to me sometimes if I sleep on my arm at the wrong angle.

Give it some time but unless it's that bad, get that work in fam.
Man i woke up with a ****** up neck. Cant turn my head to either side. Was supposed to do shoulders and legs today guess thats not happening
Yea man sleeping on the wrong side sucks ***. I know exactly how it feels 
Happens to me sometimes if I sleep on my arm at the wrong angle.

Give it some time but unless it's that bad, get that work in fam.

I usually tough things like that out but its crazy this time. **** hurts not just a soreness. I know i gotta big head but it hurts to just stand :lol:. I dunno if i can handle ohp or squats today, probably take today off see how it is tomorrow and get at it.
For those who are MyfitnessPal experts,i have a few questions...

1. Lets say for protein, i reach my goal but i go over -9 of my daily limit...would i make this a big deal? I mean -100 or -50 okay thats a big number but does that small number make a big difference? (Especially now that im bulking so it shouldnt be a big deal to me right?)

2. Im just starting to track just my protein/carbs/and fat...i dont really pay attention to the sodium or sugar or i the only one doing this?

3. If you were to go to a resturant and their menu isnt available on the app, how would you handle that?
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You're bulking bro. Just eat protein and carb heavy. You'll hit your goal daily no problem if you're eating enough. Don't need to track it all. Just keep gaining weight and you're doing it right.
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