STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

400k, not bad at all. 2nd is 150k 3rd 100 k.

I'm interested how much they pay for stuff yearly (if they weren't sponsered)
Do we count rack pulls in here???
That burger and fries had me feeling much better today havent killed it in the gym like this in a couple of weeks
1st video ever. Will start posting more.

Made those lifts look so easy..could go heavier..

Question: I notice you don't lower your back/hips after resetting. Seems it's high and in the same position each rep. With that being said, what is your max? your weigh? Overall time in progression or your DL numbers?
1st video ever. Will start posting more.

Made those lifts look so easy..could go heavier..

Question: I notice you don't lower your back/hips after resetting. Seems it's high and in the same position each rep. With that being said, what is your max? your weigh? Overall time in progression or your DL numbers?

Currently following 531 program, so I am following the weight % lined out... I Def want to go higher weight, but need to follow the program.

Max is 455, weight is 170.

Should I be setting my hips lower after each rep?
Currently following 531 program, so I am following the weight % lined out... I Def want to go higher weight, but need to follow the program.

Max is 455, weight is 170.

Should I be setting my hips lower after each rep?
Not necessarily, you have good form I wouldn't mess with anything unless something feels off.
Do we count rack pulls in here???
That burger and fries had me feeling much better today havent killed it in the gym like this in a couple of weeks
Negative, kind of like leg press, unless its a really low rack pull like a block pull.

Most guys rack pulls have like zero ROM and start out at their knees.
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I wish I could do any sort of running/jumping for cardio. Your workout vids are awesome but I can't do 90% of them
Thank you......  I'm alright man.... crawl before you walk. You'll get it your not the first person to tell me that lol. Might start training other folks and putting it on ig instead..

I really hate recording myself workout.... I love just going to the gym and getting it in without all the side ****.  One of my boys convinced me to start recording myself at the beginning of the year.
when Big Ramy comes in more hard, and more conditioned, he will dethrone phil. possibly next year
Currently following 531 program, so I am following the weight % lined out... I Def want to go higher weight, but need to follow the program.

Max is 455, weight is 170.

Should I be setting my hips lower after each rep?
Good work man. 170? How tall are you? Idk if it's just me but you look heavier than 170 lol

EDIT. Not calling you fat either
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Mine does too. Can't dl with a squat bar. :x

I'm gonna switch to light front squats on leg day and do some deficit speed pulls instead of totally gassing myself on leg day. My dl needs some more speed and it's been suffering from my legs being wrecked still from leg day.

I'll focus on dl for now then go back to squats hard after I'm at my dl goal.

I'm sick of everything being a grinder when I was pulling way faster the same weight before I was going ham on squats. I don't know how people squat 3x. :lol:
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