STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Yall gyms are closed tomm??? For what??
Columbus day aint no real holiday
it shouldn't be a day to begin wit [emoji]128064[/emoji]


Dl all overhand w/ chalk and 2" deficit. Keeping it light focusing on ripping it off the ground and thrusting the hips for a fast lockout. Lifted with a dude who competes today watching me. Already much better.
315 4x5
225 2x5

Barbell rows 135 3x5
Good morning 115 3x5
Close grip lat pull down 3x8
Got 9 hamstring curls on the ghd to finish.
If your gym is closed tomm tho its a shame. Most gov and schools still gotta go. Gyms should be open
I'd be interested to see how some of the fitness fam leans regarding race relations
Everyone has their own setup routine. I've taped dozens of dozens of my lifts and I notice I always set up the same way and I don't deviate.

The two yanks on the bar is just how he lifts.
Yall gyms are closed tomm??? For what??
Columbus day aint no real holiday

Im in canada fam, thanksgiving up here tho i dont celebrate it.

"The china man built the railroad. The indian saved the pilgrim, in return the pilgrim killed him. They call it thanksgiving, i call ur holiday hell day"- Nasir Jones
I'd be interested to see how some of the fitness fam leans regarding race relations

Im not racist...i hate everyone

Lol jk im from toronto, minority is a majority. Only reason i dont like some one is their character, or lack of it. I can give 2 ***** about race or ethnicity. We all brothers
Good pull, but I really don't understand the two yanks on the bar pre pull

You can get tight without wasting so much energy.
I have the biggest mental block when it comes to deadlifting.  

The two yanks aren't necessary but it sets aside my fear and psychs me up.

When I felt how quick that pull was I was pissed I didn't go for 465 like I had planned, hence the unnecessary cursing hahah.
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I haven't been lifting this past week .if anything just focusing on my shoulder and doing a few reps on the bench to find the sweet spot for my form. I meal prepped tonight and plan to get a travel cooler so I can eat better Things while I'm on the road.

Copped some new sambas so I can deadlift and squat correctly.i see they are new and improved since the last time ive bought a pair. Nice arch support so there's that.
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