STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Damn I love leg day! It takes everything I have for me to walk up the stairs for my cardio after I destroy my legs :pimp:
This dude off CL gave me these for a Craftsman drill I paid like $50 for a few yrs ago. They are only the up to 50lb ones so I still just purchased a Bowflex 1090 too but I couldn't beat that trade
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got a juicer for xmas... LOVE IT

did the dr oz recipe yesterday
made my own mix tonight - spinach,carrots,celery,orange,apple,banana,cucumber :smokin

I am on the IF diet, and drinking these with my first meal... should I be drinking this before bed instead? (my fast is from 6pm to lunch the next day - am workouts)
^^ not bad... I use the ninja and it is super super easy... it's fun to play chef and mix up the juices and ingredients

gonna hit up windward mall farmers market tomorrow and look for more cool stuff to throw in the mix :nerd:
how much of a hassle is it to clean the juicer after you make something?
i use a cheap little black and decker and that thing is a total pain in the *** to clean. has too many nooks and groove and things and you can't just run it under the faucet...
can someone who does jumping jacks during their workout tell me what they actually improve? i have been doing them during my in home workouts and i feel they are worthless, and that i should remove them from my routine and add a new exercise. advice would be greatly appreciated thanks
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can someone who does jumping jacks during their workout tell me what they actually improve? i have been doing them during my in home workouts and i feel they are worthless, and that i should remove them from my routine and add a new exercise. advice would be greatly appreciated thanks

Getting loose is about all it's good for. Get a plastic speed rope and do some skipping for 10-15 min. That'll get you really tired.
Getting loose is about all it's good for. Get a plastic speed rope and do some skipping for 10-15 min. That'll get you really tired.
thanks a lot i thought i was doing good ****, guess not. And speed rope= jump rope?
Maybe try Ice Cream Fitness's 5x5 workout for Novice's

Progressive overload, resets, technique basic points are covered in the video:

Ice Cream Fitness Novice 5x5 Fullbody

Workout A
Squat 5x5
Bench Press 5x5
Barbell Row 5x5
Barbell Shrug 3x8
Skullcrusher 3x8
Chins 3x5-8
or Striaght Bar/Incline Curl 3x8
Hyperextention 2x10
Kneeling Cable Crunch 3x10-20

Workout B
Squat 5x5
Deadlift 1x5
Standing Press 5x5
Barbell Row 5x5 -10%
CGBP 3x8
Straight Bar or Incline Curl 3x8
Kneeling Cable Crunch 3x10-20

Enjoy and feel free to ask questions, however many of them may be answered in the video.

70+ page thread with answers/questions

Good looking out. I hope I see the results everyone says they are getting
Getting loose is about all it's good for. Get a plastic speed rope and do some skipping for 10-15 min. That'll get you really tired.
thanks a lot i thought i was doing good ****, guess not. And speed rope= jump rope?

Yeah, a speed rope is just a type of jump rope. The rope and leather jump ropes are sucky and slow. The plastic speed ropes are very fast and are fairly cheap money wise. The ones that I currently use are 10' plastic licorice speed ropes, but you'd probably be fine with a 9' rope. I use the long ones because I like doing a few Mayweather advanced techniques that require the extra length :lol:.
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I'm at 4,275 calories a day. My macros break down like this 453.5g protein (I believe this is waaaaay too high) I upped my protein shake consumption as a way to increase my calories but in turn obviously that took my protein totals through the roof. My carbs are at 376.5 and fats 102.5g. I talked to someone else and they suggested cutting back on protein and adding in more carbs with more sandwiches and pasta. What are everyone else's thoughts? Any suggestions are appreciated since I'm trying to gain weight and don't wanna keep going around in circles here.
Damn 4,200 cals 
 low key jelly of you. Lower the protein, your body can't use but at most half of what your taking in, that should be killing your stomach. Up your carbs with pasta and rice like you said and I would lower the fats a little bit also. Are you doing cardio? Cause if so stop and you might not have to eat so much, I find it hard to believe some people can't gain weight on 3,000-3,500 cals a day, I know I could.
Temps were in the low teens this morning in the DMV. Still got my *** up and got my cardio in.

Not to sore today from my leg workout yesterday, might be a different story once the day goes on 
^ I need to use my juicer more often.  Gonna stock up on kale, spinach, apples, cilantro, celery, and beets over the weekend.

Yesterday was definitely my best workout in a while.  Scaling back on the weights last week is just what the doctor ordered.  Turned the volume up on the music and went in.  Minimal small talk.  Minimal rest.  Just went about business.  Chest/tris/calves.  Definitely put on some good mass this winter.  Looking to be shredded this summer after I ramp my cardio back up.
Wanted to go last night after a long *** day at work and then a dentist visit...but didn't after a visit from the GF :smh: :smh:

Made it from her place at 4:30a this morning to the gym and had a great workout, will be back at night too to make up for yesterday :smile:
It was cold in Maryland this morning...was shivering in the car waiting for it to warm up :lol:.

Hit the gym heavy even though my hamstrings are still killed from deadlifts on Monday. The more I think about it, the more I think I'll be switching to a split routine soon. I don't want to go 4 times a week though is the only problem.

Monday: Chest/Tris
Wednesday: Back/Biceps/Abs
Friday: Legs/Shoulders

I don't know yet, have to put more thought into it.
lol @ teens. heatwave.

it was 5 this morning. 5. **** am I supposed to do when it's 5 degrees out??!
^^dang, I feel like im going to die on the walk to my car and to the gym when its 37 degrees at 6am!

I feel like my stomach is always bloated, yet my bod fat isn't that high. Anybody know what causes this? Ive done a little research and all I can find is that it may be related to sodium. If anybody has had this same problem but fixed it then give me the secret.
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Looking at this for now

Monday - Back/Bis
Tuesday - Shoulders / Abs
Wednesday -Rest
Thursday - Legs
Friday - Rest
Saturday - Chest / tris
Sunday - Dead lifts / abs
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