STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Just eat food and lift heavy things.

mannnnnn i **** with this heavy. sooooo much science behind everything now. sometimes i make myself sick after like 10 youtube videos about why you should do this or that or eat this or eat that. like gadamnnnnnnnnnnn. can't i just eat and lift and make gains?! haha. i hate when it gets complicated and takes the fun out of it. i find myself most happy when i eat big and train big. nice and simple.

Yeah, all that takes the fun out of it. I just wanna crush food and crush weights. If I get fat I'll back off the food a bit. It's not that complicated.

ahat ahat happy birthday sir, sounds like a good time. :pimp:
The fam i stay with took me out for a belated bday dinner, had steak first time in a looooong time. Split a 32oz porterhouse with demi glaze with another person plus mashed potatoes and veggies. I been comatose for the past few hrs. Bouta destroy deadlift tomorrow

Happy belated fam. :pimp:

Steak and potatoes the most anabolic meal, PR coming soon.
Y'all are trippin if you think the body can't digest 40 grams of protein. I can understand people saying eating 100 in a sitting is a waste, but 40? Come on. Maybe if you're a 100lb female.
Anyone do no hands front squats? Ive been trying to work on my trash wrist/finger mobility daily but its not happening right now. Played around with some low weight no hand front squats today, felt kinda good
Yeah I'll do them to piss off my girlfriend because she can't. It's not like a go to lift of mine but I've done them.
I need some help on some hamstring exercises that I can do at home. I have a cage , a barbell and some dumbbells. Since I started to workout again doing 5x5 I've felt that my hamstrings are my weak point when squatting. Right now I'm alternating stiff leg deadlifts and good mornings. Is there anything else I can add?
Y'all are trippin if you think the body can't digest 40 grams of protein. I can understand people saying eating 100 in a sitting is a waste, but 40? Come on. Maybe if you're a 100lb female.

Your BW is a factor of course but all of the literature I'm currently reading is anything over 25 grams per kilogram is overkill. Remember it's about finding the balance between what your body can use towards protein synthesis and what your body will turn into glucose/glycogen storage.

I'll toss up some of the most current iron clad research studies tonight when I get home, but the gist of most of those studies is there is a specific measurable amount of protein synthesis observed at 10gram, 15 grams, 20 grams, etc. around 25 grams is when they notice the drop off.

By all means, do what you think works for you, but my advice is you really don't need to be dumping 2 scoops/60 grams of protein powder into your post workout shakes unless you enjoy wasting money.

Edit** I misspoke above, 25 grams per dose is what I meant to say. So about .3 to .6 grams per kg body weight. NOT 25 grams per kg body weight :lol:
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Whats the best tasting vegan protein?

Wanna try it out...if it taste like crap Im not trying to drink it
Forgot to post yesterday. Had a good chest day yesterday. Was able to hit 225 after missing it again 2 weeks ago. Then did 

Close grip




Went to incline DB but shoulder started to hurt with 70s so dropped it down to 60s. Bunch of flys and tricep work then finished with pause reps



Just got back from the group training and go figure we had to do max effort pause reps today 

Was a a little fatigued but did pretty good I feel. After sets, attempts and fails I have a pause rep program



205x1x3(increase the weight depending on how last single went)

Keep up the good work fellas
Started a new cycle of ed coan today. Increased by 40 (shoutout Boss). Going for 485 by the end. Power rack was in use today so had to use barbell off the bench. ******* sucked having to start bent over rows and good mornings from the floor (barely had enough time between sets to change the weight for 90sec rest) but did the damn thing.


Speed DL

3 circuits (90sec rest between each and 2min rest between circuits)

Stiff leg DL- 225x8
Bent over rows- 205x8
Reverse grip lat pulldown- 270x8
Goodmornings- 95x8

Pull ups, biceps and cardio.

Rumble Gang Rumble Gang good work! :pimp:

Has anyone done the 6 weeks to shred by Jim
I was planning to do it but without all the supplements. Curious to see anyone's thoughts on it.

Yes it's an amazing program. Loved every week of it
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So, ended up finishing second in the contest at work. Lost out on a 55 inch 4ktv by 13 pounds :smh: Oh well. Starting a new program today. 12 Weeks, low Carb high, Protein diet.
Back/Shoulder VOLUME day.

Y'all had me super inspired in the gym with all the PR talk in here.

My body is still recovering from all the 1rm DL attempts so I'm tryna hammer as much volume as I can.



DB shoulder press


BB rows


Military Press


Reverse Grip Lat Pulldown (shouts to @ahat20)


Weighted Dips


Hammer Strength Back Row

3 plates per side x10x3

Finished with a circuit of lateral raises, front raises, curls, triceps and dips.

Felt great when I was finally done. :lol:

Whole workout took about 2 hours and 30 minutes.

Going to smash a lot of food to recover, Happy Sunday fellas. :pimp:
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