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We got a swiss bar (i think thats what theyre called, the rectangular joints with bars inside) to replace one of the ez curl bars that broke. Its not a big 45lbs bar more like 15-20lbs range but was wondering what are some good exercises/variations i could do with it? Only thing that really comes to mind r neutral grip skull crushers and hammer curls. Wish it was the 45lbs joint, would be dope to do some ohp and rows with it
Road to recovery Day 15: A new Hope
I had physical therapy yesterday. Went to the gym and got to smell the sweat and iron again. A bit bitter sweet since the body builders were working out at this time hitting the big weights and I was slotted to do exercise ball balance movements and very light weight bicep curls in a bent knee position so t doesn't trigger pain in my back.
But just being in there re-ignited my soul. I want to get back and get healthy as soon as possible.
I've lost about 2lbs since this has happened.
I have to walk and stand a different way now according to the therapist. But it's something where I keep my abs tight and flutes clinched. I should have a tighter core by the time all this is over. I absolutely do not want to do surgery. I really don't even want to take the pain pills anymore if I can avoid it.

Thank you all for the encouragement.
do you go to a serious bodybuilding gym in Korea? Do they do things differently there? I follow a good amount Korean bodybuilders or just korean guys with good physiques .. i've notice most of them love time under tension rather than swinging and jerking heavy *** weight like Americans.
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Do you guys in here do upright rows? Heard they're bad for your shoulders. If true then I think I'll avoid them since I've been having problems with my left shoulder.
Do you guys in here do upright rows? Heard they're bad for your shoulders. If true then I think I'll avoid them since I've been having problems with my left shoulder.

I used to. I started feeling discomfort in my left shoulder (dislocated it yrs ago) and it would bug me doing everything from ohp to side raises even with light dbs. I havent done them for months now and replaced it with facepulls and band work and my shoulder feels amazing.
:smh: I gotta vent

As much as I enjoy going to the gym, getting my swole on and all, and definitely appreciate the results...getting clothes that fit is a ******* HASSLE , B :smh:

I work in a corporate environment so you already know what the dress code is.. If I could come to work in sweats everyday please believe I would.

So it's bad enough that I'm 6'6 and can barely find a shirt that fits my arm length (38-39)...but now every shirt I get fits crazy tight around my arms, and I can barely get my arms to my face to scratch my nose at times :smh: . I've tried getting shirts sizes bigger, then slimmed down in the necessary spots, but that costs a ridiculous amount at the end of it all. ($70-$80 per shirt, then $25 to get it tailored). Just so 3 weeks later, I'll be back to square one when my delts start to grow and it feels like the back of my shirt is about to split open

Don't even get me started on the pants :smh: Tight around the calves so everytime I stand back up after sitting down, I have to pull the legs down cus its hugged up around my calves :smh:

**** makes me wanna rip my shirt off and scream

Have u tried They do mtm shirts and will tailor for free if it doesn't fit. They have deals all the time $200 for 3 shirts.
do you go to a serious bodybuilding gym in Korea? Do they do things differently there? I follow a good amount Korean bodybuilders or just korean guys with good physiques .. i've notice most of them love time under tension rather than swinging and jerking heavy *** weight like Americans.

They do a bit of both. They workout forever. But most that do the sport work for the gyms they're at so they can lift for 2+hours. They do a lot of reps. Haven't seen any 5x5. Or like max reps yet. The bigger style body builders they do a lot of ego lifting but the physique guys def are more meticulous with their methods. A few pause reps here and there.

I've worked out with the #3 ranked body builder here 5 years ago and his workouts were intense. I thought I was in decent shape til I worked out with him and someone his size doing what we were doing was impressive
They do a bit of both. They workout forever. But most that do the sport work for the gyms they're at so they can lift for 2+hours. They do a lot of reps. Haven't seen any 5x5. Or like max reps yet. The bigger style body builders they do a lot of ego lifting but the physique guys def are more meticulous with their methods. A few pause reps here and there.

I've worked out with the #3 ranked body builder here 5 years ago and his workouts were intense. I thought I was in decent shape til I worked out with him and someone his size doing what we were doing was impressive
thanks for the response. yea, this is what i've been seeing on instagram. a lot of Korean guys are super attention to detail when it comes to their lifts. its pretty interesting tbh lol. anyways, hope you can better bro.
Do you guys in here do upright rows? Heard they're bad for your shoulders. If true then I think I'll avoid them since I've been having problems with my left shoulder.
snatch grip high pull > upright rows

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Today was the first day in years where I found myself in the "zone." Totally forgot I was in the gym or that there were other people with me. Didn't know what song was playing. Wasn't getting tired no matter how many exercises I did. I was like floating and going in rep after rep set after set. Suddenly I noticed and I smiled and I kept on lifting.

haha that sounds cheesy but I know y'all can relate!
I feel it.

Been dogging it lately cause I've been turning up too hard and not sleeping. Going through ****.

You know when you meet a new girl and you guys can't help but turn up all the time? Throws everything off for a while.
Do you guys in here do upright rows? Heard they're bad for your shoulders. If true then I think I'll avoid them since I've been having problems with my left shoulder.

Just did upright rows yesterday :lol:. Might try to sub them for those snatch grip high pulls though those look promising
I used to. I started feeling discomfort in my left shoulder (dislocated it yrs ago) and it would bug me doing everything from ohp to side raises even with light dbs. I havent done them for months now and replaced it with facepulls and band work and my shoulder feels amazing.
Thanks. Definitely been meaning to try face pulls. Will do next shoulder day
My chest and lats are sore af now. Took yesterday off because I had to drive 600 miles to middle no nowhere Iowa and back. :x
I sprained my thumb from basketball n haven't been able to bench press for a month. Will I lose my progress? Should I let it fully heal or lift with lighter weights?
I sprained my thumb from basketball n haven't been able to bench press for a month. Will I lose my progress? Should I let it fully heal or lift with lighter weights?

Go lighter. Also; you could use the machines and just rest your thumb on top of the grips and use your palms to press. You wouldn't be involving your thumb at all that way.
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Squats and Chest today. :pimp:

Was sore still from trying to hit the 6 plate DL so thought I would take it easy and just hit some volume.

Didn't happen exactly that way. :lol:



Most volume I have done in a squat workout. :x

Last set was purely mental, really trying to push myself to a higher work capacity in my posterior chain.

Going to keep this volume while pushing the weight up by 10 lbs every session in between going heavy.

Incline DB bench


Weighted Dips


Hammer Strength ISO Bro Bench


Supersetted with Lat Pulldown


Incline DB chest fly


Hammer Strength Bro Back Row Machine


Finished with a circuit of chest accessory, curls, etc.

Another level of exhausted, going to drown some coffee with sugar and smash multiple bacon egg and cheese crossaints.


Happy Friday fellas. :pimp:
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Go lighter. Also; you could use the machines and just rest your thumb on top of the grips and use your palms to press. You wouldn't be involving your thumb at all that way.

Great advice, machines are the way to go if you still want to get that work in while you heal.

You will have lost some strength being off for a month but muscle memory will have you back quicker than you think with consistency.
Hi,guys,I know that a lot of posts start off like this.I have done my research and have a little bit of an idea of what to do.I am 17,and I am trying to get toned/buffed not really that big either.I've been trying to get abs too to no avail.I do 250 crunches and 250 torso rotations daily.I do have a healthy diet over 100g of protein minimal carbs and fat the ones I get are healthy and no junk food nor sugar.
I need someone to point me out to a routine/workout for overall body tone especially abs.I want the most intense ab ripped program I can get to get abs as soon as possible.I am not a fat slob trying to get abs in a week.I actually barely have fat,but I somehow can not get rid of the only fat on my body which is a little flab on my stomach especially the bottom.I can even see my ribs completely yet still have flab.
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Adipowers came in. Im hype to squat in them. Ended up going with an 11 and they fit perfect. Been doing air squats in the crib all morning :lol:
Adipowers came in. Im hype to squat in them. Ended up going with an 11 and they fit perfect. Been doing air squats in the crib all morning :lol:


Wait till you see how it feels on the ankles.

My depth and rebound out of the hole has seen a big difference.
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