STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

It's crazy how different people can look at similar weight and height. I'm 5'8, and when I was 145 with really low body fat, I looked like a damn skeleton with muscles and a six pack. I've bulked up to 160 and started looking human again
I only start looking built around 175
I was that size for a while but couldn't keep up with the damn calories on a college budget

I guess even though I have a really narrow frame I have heavy bones?
Seriously man, I feel you
Going to implement sprints into my workout. Saw a video on YouTube and gonna try it

sprint 30 yards and back (10 pushups) Sprint 30 yards and back (10 situps) Sprint 30 yards and back (10 burpees) do that back to back to back, no rest.

Then do do it again 2 times with minimal rest between sets

Thats not sprinting
I love how you always have to get so technical...and for no reason.

Would you let it slide if ,in layman's terms, it was implying to run as hard as you can at the moment?
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Viagra as Diet Pill? One Day, Perhaps
New evidence suggests that the erectile-dysfunction drug Viagra might have another use: helping burn away excess fat.

The drug, generically known as sildenafil, helped convert undesirable white fat cells to energy-burning beige fat cells in laboratory mice, researchers at the University of Bonn in Germany report in The Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology.

It was already known that mice fed Viagra became less prone to obesity when fed a high-fat diet. What was not clear was why.

Dr. Alexander Pfeifer, director of the university’s Institute for Pharmacology and Toxicology, said he already had some clues: Viagra works by preventing the degradation of the intercellular messenger cGMP. Dr. Pfeifer has long been testing the effects of cGMP on fat cells.

So he fed the drug to mice for seven days and monitored their fat cells. As it turned out, the troublesome white fat cells, which are associated with human problems like the dreaded spare tire, were being converted to the beneficial type of fat cells at a higher rate than usual. Dr. Pfeifer called the results “very promising.”

Still, he cautions against taking the drug purely for dieting purposes. “The idea to have one pill and then obesity goes away, that is a dream, but not easy to come by,” he said. “What we are up to is basic research in mice. This pill is approved by the F.D.A. for a particular purpose for a reason.”

:nerd: :nerd: I don't care, I might try this. :lol:
Going to implement sprints into my workout. Saw a video on YouTube and gonna try it

sprint 30 yards and back (10 pushups) Sprint 30 yards and back (10 situps) Sprint 30 yards and back (10 burpees) do that back to back to back, no rest.

Then do do it again 2 times with minimal rest between sets

Thats not sprinting

I love how you always have to get so technical...and for no reason. :lol:

Would you let it slide if ,in peasants terms, it was implying to run as hard as you can at the moment? >D :lol:

LOL what I'm saying. I mean dude, I know the difference between sprinting/jogging/walking and I watched the damn video haha

5'8" 145 lbs.
lookin to bulk up to 160 by April if I'm lucky

GL with all y'all goals :smokin

dope chest genetics. you'll be solid with a bulk. good stuff dude.

lol the rock is huge. freaky huge. i've gotten to talk to him a few times, he's massive.
12lbs with just healthy eating in 3 weeks (this saturday).

Going to start working out Monday now that I have my energy back.
5'8" 145 lbs.
lookin to bulk up to 160 by April if I'm lucky

GL with all y'all goals
Great work man. No offense but pics can be deceiving you look huge in the pic. But 5'8 145 is pretty small.  Thats your frame and I know you can't help that but its just funny to me because the pic makes you look bigger. 
Great work man. No offense but pics can be deceiving you look huge in the pic. But 5'8 145 is pretty small.  Thats your frame and I know you can't help that but its just funny to me because the pic makes you look bigger. 

The little waist gives it away. If he takes a sideshot picture.. then we'll see what his current build really looks like.
Going to implement sprints into my workout. Saw a video on YouTube and gonna try it

sprint 30 yards and back (10 pushups) Sprint 30 yards and back (10 situps) Sprint 30 yards and back (10 burpees) do that back to back to back, no rest.

Then do do it again 2 times with minimal rest between sets

Thats not sprinting

I love how you always have to get so technical...and for no reason. :lol:

Would you let it slide if ,in layman's terms, it was implying to run as hard as you can at the moment? >D :lol:

But it literally isnt a sprinting workout.... at all. I wouldnt even consider that HIIT.

I get the notion that "sprint" means "run hard" and wasnt arguing against that, but is it a SPRINTING workout? No.
yo... i need to lose some weight quick, ive been hitting the elliptical, doing a little lifting here and there, and some ab work outs, still dont see much change.. i know diet is a big part of it and know a lot of it is common sense.. but is there some certain foods to not eat that can help me shed this fat away?... no dairy? carbs? i like to have cereal in the morning to get me going.. and i eat yogurt for snacks... i have stayed away from fried food and soda...
Just did some HIIT cardio and abs.  I wanted to switch it up a bit today.

Three sets of:

500M row

15 box jumps

10 pull-ups

Then I did a burpee and BW squat pyramid. Start with 9 burpees and 1 squat, then 8 burpees and 2 squats...........and so on, then back down the other way, 9 squats w/ 1 burpee.

Finished up with some cable crunches, hanging knee raises, pulse ups, and mason twists.

Feels good!!!
Great work man. No offense but pics can be deceiving you look huge in the pic. But 5'8 145 is pretty small.  Thats your frame and I know you can't help that but its just funny to me because the pic makes you look bigger. 
True, also darker skin always looks more defined when light hits it than lighter toned skin would. Plus you got them A1 genetics, not fair 

But good work none the less 
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kteezy - you should register for the CrossFit Open, or at least participate in it. I'm sure your coaches, and other members of the gym have been talking about it. It's always fun to watch everyone push for the progress.

Also, even though it might be baby weight for folks, 235# 3 position clean + 2 split jerks had me feeling like Hercules last night...gets me gassed every time
Took a fitness test today... Did the mile and a half around 8 minutes. Not to shabby! :smokin
Yeah that's not shabby at run a lot/are a runner?

Ehh... I wouldn't call myself an addict, but I do run a one to a few miles every other day. I just never timed myself, I always just pace myself and listen to how many songs plays on my iPod. :lol:

This time, I decided to hit the track with some of my MMA fighters that I train with and timed myself.

I was surprised that myself that I even broke 8 minutes... I couldn't even do that in High School.
yo... i need to lose some weight quick, ive been hitting the elliptical, doing a little lifting here and there, and some ab work outs, still dont see much change.. i know diet is a big part of it and know a lot of it is common sense.. but is there some certain foods to not eat that can help me shed this fat away?... no dairy? carbs? i like to have cereal in the morning to get me going.. and i eat yogurt for snacks... i have stayed away from fried food and soda...

try Intermittent Fasting. worked wonders for me.
Gym rest day today - Going to enjoy the rest, Play some 2K13 and watch the Manchester United game

Bought some new Pre-Workouts to keep me going

Went really hard in the gym this morning. I started at 105 lbs with this stretch/contract technique. I jumped up to 115 lbs a week or so ago. It's time to move to 125 lbs next week.

As for my diet, been keeping it in check except for today. I'm overeating by ~300 calories, but it may not be too bad since I was still losing weight eating ABOVE maintenance.

Keep up the good work, fit fam :pimp:.
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