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Overtraining your muscles can lead slow physique results?


Doing 7 different type of upper back excercises is overtraining?

Wide Lateral pullup
Close grip Pullup
Seated Lateral Raise
Upright Rows
Bentover Rows
Bentover DB Deltoid Raise
Dumbbell Side Shrug

How many sets is this all together? You gotta consider how many exercises your doing as well as how many sets per exercise. If you're doing 2 sets per exercise then I'd say that's pretty decent volume for such a large muscle.
I'm sick of overweight people. Now no, don't get me wrong, I'm not referring to the resolutioners. I'm talking about people who are over weight yet do NOTHING about it. We all want to live long, right? We all want to be healthy, right? Then why does no one take care of themselves. Now that I'm getting more and more involved in this lifestyle and packing lunches and doing the whole nine, I get so pissed off at people who don't do anything about their health. Looking around in class and the majority have a gut! Stomachs growling, letting gasses out the back end. **** is disgusting and mortifying to be around. I almost didn't want to eat my chicken around them.

I will MAKE SURE my spouse is F I T. Diet together, gym together and live long and happily together. We wouldn't put junk into our car gas tank, so why throw junk into your BODY. MANNNNN!

End rant.

in 3 months ima be nasty.

What's worse are the people who are overweight/considerably chubby and brag about how they're "beautiful" and bash on women are muscular/fit. Rustles my jimmies to the max.
I take this:

Love it.  They also have a chocolate flavored one: Amazon product ASIN B007S6Y7FI

is the first link flavored? I would like to buy it to mix with protein shakes.
How many sets is this all together? You gotta consider how many exercises your doing as well as how many sets per exercise. If you're doing 2 sets per exercise then I'd say that's pretty decent volume for such a large muscle.

Thanks for replying....

I do 3 sets of 10's for each.

5'8" 145 lbs.

lookin to bulk up to 160 by April if I'm lucky

GL with all y'all goals :smokin
5'8" 145?!? 

is most of your mass on your upper body?

Haven't read any other posts, but I'm pretty sure at that body type he probably ran track/cross country

Most of it is upper body. I don't have chicken legs but they aren't as solid as my top.

I did track/basketball in high school if that counts. But I'm 22 now so who knows if that still dictates my current body type.
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Lol I used to take 2-3 scoops of jack3d and hooped fullcourt for like 2-3 hours. And this was against legit college and pro talent. Didn't bother me at all. No crazy heartbeats or anything. Made me feel like ironman. Felt no pain from the bumps and bruises. Hell I didn't feel any downside ay all. I used to love using it for workouts and hooping, but it caused some acne and I heard it caused hairloss. Pass. Tried a couple others after but didn't like them as much. Haven't had any preworkout in a couple years.
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is the first link flavored? I would like to buy it to mix with protein shakes.
Both links are the same product.  First one is just pure greens, unflavored.  2nd one has the raw chocolate.  If taste is a major consideration, grab the 2nd one.
any recs for liquid greens or veggie supps???

Yes, i eat my veggies, just need an extra boost
I take this:

Love it.  They also have a chocolate flavored one:



Glad to help my dude, lemme know how you like once you try it.
Both links are the same product.  First one is just pure greens, unflavored.  2nd one has the raw chocolate.  If taste is a major consideration, grab the 2nd one.
Glad to help my dude, lemme know how you like once you try it. :smokin

I Mean how thick is this like I said I would just mix it with my post workout shake I dont want it to be flavored.
i bet that stuff tastes like pure crap

i remember i bought a sample of the VEGA stuff dirty or someone mentioned in a thread, the stuff was supposed to be amazing for you. quite possibly the nastiest thing i have even tasted in my life, half a sip and i almost threw up :x :x
going to this spot called Flip on Sat its a Burger Boutique smh no dambs will be given son, super bowl sunday too :frown:
How many sets is this all together? You gotta consider how many exercises your doing as well as how many sets per exercise. If you're doing 2 sets per exercise then I'd say that's pretty decent volume for such a large muscle.

Thanks for replying....

I do 3 sets of 10's for each.

Tbh I feel like 20+ sets is very high. I'd personally cut it to 12 to 15 sets total. Google a guy named Dorian Yates. He's a retired bodybuilder but his method basically stressed high intensity and heavy weight instead of moderate weight and a lot of volume. If you're getting through 20 sets for back alone then you're probably not lifting intense.

When I do splits I usually get winded and feel the burn by my 8th total set.
Enjoy yourself & get back at it on monday :pimp:

Lol sat I'm not eating all day till we get to the spot, prob gonna get a steak burger sweet potato fries and a shake, total prob gonna be like 2500-3500 calories lol, Sunday ima do that papa johns thing with the coin flip for a free pizza, I'm just gonna cut a few extra calories 1-2 days next week to kinda offset everything. I'm cutting at 1k under maintainace so it won't be too bad.
Tbh I feel like 20+ sets is very high. I'd personally cut it to 12 to 15 sets total. Google a guy named Dorian Yates. He's a retired bodybuilder but his method basically stressed high intensity and heavy weight instead of moderate weight and a lot of volume. If you're getting through 20 sets for back alone then you're probably not lifting intense.

When I do splits I usually get winded and feel the burn by my 8th total set.
True, but Dorian emphasizes warm up sets, and not just one but multiple. And these sets work up to his 1 working set. What may seem like 1 working set per workout is actually a combination of 3-5 pyramid sets in total.
GAAAAADHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAM just had a good chest workout.

- Incline press
- Dumbell Incline
- Cables. Up. Middle. Down. Don't know how to explain it but you know?
- Flat bench. (End of workout but still was able to hit 225 alone) and that's not inferring that i didn't hit my chest hard enough. Just been feeling meaaaaaan lately.

Hit legs yesterday.

Bis tris tomorrow.
Rest Friday.
Back Saturday.
Shoulders Sunday.


When you updating your YouTube Fitness Channel?
Legs day.....My favorite work out of the week. Deadlifts is a close second though.

Chicken breast and vegetables for lunch. Been eating...lets say 2013 and its only been a month and i can tell definition is a little bit better all around. I should probably stop drinking too that might help.
My 430 am Gym session did not happen thanks to that devilish rain + wind that was occurring this morning. I opened my door and I realized that walking 10 mins to the gym would have ended with me either getting blown away and or soaked through and through. Now I have to fight with the people after work just so I don't miss a day. 
Both links are the same product.  First one is just pure greens, unflavored.  2nd one has the raw chocolate.  If taste is a major consideration, grab the 2nd one.
Glad to help my dude, lemme know how you like once you try it.
I Mean how thick is this like I said I would just mix it with my post workout shake I dont want it to be flavored.
If you have a good quality shaker cup, it will blend together well.
i bet that stuff tastes like pure crap

i remember i bought a sample of the VEGA stuff dirty or someone mentioned in a thread, the stuff was supposed to be amazing for you. quite possibly the nastiest thing i have even tasted in my life, half a sip and i almost threw up
Had a good day off from the gym.

Went and saw my Blue Devils put in work

Back at it today. Back and bis.

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