STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Son goes in a cut every 2 weeks [emoji]128514[/emoji]
lmaoooooooooo chillllll

That's how he stays hitting soundviews and not a weak hungry pile.
haters will say it's gym swell.

Soundview might only put on like 3-4 lbs of lean muscle a year but that ***** gonna STAY lean year round. :lol:
LMFAOOOOOOO I'm screaming.



...I'm gaining a full 12lbs muscle this year, too [emoji]128530[/emoji]. I ain't bout that #MaintenanceLife lmao

That makes absolutely no sense lol. But props, guys physique is on point
It makes perfect sense. I found an easier way for me to lean bulk (Gain muscle) and cut at 1/4th of the time I'd have to cut if I followed a typical lean bulk regimen. I'm gaining the same amount of muscle, if not a little less than someone lean bulking 3-6 months, and I'm coming out leaner, if not as lean as them when they do their cut.

I work smarter, not harder.
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Pull ups working I think. If I lost a few I'd look better but whatever. Dirty anytime pic.

Power shrugs >

Whats yalls hand placement/grip for ohp and bench? I put my middle finger on the middle marking for ohp and my ring finger on the middle one for bench. Reason i ask is last time i did ohp i was working in sets with someone else and i noticed he had his hands on the inner markings/rings. I tried it like that for a set and it was so damn uncomfortable
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I always skipped those on ed coen. :lol: only part I didn't do.

For ohp I do like an inch in from where the knurl starts on the inside if that makes sense. It's a little wider than shoulder width.
They the truth bro. Like a rack pull and explosive shrug all in one.

Word im somewhat similar. This dude was inside shoulder width tho. Idk how he was comfortable with that
Pull ups working I think. If I lost a few I'd look better but whatever. Dirty anytime pic.

I'm trying to get like you, bro.

Pull ups will get your lats up a LOT. They're just so damn hard. I'm almost hitting 4x10. Then I'll move on to weighted.

Want to try a real lat strength test? Put a foam roller or the likes between your thighs and fold your knees and pull up. You gonna get exposed. I did anyways.

So people have amazING lat strength though. I bow down to dudes doing full weighted pulls up.

Power shrugs >

Whats yalls hand placement/grip for ohp and bench? I put my middle finger on the middle marking for ohp and my ring finger on the middle one for bench. Reason i ask is last time i did ohp i was working in sets with someone else and i noticed he had his hands on the inner markings/rings. I tried it like that for a set and it was so damn uncomfortable
for OHP, a little outside of the smooth part.

For bench, pinky by the outer thick rings.

Power shrug's are goat trap exercise to me. Only exercise I've always felt in my traps the same day.

Side note: Wondered how I logged 6k steps on my fitbit yesterday when I didn't leave the house. My fitbit was recordng steps when I was beating off SMFH. I ashamed that I might have did 2000+ str...nvm.
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Chest/Back day though Back day is everyday.

Incline DB Bench


DB Rows

160x8 (PR)

Hammer Strength Incline Bench

4 plates per side x 8 (Bro PR)
3 plates with 25 plate x 10
3 plates x10x3

Close Grip Lat Pulldown


Incline DB fly


Iso Lat Pulldown


Finished with accessory work.

Very happy with my energy/strength in the gym considering I've had maybe 60-80g of carbs total since Tuesday.

Volume isn't there like before but it's all good, part of the grind.
soundview soundview I'm all back and legs, my chest game isn't much.

You mean do a pull-up with a foam roller between my legs?

Yeah pull ups are hard but once you do them everyday in a few weeks they won't be. I usually can get to 3 sets of 5 before I need a tiny band for help. When I started I needed a fat band after just two pull-ups. Just do them daily and you'll be good at them in no time.

The other day I saw a dude doing them with a 75 pound kettle bell. Straight savage.
soundview soundview I'm all back and legs, my chest game isn't much.

You mean do a pull-up with a foam roller between my legs?

Yeah pull ups are hard but once you do them everyday in a few weeks they won't be. I usually can get to 3 sets of 5 before I need a tiny band for help. When I started I needed a fat band after just two pull-ups. Just do them daily and you'll be good at them in no time.

The other day I saw a dude doing them with a 75 pound kettle bell. Straight savage.

For the past month or two I've tried to do pull-ups everyday but it probably ends up maybe 4 times a week smh. I can do about 10 per set, want to get to 20 but feel plateaued. Maybe I'm ready to add weight? I think I won't be reaching my 20 pullups goal unless I lose 10 lbs
Did shoulders and legs. Switched it up a lil and did seated military press. **** hurts my left shoulder when i unrack the weight. Going back to standing ohp lol.

Seated military press

Db shoulder press 70x10x3
Db side raises 25x10x3
Db front raises 22.5x10x3
Db 45degree angle raise 22.5x10x3
Face pull 55x10x4
Leg press 500x12x3
Calf raises 500x25x4
Leg extension 140x12x3
Hamstring curl 140x12x3

Cardio. Been hitting the elliptical past few days im liking it.

For the past month or two I've tried to do pull-ups everyday but it probably ends up maybe 4 times a week smh. I can do about 10 per set, want to get to 20 but feel plateaued. Maybe I'm ready to add weight? I think I won't be reaching my 20 pullups goal unless I lose 10 lbs

Man i wish i could get 10 lol. I end up doing 5 and after like 4-5sets im doing til failiure which is like 2 or 3 :lol:. If i drop down to like 200 i think i can get 10 a set. Im too fat :frown:
Seated Military press always feels awkward unracking.

Great once you get going but yea, I always have somebody help me with lift off.
Nah fit joy fire tho.

Personally wasn't a fan of them. They tasted even drier that quest bars. Felt like I had to chew more. Finished them up by chopping them up in my warm oatmeal and mixing

Just had the fudge browni one. I'm not a fan of chocolate but this was ok. Right now these are the cheapest options for me since I have a Costco out here. I had detour bars. But at 20ct for 26. Compared to these 12 counts at 24. More bang for my buck.

Now that I started my 7 am workouts again these help a lot.
Seated Military press always feels awkward unracking.

Great once you get going but yea, I always have somebody help me with lift off.

For real :lol:. I do em in the power rack so the set up is kinda awkward for someone to spot/give a lift off. I like standing better anyways.

On another note, this guy i see from time to time at the gym asked me why i look so serious. :lol: really? Am i supposed to be smiling while working out? Im tryna get this work in and get outta there.
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