STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

ahat ahat good stuff bro. :pimp: I knew you could hit that. You're coming for me in the dl game.

For Easter I cooked brunch at a restaurant I used to work at because I love to torture myself.

Then I hit anytime because my gym is closed. Had to dl with a squat bar and no chalk so I took it easy.

405 3x3
315 2" deficit 2x5

Then did 50 rows or something and pull-ups. I'm gonna deload on my squats and dl for a week or two. Been mad stiff in my lower body. Lifting heavy all the time and driving a truck has me needing so yoga or something.
Random ? but maybe you guys have some suggestions.

I'd say for the last month or so, I haven't been able to crack my knuckle on my left thumb. If I attempt to, there's minimal pain because I'm putting pressure on it. If I leave it be, zero pain whatsoever. No pain when I lift in the gym, but I can't think at all what might have caused it. Is it possible I'm just dealing with a month-long jam?

Bruh i be having finger injuries and jams that last months/years at a time
Happy Easter

Y'all hit the gym....or pig out?

I got my grub on, but didn't pig out

Random ? but maybe you guys have some suggestions.

I'd say for the last month or so, I haven't been able to crack my knuckle on my left thumb. If I attempt to, there's minimal pain because I'm putting pressure on it. If I leave it be, zero pain whatsoever. No pain when I lift in the gym, but I can't think at all what might have caused it. Is it possible I'm just dealing with a month-long jam?

Bruh i be having finger injuries and jams that last months/years at a time

Super frustrating because out of habit I'm an avid knuckle cracker :lol: .
Went to see my cousin play at Heinz field. Pittsburgh was dope. A lot of bad *** in the city. I gotta get out more lol. I ain't even wanna come back to NYC I was mad as hell [emoji]128514[/emoji] came back weighing 192 this morning (Left at 182). I ate good tho. Missed chic-fil-a though :/ it was next to the hotel too. By the time I realized it was Sunday lol.

Don't ask me why I'm dressed like a personal trainer. I won the shirt from some marines pull up contest outside the stadium lmao.

Hit another 335 bench today, tired. Next week is 345.

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Random ? but maybe you guys have some suggestions.

I'd say for the last month or so, I haven't been able to crack my knuckle on my left thumb. If I attempt to, there's minimal pain because I'm putting pressure on it. If I leave it be, zero pain whatsoever. No pain when I lift in the gym, but I can't think at all what might have caused it. Is it possible I'm just dealing with a month-long jam?

Bruh i be having finger injuries and jams that last months/years at a time

Dealing with a wrist issue right now that's making it tough for me to box and also bench etc. when I want to hit weights.

They have me hitting those foam noodles but nothing is like banging away at a heavy bag and driving your fist into some pads.

**** is taking forever to heal.
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Looking into buying a belt. Whats a good brand? Tbh not really tryna break the bank, but also dont wanna buy something cheap and ****** at the same time. Went to sportchek and they had a "Harbinger", it was a 6inch belt. Anyone have experience with that?
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Looking into buying a belt. Whats a good brand? Tbh not really tryna break the bank, but also dont wanna buy something cheap and ****** at the same time. Went to sportchek and they had a "Harbinger", it was a 6inch belt. Anyone have experience with that?
I love my lever belt from lifting large. And same with the buddies I DL with. A little cheaper than inzer. Think i paid $75 shipped for mine? Well worth it
1st Day of attempting keto diet. Weighed in at 204 lbs last night. I'm gonna avoid the scale as much as possible over the next 6 weeks and see how light I can get.


3 eggs
2 slices bacon
ketchup(8 grams of carbs ouch!)
1 cup coffee with 2 tbl spoons heavy whipping cream


1 avacado
1 cup black coffee
4 tbl spoons maple almond butter


I can albacore tuna
1 cup spinach
10-12 macadamia nuts

Post workout
1 cup almond milk.
1 scoop (30g) chocolate whey protein isolate


:nerd:z ground bison
2 tbl spoons olive oil
1 cup kale
6 medium mushrooms sliced
4 table spoons sour cream

F: around 137.5 grams, P: around 160.2 grams, C: around 35 grams for a total of 2018.3 calories. (Which is about a 3rd of my bulk/maintenance caloric intake)
I was looking to do about 65% fat, 35% protein and it matched up almost perfectly.

Day 1 I didn't lose any strength at all for this chest day. I'm really fog headed right now though. My brain is really missing those carbs man. I'm about to attempt to play ball so that will be the real test. I highly doubt I can stay in this much of a caloric deficit for the full 6 weeks but honestly it wasn't hard to do for this 1st day.

Didn't lose any strength at all for my chest day today.
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Should've rocked my inzer during rack pulls today. Pulled 365 for the first time in a while and felt like dying 
I got a 13mm single prong pioneer. I will never need another belt. That thing will beat you up though but you never notice it until you look in the mirror. It's not like you can feel it when you're lifting. If you do you aren't lifting hard enough.
Whats the main difference between lever, single prong and double prong?

And im seeing 4" and 6", which one would yall recommend?
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Lever is easier to get tight. I'd get 4".

I got a single prong because it will always fit me and it takes a second longer to get tight vs lever but I can still get it tight af. I personally wouldn't get double prong, it would annoy me and I don't see a benefit.

My belt was 80 buck or something from pioneer with a lifetime warranty.
Question to you guys that take ON whey protein do y'all follow the directions of mixing 6-8 oz of liquid and then one scoop? Or do y'all add more? Tonight I use 6 oz of milk and one scoop of protein I know some people use 16 oz of milk and two scoops. Just asking to see what y'all do
I mix 3 scoops in 2 cups of almond milk and a spoon of peanut butter and a spoon of maca powder.
I like it thick
Is anyone on or has tried the CarbNite diet?
I've read a book called Carb Nite Solution a couple years back and tried it out. Information in the book was good. It's pretty similar to keto in the sense that it's a low carb diet, but they utilize "carb backloading" One day a week or something. I prefer keto. 
Been on it since last Tuesday and I can't wait till Friday man, cashew butter has been helping me fight the urge
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