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srs question, can people who pull sumo pull the same weights conventional?

It all depends on the individual. I feel that a lot of people that deadlift either sumo or conventional, always stick to what they are strongest at when training.

No way in hell I can pull what I pull conventional in sumo.


Time to get back on the cardio notice weight on the scale sliding up and it ain't muscle. Got to flip the switch get my sleep cycle back on track and number of daily meals back up to about 5/6.

Yeah I know the feeling. Currently back on the stairmaster and or rowing machine.

hit a new DL PR of 435.... gonna rest for a week now... my lower back is shot.

Congrats on the PR...

As for me, I went into the gym today to hit some back. My elbow area is still feeling terrible so I was just going to do some light work and use my versa grips. I ended up seeing my friend there and we ended up having a really great deadlift session. I am not following any plan just yet but was just going to test the waters out and get some volume in.
135 1x10
135 1x5
225 1x10
315 1x5
365 1x3
405 1x3
465 1x3
495 1x1- PR with double overhand using straps
315 8x3- 30 sec rest between sets
MOFO well that is going to slow the cardio a bit, broke a damn margarita glass last night stepped on a shard of glass. Damn cut is about an inch and a half, looks like weights it is. Catch the cardio on the rebound once foot heals up a bit.
So recently came back from a shoulder injury, all I was able to lift for a year was some arms, legs, core, and deadlift. Now i messed up my knee, might be a partial ACL tear, smh. Time to train everything except legs....
MOFO well that is going to slow the cardio a bit, broke a damn margarita glass last night stepped on a shard of glass. Damn cut is about an inch and a half, looks like weights it is. Catch the cardio on the rebound once foot heals up a bit.
Just fap fro amrap
MOFO well that is going to slow the cardio a bit, broke a damn margarita glass last night stepped on a shard of glass. Damn cut is about an inch and a half, looks like weights it is. Catch the cardio on the rebound once foot heals up a bit.

Dang sounds painful. Is it going to require stitches? What part of your foot was the cut? For cardio perhaps maybe something like the battle ropes would be something you could look into.

So recently came back from a shoulder injury, all I was able to lift for a year was some arms, legs, core, and deadlift. Now i messed up my knee, might be a partial ACL tear, smh. Time to train everything except legs....

Hope you have a fast recovery man.
So recently came back from a shoulder injury, all I was able to lift for a year was some arms, legs, core, and deadlift. Now i messed up my knee, might be a partial ACL tear, smh. Time to train everything except legs....
What you do to your arm? Was in a car accident and torn my rotator cuff.
Dang sounds painful. Is it going to require stitches? What part of your foot was the cut? For cardio perhaps maybe something like the battle ropes would be something you could look into.
I hope not because I refuse to go to the doctor, body better heal on its on. Only time I had stitches was when I had surgery. It is in the arch so going to be a pain to heal because the foot moves in so many different ways. Probably do stairs and step on balls of my feet going to murder the calves but they will be alright. What doesn't kill them will make them stronger.
thanks for all the likes/love on my 435 DL PR.

true story.... while I was warming up with DL I kept telling my friend that I dont think i'll be able to pull it.
i said that because when I hit 425 about a month ago, it was literally the hardest lift I ever pulled (I failed it twice before getting it as well) so I was not confident of already hitting a +10 PR in just 1 month.

my friend then says "the man who says he cant and the man who says he can are both right."

corny as it may be, **** motivated me and put me in the right zone mentally. Pulled 435 and my friend said the form was clean and it didnt even look like I had to grind that hard for it. I always said that a huge part of lifting (esp DL) is just mental. I just had to eat my own words this time.
Hit DL after a couple weeks off


Power shrugs
Bent over rows
Seated rows
Reverse grip latpulldown
Pull ups
Couple bicep stuff

Hit some light squats on Wed. after a couple weeks off. Stayed at 60% found some old sleeves lying around the crib, they def helped.

4wks out, gym closed for one of those weeks so i got 3wks of gym time to get my body right for this ****
Love that gym is 24 hours, and on a Saturday night all the single people are going to be out getting after it in a different way. :wink:

I love when the gyms dead. Its alwaya like that when i go on saturdays late morning/early afternoon. Usually me and 2 other people and they on the treadmill so i can hog the power rack and feel no ways about it.
What's a good way to split the muscle groups we workout for certain days? As of now i have it chest/shoulders one day, arms and back another day. Do certain groups compliment the other better? Should i switch something up? Was doing 3x a week but might do 4 or 5xs now.
What's a good way to split the muscle groups we workout for certain days? As of now i have it chest/shoulders one day, arms and back another day. Do certain groups compliment the other better? Should i switch something up? Was doing 3x a week but might do 4 or 5xs now.

I was doing opposite muscle groups at first... Chest/back, bi/tri. Then i switched to chest/tri, back/bi, shoulders/legs. Push movements use chest and tris and pull are back and biceps so i figured do both muscles in 1 workout.
What's a good way to split the muscle groups we workout for certain days? As of now i have it chest/shoulders one day, arms and back another day. Do certain groups compliment the other better? Should i switch something up? Was doing 3x a week but might do 4 or 5xs now.
Dude you are asking one of the most debated questions. Push and pull is good because muscles are given a chance to rest. How many days you have to workout? I use to do a 5 day split before first daughter.
Monday - back upper and lower
Tuesday - chest
Wednesday - legs and calves
Thursday - recovery
Friday - shoulders
Saturday - arms

My body always took a day to show signs of soreness.
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I love push, pull, legs. Allows me to hit everything twice a week.

Any of you guys tried reverse grip bench press. Its an awesome exercise! Supposedly it activates your pec minor more than incline bench press. for those with shoulders issues Its a great and safer movement .
I love push, pull, legs. Allows me to hit everything twice a week.

Any of you guys tried reverse grip bench press. Its an awesome exercise! Supposedly it activates your pec minor more than incline bench press. for those with shoulders issues Its a great and safer movement .

Yessir. Ive been alternating between reverse grip bench and floor press on my 2nd chest day after incline bench. Definitely been helping my flat bench a lot
Hit DL after a couple weeks off


Power shrugs
Bent over rows
Seated rows
Reverse grip latpulldown
Pull ups
Couple bicep stuff

Hit some light squats on Wed. after a couple weeks off. Stayed at 60% found some old sleeves lying around the crib, they def helped.

4wks out, gym closed for one of those weeks so i got 3wks of gym time to get my body right for this ****

Crush that **** those 3 weeks brotha and stay up man. When you get out least you'll be a monster cause locked up cats the strongest dudes out there.

What's a good way to split the muscle groups we workout for certain days? As of now i have it chest/shoulders one day, arms and back another day. Do certain groups compliment the other better? Should i switch something up? Was doing 3x a week but might do 4 or 5xs now.

I do 5 days now if I can and I split it:

If I can't hit a weekday I'll either push back my schedule or just skip arms that week cause I already hit arms on chest and back day with all the compound lifts I do.
Dang sounds painful. Is it going to require stitches? What part of your foot was the cut? For cardio perhaps maybe something like the battle ropes would be something you could look into.

Hope you have a fast recovery man.

What you do to your arm? Was in a car accident and torn my rotator cuff.

Thanks y'all, I appreciate it. Lifting was a big part of my life and I've had to limit it for almost 2 years now.

I hurt my shoulder, it was the part that is filled with fluid, between your rotator cuff and the bottom of the scapula. Mine was empty and flat, so there was no cushion between rotator cuff and scapula when lifting and doing press motions and even some pulls. Got a cortisone shot to fill it back up and have been doing rehab exercises. Also have 9 micro tears throughout my shoulder but the doc says unless I'm pitching or throwing a football at a college-like level (which I'm not), then I should be good to leave them be.
I do 5 days now if I can and I split it:

If I can't hit a weekday I'll either push back my schedule or just skip arms that week cause I already hit arms on chest and back day with all the compound lifts I do.

I was doing a similar routine to that and after ~5 months, I decided to switch it up to the SL 5x5 routine. I felt good after doing Day 1 yesterday and having the app will just make things that much easier to keep track of everything.

Curious where I'll be in a month.
I don't even follow a split anymore. As long as I dl sundays, squat 3 days and bench two days a week I'm cool.

I usually superset rows with bench on my lighter days. And squat before I bench. I have a pull-up bar too so I usually hit like 40 reps a day in all variations. My body is used to all the squatting and bench now and I've seen a lot of strength from hitting it so much.
Just tried this new leg routine that was recently shown to me, much different from what I am used to. I switched out squats (due to elbow hurting) for hack squats and didn't have time to hip abductor work.

Lying Leg Curl
45 1x10
75 1x8
95 3x8
95 1x8, 75 1x8, 45 1x15 (triple drop set)

Seated Leg Curl
60 1x10
90 1x10
105 1x10
120 3x10
90 1x25

Hack Squat with a 3 sec count on the way down
90 1x8
180 3x8

Leg Press with feet close
90 1x30
180 1x30
270 1x20
360 1x10

Also did some ab work and calf raises. Doms will be in full effect tomorrow. With my elbow still hurting I am going to try benching with a sling shot tomorrow and will see how that feels.
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