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Do negatives
Oh yeah I do negatives, however some exercises I only like to do with a spotter. Chest is certainly one, biceps and tris I just do single arm and spot myself. That feeling when your muscles just give up and say no mas and you have that unbelievable pump. Arnold said it best.

DAMN might have to hit up a late gym session because I need to pick up the girls right after work.
Did over 500 reps for back tonight, officially a bodybuilder now.

RIP Big Country. Dude was a beast, one of the few bodybuilders that could total over 2k with ease.
Did chest after work on Friday, hit up back yesterday, helped the wife out with some exercises since she came to the gym with me.

I am curious though how you guys finish a rep, do you squeeze the muscle at the end and hold the motion. For example on chest I use dumbbels (I don't bench anymore, had rotator cuff surgery so my left is weaker so I only do dumbbels to decrease the strength gap.) Anyways when doing presses I contract and squeeze my entire chest at the top of the press for a moment.

I see a lot of guys at the gym doing a press get to the top and then come back down and do another rep. Do you feel you get a better workout that way?

It all depends. If you tend to lift heavy weights, squeezing is very difficult to do as it is hard enough to support the weight. Higher repetition with lighter to medium weight can bring the focus better on squeezing on every rep and focus to that muscle being worked on. When I do heavy lifting, I don't feel the squeeze as much as I do when I left lighter or medium weights.
Did over 500 reps for back tonight, officially a bodybuilder now.

RIP Big Country. Dude was a beast, one of the few bodybuilders that could total over 2k with ease.
What exercises did you do and how many reps?
It all depends. If you tend to lift heavy weights, squeezing is very difficult to do as it is hard enough to support the weight. Higher repetition with lighter to medium weight can bring the focus better on squeezing on every rep and focus to that muscle being worked on. When I do heavy lifting, I don't feel the squeeze as much as I do when I left lighter or medium weights.
I always dreamed of doing heavy weight when I first got into lifting, but after seeing the results although "assisted" Serge Nubret got from lifting I decided never to go heavy. He would do crazy high reps and I think maybe 300 is the most he would do on bench. Don't quote me I am not 100% on his workout numbers anymore. And again he had good definition and the size I would eventually want to get to.
Haven't checked in here in a while. On monday finally pulled 495lbs. Used straps (and pulled sumo)...and my belt but it was my 30th bday and i had a goal to deadlift 495 and squat 405 before i turned 30. Still not at the squat number but will get there in the winter. Bodyweight still at 180 and soccer season starting heavy so my weight will drop and i won't be able to chase heavy weights until winter.
Good stuff... I turn 30 in a couple of days.... feels like im getting more stronger then anything. I dunno what people be talking about you fall off after your 30's.
Good stuff... I turn 30 in a couple of days.... feels like im getting more stronger then anything. I dunno what people be talking about you fall off after your 30's.

Bruh I turned 33 in june.... I felt the same as you until last year. I'm close to having plantar fasciitis surgery after close to a year of dealing with daily pain in my feet. I'm hoping ill get back to getting stronger and healthier after recovery. I may not do it til next year for $/insurance reasons smh
man im 23 and i been taking animal flex for my joints

tryna save my joints for as long as I can
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only thing that hurts me is my rotator cuffs.... probably because of my bp form. other than that everything else if fine.
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