Day 1 of my cut. it's going to be a slow month. This month is really to prepare for Armageddon next month. Slowly cutting things and weaning myself off of the things I was shoveling in there while I bulked. Mainly carbs, processed sugars, and large amounts of fatty foods. I'll mix in some fasting here and there too perhaps. See what that's like. This time period sucks because my body still wants the stuff, but my will is unfazed. That itch and the headaches come and go, but it's all mental. It's that little bit of ***** that lives inside all of us. That ***** that loves the path of least resistance. That ***** that doesn't want abs, and is comfy eating donuts and fried chicken lol. Nahhh. We're shredding yo.
So yea, this month is more of the loading phase, getting past all of the things i love and want for the things i need. Meal portions are smaller, and the types of foods are more strict. Less snacks, less carbs. More cardio, heavier weight, less reps. Next month tho...IT'S GOING DOWN. Cutting out all processed sweets (light fruit here and there), no cheat days, (although thats unofficially the plan for this month as well, but i won't be as tough on myself), strictly lean foods, low low carbs/sodium. Beast. 10 weeks out. I'll keep you updated.
Today is chest day. Groggy because I'm going through withdrawal. Having a peppermint helps with my sugar urges and gives my mouth a good flavor, since food with less seasoning and low sugars/salts can leave a bad aftertaste. plus the peppermints i have have the oil in them, so they're pretty legit in other categories.