STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Deadlifted sunday... 325lbs 3 reps in set one....2 reps set two...felt good though. Back and bi's today.

CT fletcher video was great. "It's still your mother ******* set" lol get some
Ricky - where did you play basketball in college? It's crazy to me to think that your coaches and whoever was in charge of the strength and conditioning program would let you get by not doing ****. They did you a COMPLETE disservice, IMO.

Hell of a Super Bowl last night. Game ended late and I stayed up to watch a little of the post game ceremonies. I had a decision to make at 11:30....sleep in until 5:30 and get myself ready for work or get my *** up at 4:00 and workout. I chose the latter.


Finishing up week 4 of DTP. Bout to get on that 12 week trainer....
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Not too sure how good this is for you in the long run, you'll lose it fast for now, but once you start eating normally again, you'll gain it back quickly. I tried the crash dieting, etc and it works fast numbers wise, but it'll set you back in the long run.

I used it as a learning tool and motivator. I'm back down to my weight I was at when I was happy to go to the gym. When I started the detox I was in terrible shape again and just couldn't do what I wanted to do there. Now that I'm back where I was, I have more knowledge as far as how fruit and vegetables can boost my performance like crazy.

By no means am I stopping and thinking I'm good..I can't just drink juice forever. It's all about supplementing it into your lifestyle and I know I can do that now.
any one who has lost a significant amount of weight wanna chime in?

congrats on ur weightloss man I know exactly what youre talking about. That thread from was a big motvation for me too

270lbs to 146lbs in a little over a year timeframe.

It was like waking up in someone else's body at the end lol because I didn't really adjust to being skinny yet. I've always been told I was a goodlookin dude if I lost weight but I always shrugged it off as BS as some type of lowkey "hint" to make me lose weight. But when I did decide to lose the weight:

- no more choking when i sleep
- no more fat jokes, no more getting called fat ***
- no more sweating from just standing after 1 minute
- no more everybody giving me their food when they can't finish it
- no more breathing and sweating hard from walking a flight of stairs
- no more looking @ walking as a chore. Now I love walking. Rather take the stairs than the escalator.
- 44" waist to 32"
- XXXL to M size
- 7 5/8 to 7 1/4 fitted
- gained half inch in height 5'5.5 to 5'6. Doesn't matter tho still manlet :lol:
- 1st time doing a pull up and push ups was life accomplishment
- people not recognizing u
- people assuming you were skinny you're whole life
- no more getting called "big man" "big guy"
- people treating you equal
- people acknowledging you exist
- girls checkin u out, girls dtf @ parties, girl friends acting different around you, girls hittin on u, girls startin conversations, gay dudes checkin u out and hittin on you, catch dude's girl checkin u out and he's mad doggin you. etc

What made me decide to lose the weight was I knew if I kept my old lifestyle I would eventually become 300+lbs before I got to 30 and think about my life in "What ifs..."
My obese cousin was also a motivation because he went to hospital because of his diabetes and almost died. And I would've probably gotten diabetes too if i kept getting fatter since my grandpa had diabetes and died from it.


Wow, Good job bruh. Great success story
Just wanted to share that I'm 3.2lbs from last week and didn't let the festivities of the SuperBowl tempt me like a naughty mate. Gym 4x a week and eating right. 
@gatorad3 congrats bro, i just did 3x10 yesterday and my upper body is really sore today.should i skip them today? Thanks
any one who has lost a significant amount of weight wanna chime in?

congrats on ur weightloss man I know exactly what youre talking about. That thread from was a big motvation for me too

270lbs to 146lbs in a little over a year timeframe.

It was like waking up in someone else's body at the end lol because I didn't really adjust to being skinny yet. I've always been told I was a goodlookin dude if I lost weight but I always shrugged it off as BS as some type of lowkey "hint" to make me lose weight. But when I did decide to lose the weight:

- no more choking when i sleep
- no more fat jokes, no more getting called fat ***
- no more sweating from just standing after 1 minute
- no more everybody giving me their food when they can't finish it
- no more breathing and sweating hard from walking a flight of stairs
- no more looking @ walking as a chore. Now I love walking. Rather take the stairs than the escalator.
- 44" waist to 32"
- XXXL to M size
- 7 5/8 to 7 1/4 fitted
- gained half inch in height 5'5.5 to 5'6. Doesn't matter tho still manlet :lol:
- 1st time doing a pull up and push ups was life accomplishment
- people not recognizing u
- people assuming you were skinny you're whole life
- no more getting called "big man" "big guy"
- people treating you equal
- people acknowledging you exist
- girls checkin u out, girls dtf @ parties, girl friends acting different around you, girls hittin on u, girls startin conversations, gay dudes checkin u out and hittin on you, catch dude's girl checkin u out and he's mad doggin you. etc

What made me decide to lose the weight was I knew if I kept my old lifestyle I would eventually become 300+lbs before I got to 30 and think about my life in "What ifs..."
My obese cousin was also a motivation because he went to hospital because of his diabetes and almost died. And I would've probably gotten diabetes too if i kept getting fatter since my grandpa had diabetes and died from it.


You're awesome man! Great job! True inspiration. Facial aesthetics are the ****! I'm proud of you bro, 270lbs @ 5'6" is definitely in the danger levels, I'm happy you were able to do what you needed to do to get healthier and ultimately happier with your situation and your appearance.
This is some great progress guys.  Even though I haven't met some of you guys, it's good to share the highs and lows with someone.

Did half my chest routine this morning, I'm going back to the gym later to finish up.  ALL KINDZZZZ a GAINSSSS!!
Now that's a true inspiration!!!.....sir I don't know you and I'm proud of you, ican only imagine how your friends and family feel, I wish everyone had the same thought process as you, we would have a healthier America.
This was me about 9 years ago


Me now, not that ALOT of ya haven't seem my posts already


I'm now tryin to put on some muscle mass since that's been my struggle all my life and I feel is due to genetics, I look at pics of my mom and dad and neither was fat but my dad had no muscle definition whatsoever!

That story up there reminded me so much of my own, I wasn't crazy over weight, was just the chunky dude of the group @205lbs when I was about 5"5 that plus the shape of my body added up to a terrible look, I'm one of those people that CANNOT carry weight...some people can be heavy and still look good....I'm the opposite....I've always lurked this thread, but unless I'm activily working out I won't post, I'm sure many feel the same thread is awesome and all if you guys are so of the few corners left in NT that's civilized.
Cheated yesterday, and I'm over on my calories today by a bit. Went to the gym, and went hard though so I'll get over it.

The stories remind me of myself. I'm 5'9", and was 200 lbs. One day, I was just got tired of it, and decided I needed to change for me. Definitely the most important and best decision I've ever made.
These stories are impressive, good work NT 

I can relate with all of you in terms of going from the high 200s to a good healthy range for your height. 

Chest and tris today.

So I just discovered Rob Bailey & The Hustle Standard :smokin

Great workout/life music. Do these dudes have an album?
Have gained 10lbs this month. Trying to bulk up until middle of march and then go on a cut.

Any nter's can help me out though.
I've recently discovered my ankles lack flexibility. I never realized this until my wife noticed it while I was squatting. She then tried to stretch it out for me and HOLY CRAP, **** is stiff as a block. Any suggestions for help with this issue?
Have gained 10lbs this month. Trying to bulk up until middle of march and then go on a cut.

Any nter's can help me out though.
I've recently discovered my ankles lack flexibility. I never realized this until my wife noticed it while I was squatting. She then tried to stretch it out for me and HOLY CRAP, **** is stiff as a block. Any suggestions for help with this issue?

ankle rotations (rotate your ankles 90 degress), Achilles raises (bring your toes to your shin).. try to squat low weight with one leg.. also good mornings help..

on another note.. just finished phase one of my full body workout(the takeover).. phase two introduces a 5x5 routine with increased plyo.. also cardio with calisthenics on off days..
if you haven't been fat, and I'm talking obese here... then you have no idea what I'm talking about.

your looks is that first impression, and it gets your foot in the door.

I've gone from 265 to 225 (6'1) the past year. people are so much nicer to you. girls smile, initiate contact. old female friends see you in a different light, even though your personality has stayed the same.

women are extremely shallow.

this thread below was a pretty big motivator for me. it's the before and after experiences of people who've lost weight and how they were treated differently.

any one who has lost a significant amount of weight wanna chime in?

Truth spoken about yambs. When I was fat I still got some but had to put in so much more work. In basic everyday life, I get way more respect now. Even dudes just wanna be my friend, I get asked to hang out a lot. Girls initiate now. I turned into a man **** initially because I was so overwhelmed by the the attention now I have my standards on lock. But it's so weird witnessing how much different u get treated by everyone just cause of weight. I'm talking even my professors are way nicer now
It's funny, when I was a chub chub back in Highschool, I seemed to get more girls because my entire attidude was different. I didn't care if the chick was a 1-10, I was trying to smash.

Now that I'm pretty aesthetic, my attitude has changed. I can't front, and because of that, it's like, I can't mess with chicks below 8's. It's crazy but I blame lifting for that reason.
Major props to you dudes who have lost a lot of weight. I love reading/hearing stories like this. Keep it up!
Are Lord Kevin and Lord Keith doing a TV show? Mr. Feathers and Mr. Striations havent uploaded material in a couple weeks it seems.
Anybody know about Elliot Hulse? He owns a gym in Florida and has several channels on youtube. Strenthcamp Channel and his namesake channel.

He's talking about gaining strength through negatives...Good friend put me on this guy...

Bio: Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist, Holistic Lifestyle Coach through C.H.E.K,  Professional Strongman, studies in exercise physiology

 at St. Johns University

This video is great:

Talks about not really needing WHEY protien and it's being a gimmick

In this video Elliott talks about drinking alcohol and it's affect on strength and muscle building workouts.

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Are Lord Kevin and Lord Keith doing a TV show? Mr. Feathers and Mr. Striations havent uploaded material in a couple weeks it seems.
There filming a pilot for a tv show in ny right now. Its going to be somewhat like tosh.o apparently & not a sitcom.
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