STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

hit 80s on shoulder press for the first time today....cake. i wanna try 100s so bad for shoulders and chest
Now I have a shoulder issue.

It would probably heal if I took it light for 2 weeks bUT I don't want to lose the gains lmaooo
Good to see this thread still going

I recently lifted while on a 36 hour fast (I was at the gym after 34 hours or so) with nothing but water, coffee, bcaa/daily vitamins. I was struggling for a bit with the heavier sets but it wasn't too bad at all. My diet was trash last week so I decided to just purge it out of my system hence the long fasting period. I usually exercise after fasting for roughly 16-17 hours then eat post-workout, so a long fast like 34-36 isn't completely out of the ordinary. It's more mental than physical. After a while, I wasn't even as hungry as I thought I would be. I find exercising on bad sleep more difficult than exercising on a fast.

I'm interested in different methods for fasting too, such as:
- 24 hour eating window/fast back and forth
- Monday-Friday eating window/Saturday-Sunday 48 hour fast
- 72 hour fast at the end of every week

I'm never doing that 18-day water fast, though. I'd be shredded, but miss me with that kind of stress.
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I feel uncomfortable that you keep calling us papi.

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Hey guys, I just want to throw a few free resources your way.

The first is my Medium page the second is a new IG I created. The concept of the IG being easy-to-read, digestible nutrition/fitness related graphics with captions that complement it and goes further into detail. My Medium page has done really well, but I took a break when my grandpa got sick and now I'm hitting it full force again and I'm picking up steam again.

I really take the content I put out seriously. I'm not fishing for quick likes or followers. I spend hours researching and organizing my articles to ensure they're as accurate and scientifically backed as possible. Same with the IG stuff. I just want to deliver quality content that people can trust. It's also an opportunity to expand my own knowledge on stuff as I research and learn new things.

I know a lot of the regulars in here are pretty knowledgeable about this kind of stuff, but I also know there's people in here that aren't as experienced. Additionally, I know that no matter how much one knows it's always wise to open to new info so there's still going to be juice I'm sure most of you may be able to squeeze out of this content.

So, with all that being said, I appreciate any love from the NTfam. Gonna try and be more active in this thread as well. Thanks guys!
damn son... got pinned on the incline bench today... i think soundview cursed me :lol: jk

no but really i tried to hit 205 incline 5x5. on the 3rd set 5th rep, I failed. got pinned down and someone had to run over to me to help me get it up.

was mad embarrassing :blush::lol::smh: I never been pinned down before in a public gym. looks like thats my new goal for now. 205 for 5x5.
:lol: I feel like getting pinned is a rights of passage. I got pinned with 135 on flat bench when I first started. an OG in the gym helped me out and told me to lift with him. I was 6'1 155 :lol: I worked out with him and my brother in law the last 4 years and got up to 195lbs. I owe all my gains to that failed rep of 135.
Gonna try getting into a "zone" mentally tonight. Find the right music, stay off social media, and just focus on crushing everything.

Trying to feel like this ---> :evil:
hit some incline for once in the last like 2mths.

245x5 (soundview)
255x3 (soundview)
265x2 (soundview)
275 fail (racked on the 1st rack)


tried 80s for incline db for the first time. too easy.

incline flys
skull crushers

felt goooood.

Soooo I put on 2lbs of muscle, lost 4lbs of fat and went down 2% body fat. I was skeptical at first considering I've been eating considerably more the last two weeks since my last scan, but I'm assuming this has a lot to do with calorie partioning and my body using that excess calorie intake for muscle growth rather than fat storage.

Either way, it explains the improvement in my lifts recently and I finally hit that 13% I was looking for. As of today, it's officially bulk season. :nthat:
Finally pulled the tricker on becoming a personal trainer. Its something ive wanted to do for years. I do have a full time job so will try my luck as a pt on the side. Went with ACE, after doing some research it seem like the best cert. Wish me luck!
Any tips or advice from anyone that has done the cert are welcome.
I went through ACE and I'm practing PT right now.

The book stuff will come to you if you PT the time in. The test is weighted differently by each section. They're really gonna test you on situational questions and assessing a client based on certain assessment results.

Take your time with it. You have 6 months to at least schedule your exam and pretty much as long as you need to take it depending on when you schedule it so don't rush.

As far as the job goes it depends largely on what kind of environment you work in. So far I've worked in a small local women's group fitness studio and a regional health club (currently). Both have their perks. It really comes down to how well you can sell though. Get ready to deal with objections and a lot of "no's" before you get a yes. Group training is the easiest to sell because the more you can get in a group the cheaper it is per person.

There's a lot more to talk about. DM me with any questions you have along the way. It's a cool field to get into and you can make bank if you go the entrepreneurial route. As an employee your financial upside isn't as great unless you take on administrative duties for a department like my boss does.

Just have fun with it.
Finally pulled the tricker on becoming a personal trainer. Its something ive wanted to do for years. I do have a full time job so will try my luck as a pt on the side. Went with ACE, after doing some research it seem like the best cert. Wish me luck!
Any tips or advice from anyone that has done the cert are welcome.

I went through ACE and I'm practing PT right now.

The book stuff will come to you if you PT the time in. The test is weighted differently by each section. They're really gonna test you on situational questions and assessing a client based on certain assessment results.

Take your time with it. You have 6 months to at least schedule your exam and pretty much as long as you need to take it depending on when you schedule it so don't rush.

As far as the job goes it depends largely on what kind of environment you work in. So far I've worked in a small local women's group fitness studio and a regional health club (currently). Both have their perks. It really comes down to how well you can sell though. Get ready to deal with objections and a lot of "no's" before you get a yes. Group training is the easiest to sell because the more you can get in a group the cheaper it is per person.

There's a lot more to talk about. DM me with any questions you have along the way. It's a cool field to get into and you can make bank if you go the entrepreneurial route. As an employee your financial upside isn't as great unless you take on administrative duties for a department like my boss does.

Just have fun with it.

Thanks man for all the information . How long did it take you before you was ready to take the test?
I did keto for about 2 months. Got the results I wanted. But I felt more skinny fat than actually strong and shredded didn't like it. And like others. I'm not a fan of a lot of healthy fats like avocado's. And unsalted almonds/peanuts.

Breon looked amazing. Bumpstead was awesome too. But he was not as conditioned as breon.

The Phil heath bubblegut thing. People need to realize you're not just judged one one body part. Yes he couldn't control the gut on some of his Transitions. But for the most part it's not as bad as some comments make it out to be. And if you're going to pick apart sections of the body for one guy. You're going to need to do that for everyone. And this is why Phil still beats all the competition.
The true 2nd place should have went to bognac anyway. If he was 2 inches taller he could have been the winner this year.

Was ramy good... Heck yea he packed up about 7 pounds of muscle than he had last year. Which that density showed.... But he was not as conditioned as last year either. Look at the comparison pics if you don't believe me. He went for more size this year which looked great. But he wasn't nearly as cut. He may have also just not hit his peak in this show. Its been said that ever major shows when they go on tour a lot of guys get even better. He was one last year. My top 10 would have been a bit different but heath still wins out of that line up.
Gets tricky after this.....
Rhoden (finals not pre judging)
De asha
McMillian (he was way off. If he came in the way he did for the Arnold he'd be top6
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