STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Built these blocks for block pulls and dead stop rows. $30 for the materials at Home Depot.

Disgusted with myself just now. Just had to cheat 225 up for a single on bench press just now. Should be able to get that up for at least 3-4 reps.

I’m assuming it’s got to be because of this cut. Aesthetically, I feel good where am at/gotten to. Strength wise it’s killing me it seems. This is my second month of 5/3/1 and it’s been kinda rough. Not sure whether to chalk this up to the cut or what, but it’s frustrating. Squat feels good enough. Rows been good to me. But bench press is struggling.

Edit: was able to get a clean single of 225 up just after typing this.
Hit a 325, 3 second pause bench.
290x5x3, 3 second pause. Sooo easy.

I like being 188-190. Gonna lean bulk to 195 and then cut 5lbs. Then bulk to 200. Rinse and repeat until I hit around 205.
week 2.

405 1x2 (was supposed to do 400 but was too lazy to find the 2.5 plates)
325 8x3

pendlay 3x8
underhand lat pulldowns 3x8
barbell shrug 2x8, 1x10
Been having a terrible time sleeping.

Went back to taking ZMA.

Forgot how much I enjoy these things. Dreams are real vivid. If you know what I mean.
Took a week off. Hit squats and ohp today

Squats 405x2
Ohp 185x5


Feeling good, been sub 220 for a while now.
For my lean folk, what’s been your recipe to stay shredded?

Currently 170, still with a moderate ab cutout. Shooting for an 8 pack by end of next month.
Been going ham on volume training with the main lift. Squat bench ohp dl
Feeling stronger
Got my plantar in check pretty much
Still hate cardio

Trying to decide if i want to try myprotien or stick with ON
I’m considering giving up the barbell bench for good. I just doesn’t feel right anymore after having switched exclusively to dumbbells for a few months.
lost a lot of motivation... only thing that keeps me going is when im bored af and got nothing to do lol.
still on that ed coan program though.. week 3 tom..
A girl ive been dating and falling hard for just ended things yesterday...needless to say ill be going ultra beast mode for the next couple of weeks....just had a killa push workout ....lets get it

Go get them gains and yambs, don’t even trip bro
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