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Man I dunno what it is with my shoulder but it feels weird af.

Worked up to 275 for a couple sets and went back down to 255 for some sets.

Yoo some of these "trainers" are some real jabronis. This dude was neither strong nor shredded and he's out here training folks. How you a personal trainer but you built like a sack of potatoes?? Foh you waste man
Man I dunno what it is with my shoulder but it feels weird af.

Worked up to 275 for a couple sets and went back down to 255 for some sets.

Yoo some of these "trainers" are some real jabronis. This dude was neither strong nor shredded and he's out here training folks. How you a personal trainer but you built like a sack of potatoes?? Foh you waste man

Yeah thats most trainers
Been trying to hold off on a pre work because I swore I didn’t need one. But I find myself getting gassed out too soon now.

Any recommendations of a good pre work out for someone who has never taken any? It’s gotta taste good a **** tho.
Been trying to hold off on a pre work because I swore I didn’t need one. But I find myself getting gassed out too soon now.

Any recommendations of a good pre work out for someone who has never taken any? It’s gotta taste good a **** tho.

I use pre jym. cherry limemade or raspberry lemonade. those flavors can only be found on though.

I found that once you hit a low enough level of "being tired", then no pre workout is gonna make you 100% again
I need some advice, guys. I gained the weight I was trying to gain in the last few months (about 15 pounds), but I want to cut the upper body fat that I had before the weight gain. It has gone down a bit, though.

I wanted to know what route I should take when in the gym. I'm trying to maintain muscle and lose the fat. Should I have longer sessions in the gym with higher reps when lifting, or keep reps low while lifting my 4-6 rep max? And how much cardio should I aim to do? Thanks
I need some advice, guys. I gained the weight I was trying to gain in the last few months (about 15 pounds), but I want to cut the upper body fat that I had before the weight gain. It has gone down a bit, though.

I wanted to know what route I should take when in the gym. I'm trying to maintain muscle and lose the fat. Should I have longer sessions in the gym with higher reps when lifting, or keep reps low while lifting my 4-6 rep max? And how much cardio should I aim to do? Thanks

Its all diet bro.

But from what i understand when cutting, super sets, drop sets, high reps are def key to keep the heart rate up. Dont overthink it
Man I dunno what it is with my shoulder but it feels weird af.

BroIs it sharp pain or like a soreness?

I ask cause once after hitting chest, my left shoulder was mad sore and tight. Pretty sure its cause i went ham with the single db chest presses.

Anyways what i did was i hit the shower with hot water on blast...stand there for a good 2-3 min so the hot water hits it and then switch to cold water. The key is the cold water has to be COLD. After this dry the area and put on some muscle soothing cream/spray. Icyhot or some ish
BroIs it sharp pain or like a soreness?

I ask cause once after hitting chest, my left shoulder was mad sore and tight. Pretty sure its cause i went ham with the single db chest presses.

Anyways what i did was i hit the shower with hot water on blast...stand there for a good 2-3 min so the hot water hits it and then switch to cold water. The key is the cold water has to be COLD. After this dry the area and put on some muscle soothing cream/spray. Icyhot or some ish

It's more of a soreness. It's just uncomfortable at times. It's the top of my left shoulder, it's so weird.
It's more of a soreness. It's just uncomfortable at times. It's the top of my left shoulder, it's so weird.

Yeah you may have overworked it at some point or something. Gotta watch it before it gets f'ed up.
I need some advice, guys. I gained the weight I was trying to gain in the last few months (about 15 pounds), but I want to cut the upper body fat that I had before the weight gain. It has gone down a bit, though.

I wanted to know what route I should take when in the gym. I'm trying to maintain muscle and lose the fat. Should I have longer sessions in the gym with higher reps when lifting, or keep reps low while lifting my 4-6 rep max? And how much cardio should I aim to do? Thanks

Intensity > Counting Reps. Your body doesn't know the difference between 8 and 12 reps. All it knows is tension.

If your goal is to stimulate hypertrophy you want to maximally load the muscle for AT LEAST 45s. This is the minimally effective dosage (so to speak) when the desire is to stimulate muscle hypertrophy.

So you can do sets of 8 with 6 second reps (48s). Sets of 12 with 4 second reps (48 seconds). Sets of 10 with 5 second reps (50s). Adjust the weight accordingly (you're going to be using lighter weights here because of the increased time per rep so check your ego at the door and leave the heavier weights on the rack), focus on quality of reps over quantity, and take your time. Squeeze HARD on every contraction and don't cheat by half assing reps just to hit that magical 12th rep. If you come up short so be it as long as you put forth your best effort.

You can do all this with 2-3 sets for 5-6 exercises per session and be out of the gym and less than 40 minutes including warm ups. Diet is obviously king in dropping weight, but hard training and a precise diet will prove to be the difference makers in retaining muscle mass during a fat loss phase.

Of course this is just one way to train. Of course you have your drop sets, occlusion training, super sets, etc.
Intensity > Counting Reps. Your body doesn't know the difference between 8 and 12 reps. All it knows is tension.

If your goal is to stimulate hypertrophy you want to maximally load the muscle for AT LEAST 45s. This is the minimally effective dosage (so to speak) when the desire is to stimulate muscle hypertrophy.

So you can do sets of 8 with 6 second reps (48s). Sets of 12 with 4 second reps (48 seconds). Sets of 10 with 5 second reps (50s). Adjust the weight accordingly (you're going to be using lighter weights here because of the increased time per rep so check your ego at the door and leave the heavier weights on the rack), focus on quality of reps over quantity, and take your time. Squeeze HARD on every contraction and don't cheat by half assing reps just to hit that magical 12th rep. If you come up short so be it as long as you put forth your best effort.

You can do all this with 2-3 sets for 5-6 exercises per session and be out of the gym and less than 40 minutes including warm ups. Diet is obviously king in dropping weight, but hard training and a precise diet will prove to be the difference makers in retaining muscle mass during a fat loss phase.

Of course this is just one way to train. Of course you have your drop sets, occlusion training, super sets, etc.

Is this "seconds per rep" the count of "concentric" and "eccentric" movements or just the "concentric", of you know what I mean. I hope my terms are correct.
Switched up to a body building sort of program my buddy wrote for me. Did legs yesterday and almost puked on front squat/backsquat supersets for 10 each so 20 all together. That wasn’t even the half of it man. **** had me feeling like I was new in the gym. 10x10 heavy goblet squats almost made me yack too. Only allowed 30 seconds between sets and I got two leg days a week. :rofl: I need to switch it up anyways. I’m strong but this just shows me I’m out of shape even though I’m not fat.

Did shoulders today. Program he wrote called for hand stand holds so I had to learn those. :lol: longest I got was 22 seconds. My boy is straight evil but I’m gonna keep with it. He knows his stuff. It’s a lot of supersets so I’m only in there 80 minutes tops and just destroyed when I leave. I’m learning a lot of new lifts so the weight is low now but once my cardio is up It’s game on for real.

Getting a new program once a month as I progress. I’ll go back to big weight in the winter.
Yoo some of these "trainers" are some real jabronis. This dude was neither strong nor shredded and he's out here training folks. How you a personal trainer but you built like a sack of potatoes?? Foh you waste man

I'm a 'trainer' and agree 100% :lol: I put trainer in quotes because it's just a part time gig. I just tell people i work in a gym if they ever ask.

I'm in whatever shape. I see dudes in the gym all the time who are in way better shape and probably more knowledgeable.

Your body is definitely a selling point but i think being a good trainer is more about being personable and effective.

I am neither in all honesty but this is what i have observed :lol:
Is this "seconds per rep" the count of "concentric" and "eccentric" movements or just the "concentric", of you know what I mean. I hope my terms are correct.


You’re always going to be stronger eccentrically (the negative portion of a lift I.E. downward portion of a DB Press or upward portion of a high cable row or lowering portion of a squat) than you will be concentrically. Eccentrics are also where you’re going to get that nice stretch on the muscle. This is nice to know because even when you fatigue in an exercise concentrically in an exercise you can “cheat” the weight back up or assist using your free arm and then focus on controlling the eccentric. This helps you to train not just TO failure but THROUGH it. Major adavantage.

The most important thing in both the concentric and eccentric is control, but you want to maximize the contraction and “squeeze” during the concentric and the “stretch” during the eccentric. More squeeze = better contraction and better muscle fiber recruitment. More stretch = stronger stretch reflex response which ultimately leads to a more powerful, stronger contraction. All of this leads to increased hypertrophy.

Knowing this helps you realize why “accessories” like high cable row or cable crossover will do more for building size then a heavy compound movement like a bench press or bent over row will. Those compounds are important but if that’s all you do you’re leaving Size on the table.

BUT, to sum up and answer your question, I like to split time spent in both the concentric and eccentrically evenly but there are reasons why you might want to spend more time in one than the other.
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