STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

failed week 4.

only got 450 1x1 and that **** was harder than pulling my 1 rm of 470.

Then did 435 1x1 and that barely went up. Tried the speed set of 375 5x3 but only got 2x3.

finished with some hypertrophy style training...

I knew I wasnt feeling good when 365 warmup felt real heavy. IDK if my CNS is just fried (running another cycle back 2 back) or if it was just an off day.

Or maybe I should readjust my desired max from 30lb increase to only 15. idk...

thoughts? advice?
Where can I find something similar to this??? HELPPPP

What this?

Better than jetfuel?
Intensity > Counting Reps. Your body doesn't know the difference between 8 and 12 reps. All it knows is tension.

If your goal is to stimulate hypertrophy you want to maximally load the muscle for AT LEAST 45s. This is the minimally effective dosage (so to speak) when the desire is to stimulate muscle hypertrophy.

So you can do sets of 8 with 6 second reps (48s). Sets of 12 with 4 second reps (48 seconds). Sets of 10 with 5 second reps (50s). Adjust the weight accordingly (you're going to be using lighter weights here because of the increased time per rep so check your ego at the door and leave the heavier weights on the rack), focus on quality of reps over quantity, and take your time. Squeeze HARD on every contraction and don't cheat by half assing reps just to hit that magical 12th rep. If you come up short so be it as long as you put forth your best effort.

You can do all this with 2-3 sets for 5-6 exercises per session and be out of the gym and less than 40 minutes including warm ups. Diet is obviously king in dropping weight, but hard training and a precise diet will prove to be the difference makers in retaining muscle mass during a fat loss phase.

Of course this is just one way to train. Of course you have your drop sets, occlusion training, super sets, etc.
Thanks a lot, man.
Yeah I need to switch it up too. Still learning so idk what to do other than my regular routine

Ain’t nothing wrong with working with a trainer. I know how to lift but I don’t know everything so I paid my boy who knows a hell of a lot more than me and looks a hell of a lot better to write me a program. Most guys who compete also coach, even the pros.

Do you have any gym in your town that’s more oriented towards the people more serious about lifting?
Ain’t nothing wrong with working with a trainer. I know how to lift but I don’t know everything so I paid my boy who knows a hell of a lot more than me and looks a hell of a lot better to write me a program. Most guys who compete also coach, even the pros.

Do you have any gym in your town that’s more oriented towards the people more serious about lifting?

I mean I have the regular chains. I’m sure I can find something better. I go with a buddy so I dont pay. He gives me some pointers, but he’s there to do his thing so I try not to ask too much
Hit 225x3 today myself. Not a rep PR, but a lot better than my last go at 225 when 1 felt rough. I think it has a lot to do with my diet. I feel like I’ve been eating closer to maintenance last few days.
What this?

Better than jetfuel?

I thought I was the only one on GAT Jetfuel lol

About to start my cut probably like on Monday... and I'll be using it..... probably get drunk as hell tonight before the cut and of course Mexican food.
anybody rockin with the 4 hour body? i read cliff notes and its saying no fruit...wouldnt that be unhealthy?
I thought I was the only one on GAT Jetfuel lol

About to start my cut probably like on Monday... and I'll be using it..... probably get drunk as hell tonight before the cut and of course Mexican food.
I still have half of my tub...Lol

I like the original one better than superburn...It kills my appetite, but since I'm not in my old place anymore, I have a coffee maker so I havent used the pills since I just make coffee.

I think I start my cut in June from 195 to 190...Then I'm bulking to 200.
Have anyone tried a prohormones before? If so what brand and what do you feel it did to help in the gym? Just curious that's all
ed coan week 4. failed this last week cause i was feeling off. got it today. feels so freaking good.

450 1x2
375 5x3

RPE 10 for both weights. huge callus ripped on the last set of 375 so u know its real.

finished with pendlay, underhand lat pull down, and barbell shrugs.

I think i ****ed my lower back though.... gonna rest hard until week 5 and determine if I can still continue on this program.
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